8- Audacious new girl

1531 Words
Nolan's POV I stared at my shirt in shock. I was covered in broth and some other dishes that I wasn't sure of. My uniform was a mess. I raised my arm to perceive the odor. "It stinks," I muttered, scrunching my nose up in disgust. "Boss!" the two students beside me cried out. One quickly brought out a wipe and began to furiously wipe my shirt. But, the stain only got worse. I pushed him away angrily. The other students in the cafeteria were beginning to whisper while some were recording our interaction. I stood up and pushed the table away angrily. It made a clattering noise. Students screamed while some ran out. "Do you realize what you've just done?" I asked angrily, turning towards Genevieve. Immediately my gaze met with hers, my anger evaporated instantly. I felt calm and at ease. Was I seriously starting to lose my mind? If it were any other person that dared to make this mistake, she would have been kicked out of this school by me. But, Genevieve was different. I feel my anger dissipate anytime I'm close to her. I couldn't bring myself to yell at her or hit her like I would do to any other person. "You spilled broth on your shirt," she replied. "What?" I asked with a frown snapping out of my thoughts. "If you had just let me leave quietly if you had not kicked the table when you did then the broth would have never spilled on you. It's both our fault but it's more of yours than mine because you caused it," she responded. I stared at her in disbelief. The chattering got louder. "The insolence! How dare you speak to the boss in that manner? Your tongue should be pulled out for this behavior of yours," the student holding my backpack said. Jackson. That was what his name tag said. Genevieve scoffed. "Boss? Are you the leader of a juvenile gang or something? How immature and you both, don't you both have anything to do other than follow him around?" she inquired as she ridiculed my title. A student gasped. "She just called him a juvenile leader. She keeps making her punishment worse. Poor thing, she probably knows nothing about him." I burst into laughter. I clutched my stomach and laughed loudly. Everyone stared at me curiously and fearfully. "It's an evil laugh. I told you she was dead meat," the same voice whispered. "Juvenile gang? That's funny," I chuckled again. "But, shouldn't you be apologizing when you realize you've done something wrong? Weren't you taught any manners?" I asked as I unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off. I heard gasps, gasps of jealousy, envy, and want. I flexed my muscles on purpose hoping that would distract Genevieve from retorting smartly to my question. But, surprisingly, she didn't bat an eyelid. It was either she wasn't affected by me or she was really good at hiding her feelings which was a first for me. Girls were always the ones who went after me, not the other way round. All my feelings were a first anytime I was around her. "Although it wasn't completely my fault, I apologize for spilling broth all over your shirt. Happy now?" she asked. "I am even though it doesn't sound sincere. The next thing you should ask is how to compensate for this mess you've made. I'm sure you've realized now the stares we are getting. I'm usually not that lenient but I will change that today little kitten just for you," I said with a smile. She sighed. "Fine then. I will get this to a dry cleaner and bring it over," she replied, trying to grab the shirt. Jackson grabbed the shirt before she could. "What do you think you are doing? Our boss does not wear stained clothes that stink. He doesn't even repeat clothes more than once. How dare you want to take his shirt to a dry cleaner?" Jackson asked furiously. She rolled her eyes and brought out her wallet. "You are lucky because I'm in a good mood today. I usually don't spend money on irrelevant things. How much does your shirt cost? A few dollars?" she asked bringing out money from her wallet. I had to give it to her though, she was brave and fearless. She was trying to pay me a few dollars. Me? I scoffed internally. She didn't flinch or cower away, instead she was exchanging words with me. This act of hers was neither annoying nor insulting. I found it amusing that many people would really think I'd gone crazy if they heard me say it out loud. "You are giving our boss a few dollars? Do you know who he is? This shirt was specially hand-made by a specialist who only makes three shirts in a year. Our boss has two of them. Not anybody can get this shirt. It was specially treated because the boss has sensitive skin. It got flown in by a private jet and the cost is..." "Stop speaking. Do you want her to faint after hearing the cost? It's enough now," I ordered Jackson. He bowed and moved back. "I was only asking for the price of the shirt, not a history lesson. Since you don't want money...," she walked towards Jackson and snatched the shirt from his hands. "I will specially hand wash this and send this over. Sensitive boss," she mocked before walking away. I heard people gasping in disbelief. "She mocked and walked out on him. At this point, her life is really over. He must be planning on how to make her life miserable," someone said. "Yes, she's been cocky because she doesn't know him. By the way, did you notice his skin got a lot more tanned? His biceps have gotten a lot more huge. He seems to have been working out more," another fawned. "Boss, I know you are thinking of a way to deal with that insolent girl but you shouldn't let her walk away like that, she will get cockier," he said. "Shut up and pass me my phone," I ordered coldly as I took a seat at another nearby table. He passed it over with shaky hands and I snatched it from him. I dialed a number. "It's me, do you still have that shirt we bought on our last trip?" I inquired. "Yes, I do. It's in my locker," she replied. "Bring it over to the cafeteria," I said and hung up. I glanced coldly at everyone in the cafeteria. "If by any chance I hear a word or see any funny video about what happened here today, I don't need to spell out what will happen to all of you right?" I threatened. There was no need for any response, I'm sure they all understood what I meant but if they didn't then, it was my lucky day. I could practice my new swordsmanship skills with them. I suddenly heard heels clicking towards me and a familiar scent evaded my nostrils. "Here," Audrey said, tossing the bag at me which I caught. She pulled out a chair and sat with me. "Why are you half naked? You do know this is a school right?" she asked, eyeing my upper body. "Since when have you considered this a school?" I inquired wearing the shirt that she brought me. "I don't," she chuckled. "What happened to the shirt you were wearing?" she asked, picking out something from my hair. "Let's just say, I was having fun with a little kitten and the kitten had too much fun that she ran away with my shirt," I said with a smirk. Her face contorted into confusion. "How can a kitten run away with your shirt? You are beginning to say weird things again," she muttered. "Don't bother your pretty little head trying to figure out the meaning behind everything Audrey. You will only get a headache," I responded. "You are a handful and weird you know that? You should be grateful you have a friend like me. What would you do without me?" she asked, twirling her hair in her fingers. "If you are trying to make me buy that new limited edition bag, don't stress yourself out. I'm not buying it," I replied firmly. "Nolan," she whined. "Fine but I'm sure I will make you buy it someday." "Hey, I heard something weird," she said. "The entire school is weird. What's so surprising about hearing something weird?" I inquired. She showed me a picture on her phone. "It's weird because it says, you have been following this new girl around because you like her. Crazy right? You should debunk these rumors as soon as they start or..." "It's not a rumor. I have been following her around. I think she's interesting and I like her. I want her for myself," I cut her off with a wide smile. The image of her fiery eyes against the contrast of her cute face and pale smooth skin imprinted on my mind as I felt my wolf- Remus pur excitedly at the back of my head.
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