7: The drama never seemed to end

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Genevieve's POV I wasn't paying attention to the argument around me. What I was thinking deeply about was the fact that I was feeling attracted to both of them. My wrist where they both held me tingled repeatedly like little currents jolting through my arm. This wasn't a good thing and I knew it, both of them screamed trouble. "Miss Gonzales, I have an appointment and you are both wasting my time," Owen said with a scowl. "Leave then. Nobody was asking you to stay," Nolan retorted. "I was speaking to Miss Gonzales, not you. Learn how to butt out of other people's business," he responded. Nolan's grip on my wrist tightened. "You do not want to get into a fight with me today. Little kitten, get into the car while I'm still being nice," he said. I raised my brows. Was that a threat? And why was he calling me with a nickname when we barely know each other? "Boys, are you seriously arguing over this commoner? Let's get going. Some of us have important things to do and besides, the newbie can find her way home just fine right?" Audrey asked with a sickly sweet smile. "Let me go," I muttered "What?" Nolan asked. "Let me go, the both of you!" I said loudly this time around snatching my hands from their wrists. I sighed fixing my backpack, I looked at Owen. "You don't need to feel indebted to me. It wasn't your fault that I missed my ride so you can be on your way now," I said to him. He stared at me unfazed by my rejection. Nolan snickered. I turned towards him. "And you, my name isn't a little kitten. I don't think we are friends to exchange names or nicknames. You can ride away just like you came. I don't need you to drive me home," I said. His smile faltered. "My ride is here," I muttered as a cab pulled up behind Nolan's car. I walked towards it and settled in without sparing the trio another glance. Soon enough, I saw Owen driving frighteningly fast on his motorcycle in front of us. I leaned into the car seat and relaxed. Who knew my first day of school would be so eventful and tiring? Contrary to what I had expected. "I'm home," I called out as I opened the front door. The sweet aroma of something cooking suddenly hit my nostrils. I smiled, feeling my tense muscles immediately loosen. I removed my shoes, and slipped on a pair of pink flip-flops before walking to the kitchen. I immediately wrapped my arms around my mum from behind. She chuckled. "Hey Gen, how was school today?" she asked, stirring a pot of boiling soup before gingerly covering it with its lid. "It was normal. Normal high school drama," I replied. She turned towards me gently tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Drama? What drama?" she inquired. "Nothing serious," I said. I could not tell her anything about what happened today, especially about finding my potential mate. It could just be a misunderstanding, I was probably overthinking and I didn't want to tell her about something I wasn't even sure of. "Did you make any friends?" she asked. "Mum, I'm hungry. What are you making?" I asked moving away from her and avoiding her question. "Here, set the table and we can eat after you freshen up," she said. I nodded and quickly set the table as she instructed. I went into my room and had a cold shower. After changing my clothes, I walked back to the dining area. "This looks so good," I said, taking a seat. "Dig in," Mum responded. "How was your first day at work?" I asked pouring myself a glass of juice and hers as well. "It was nice. My colleagues were very welcoming and so was my boss too," she replied. I nodded, at least one of us had a normal day. I wanted to say but I bit back my tongue. "How about you Gen? Did you make any friends? What about your teachers? Were the students nice to you?" she asked worriedly. She tried to hide the worry in her tone but I could see the crease lines on her forehead. "You don't have to worry about me. I will be fine and I had such a boring day, I wouldn't want you to be bored either," I said with a light chuckle, cutting the chicken with my knife into small edible pieces. "Tell me. Nothing about you will ever be boring to me Gen. Tell me everything," she insisted. I sighed knowing she won't give up easily. "The teachers and students all welcomed me happily. I met with a few of my classmates and from what I could deduce they seemed very nice and lovely," I lied. She took a deep breath of relief. "I know how stressful that is but having students who welcome you is a very good thing," I nodded, forcing a small smile on my face. We talked about many more things before she walked into her study and I retired into my room. I brought out my assignments and did them all diligently. After that, I lay in my bed dreading how the following day was going to be. I had just spent a day but I was already so tired and fed up with everything that had to do with that school. I really hope tomorrow will be better than today. ****** I took a deep breath before slowly making my way into the school premises. Mum had rushed me to get ready as usual. I had intentionally slowed my pace. I wanted to get to school as late as possible so I could reduce the hours I had to spend in this dreadful place but Mum was not having it. She drove me to school at the exact same time she did the previous day. I dropped my backpack in my locker before heading into my first class. I realized I still got stared at but it wasn't as bad as the previous day. I paid attention in class and submitted my assignments. I realized only a few of us had done the assignment. The students in this school were probably just here for their parent's sake. They didn't seem interested in schooling which was a huge waste of resources. The school was fully equipped to the brim that not a single thing was left out. My eyes were with Owen's when I entered my second class. He seemed to have missed the first lesson. I could see he was sweating slightly because his hair stuck to his forehead. He glanced at me and our eyes met. Warm brown to mesmerizing green. I realized the seats close to him were empty. No one wanted to sit close to him. He looked away almost immediately. I didn't catch any sight of Nolan so I took my seat. Immediately classes were over, Owen walked out first before the teacher could even walk out. I headed to the cafeteria in order to eat something before another class started. The cafeteria was filled with students chattering and laughing excitedly. It was bustling with activities, unlike the previous day when I had just met the gossip girls. I picked out the food I wanted and took my seat on an empty table. I heard people immediately gasp and whisper as I sat down but I didn't pay much attention to it. I saw Jade walking towards me but she stopped abruptly. "The litten kitten is getting braver each day. Weren't you told this table is off-limits?" Nolan asked as he pulled out a chair in front of me. The chattering stopped immediately. "Why is it off limits?" I asked, dropping my cutleries annoyingly at the disturbance. "How dare you ask the boss questions? You should lower your gaze when speaking to him," a student standing behind Nolan warned. I narrowed my eyes. "Boss? Who is that?" I inquired. The student opened his mouth to reply but Nolan raised his hand and that silenced him. "Didn't you realize everyone stayed clear off this table? That's because it's mine and anyone who sits on it won't go scot-free," he said to me. "You own this table? It doesn't say so here. Your name isn't scribbled on it. Did you bring it from your home to claim that it's yours? As far as I know, it's school property and can be used by any student," I retorted, picking up my cutleries again. Everyone gasped again. The students behind him gawked in disbelief. "What punishment do I give you for this act of insolence?" he asked, c*****g his head to one side. The air made the little strands of hair on his face whip around. "Punishment my foot. Since you won't allow me to eat in peace, I would rather take my leave," I said standing up from my chair and picking up my tray. "We aren't done yet," Nolan said angrily, kicking the table. The impact shook my hands and the tray fell towards him. The entire content spills on his white uniform. He glanced at it in surprise. "She's dead meat. A raging beast will surely devour her now," someone whispered.
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