9: Trying to figure out the truth

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Audrey's POV I stared at the smiling Nolan in shock. Did he just say he liked that new girl? I must have misheard right? "W..what?" I stuttered. "Didn't you hear me? I said I want her. She's fierce and stubborn. Exactly my type. I'm going to have so much fun taming her. You know me, I love challenges," he replied. I chuckled in relief. So that was what he meant. "Of course. Do you want us to have fun with her together? It's been so long since I've seen this kind of situation," I pouted. I knew Nolan and his ways of making the girls he wanted to bend to his every whim. The girls he's been with only had two things in common. Firstly, they were stubborn and fierce. Secondly, they didn't last more than two months. He always dumps them after having fun by breaking them. This might sound cruel to normal people but to us, it was completely normal. Welcome to the lives of the rich and famous. Who always get whatever they want, however, they want, and whenever they want. What was I thinking? Nolan would be into the new girl? What a joke. He scoffed. "Why would you join me in my fun? Go and find yourself your own plaything. I don't like to share." "How cheap," I replied with a roll of my eyes. "Are you just realizing this?" he retorted. "Anyway, have fun but not too much fun. You don't want to send the wrong impression to people. The school blog is already under fire because of this rumor," I said. "Why do you still follow that blog? Rumors have been a part of our lives. It's nothing new and I don't care as long as no one crosses me," he responded. The bell suddenly rang. "Let's get going to class. Father has employed someone to spy on me again," he said. "Again? Have you found out who the person is yet?" I asked glancing around the cafeteria. "I haven't but I will, soon enough but till then, I need to behave like a good student. Let's go," he said standing up from his seat. I linked my arm with him as we strolled outside. I noticed the looks we got envy, fear but most of all jealousy. I smiled in satisfaction. That was how it was supposed to be. They would all be envious of me but they could never have what I have. "See you after class," I said to him as we stopped at the entrance of the classroom. We had different classes. He nodded and walked towards his while I entered mine. I walked towards my seat and of course, Nicole was seating right next to my seat. She flashed me a wide smile. "I see you've spoken to Nolan," she said as I took my seat. I returned the wide smile. Twice as fake. "I did, you can see that we are perfectly fine. There is nothing going on between him and that new girl. It's just a baseless rumor," I replied. "Really? That's not what the pictures conveyed though. It also says that Nolan has been nice to her. He even smiled at her, Owen too," she insisted. I clenched my fists tightly. Control Audrey, control. I mentally chanted. I can't lose my cool in front of so many people. I put on a smile. "You know how Nolan is. He's just been like that because he wants something from her. She's nothing but a new plaything to him and you know how he behaves with his flings. It's nothing serious. You would know better because you were one of them. Although, you only lasted for three days," I said my words as sharp as needles pricking her open wounds. The smile vanished from her face instantly. That should shut her up for a while. "What are you talking about? Nolan was a fling for me too. We were both just having fun. It was not that serious," she said hitting my arm playfully with a giggle. "I'm sure it wasn't. I was just kidding," I responded with a giggle. Nolan and Nicole had something between them. At first, I was so upset that I confronted Nolan about it. He assured me that it was nothing serious and true to his words, they ended things after three days. I'm sure Nicole was hurt by what Nolan did but she was trying to deny it. I played along too since that was what she wanted. I wondered if she thought Nolan would really date her. He was the type of person that gets bored easily. I've known him since we were kids. Once he got bored with something, he quickly moves on to the next and I'm sure the new girl's case won't be any different. Except for me, the only girl he has maintained a relationship with was me which was why girls were so envious of me but what could I do, I tend to have that effect on people. "Do you want to come over later? We could go shopping. My dad gave me a new card," Nicole said. I smiled and we started to discuss. We were always like this, we would bicker and fight each other then the next minute we were back to being friends and discussing like nothing happened. The teacher was teaching in class but we were giggling and scrolling through our phones without paying attention to her. She didn't dare say anything or complain either. She ignored us and continued teaching the other students. I opened the locker of my desk and it was filled with gifts and lots of notes. "Wow, you got love letters today again. You have so many secret admirers that I'm starting to get jealous," Nicole said with a chortle. I smiled and closed my locker again. I had to remind the cleaners to clean out everything. It was such a hassle. Having to meet numerous love confessions on my desk. Class ended and we all left the classroom. "See you later at my place," Nicole said with a slight wave. "I will," we gave each other cheek pecks again and she finally left. I was walking towards my next class when I realized I hadn't caught sight of Owen today. I decided to look for him instead of going to class. If there was anywhere to look for Owen after searching around and not finding him, it will be the art room. He was probably there alone painting again. I walked towards the art room and as expected he was sitting and painting. "Owen," I called out in a sing-song voice as I gently approached him but he didn't respond. I walked towards him and removed one of his headphones. "What are you listening to?" I asked curiously. "Shouldn't you be in class?" he asked coldly as his paintbrush continued moving swiftly over the canvas. He never stopped or turned around. "I should be asking you the same thing. Why are you here alone?" I inquired taking a seat beside him. "I'm in art class right now," he responded curtly. I glanced around the empty room. "Do you take arts alone? Why is there nobody here?" I asked. "They all ran away including the teacher. It's good though, I can have a moment of peace. After I leave, they can all come in," he said nonchalantly. I scoffed. "Those kids are indeed something. Why would they leave you alone?" "Because I like it this way. You should leave too and go to class," he replied. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to stick beside you like glue. What are you painting by the way? It looks like a combination of different colors," I said peering into his canvas. He continued stroking the canvas with his brush swiftly and elegantly. "You've asked me this countless times but you never understand when I explain it to you. I'm not wasting my breath today," he said. I chuckled, tucking some strand of hair that was close to his eyes away. "Don't touch me," he said coldly. I cleared my throat loudly and smiled, unfazed by his rejection. I was used to his cold nature. "Stop this and paint me instead. My face would be so much better on a canvas than these numerous colored lines you keep painting," I said. "Do you think I paint just about anything or anyone? Go away and stop distracting me," he replied putting back his headphones. I continued speaking to him but he just painted without responding. He ignored my presence completely. "What do you think of the new girl? What was her name again? Genevieve was it?" I asked him because the rumors weren't just about Nolan. They were about him as well. I saw how he insisted on driving her home the previous day. The cold and detached Owen I know would never do that. He stopped painting abruptly, the tip of his brush still laying on the canvas. His reaction meant that he had been hearing what I'd been talking about loud and clear. He chose not to respond but when it got to Genevieve, he reacted. Something was definitely amiss.
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