3. Selene POV

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I looked at my father, who had shifted his image into looking like a human. It was clear the resemblance between him, and I, as I had his black hair, blue eyes, however I was more slim on my fascial features like my mother, and yet as we heard my siblings our intense facial expressions were evident. Even more when we heard my brother Lenore. “I pray I inherited your good looks, Father. The ladies of all ages have desired you since we walked out of the room.” My brother's words made our father sigh in disappointment, his expression hardening as the ladies around us spoke lowly. Out of all things to look forward to as a higher power of species, this my bother desires? How excruciating. Yet father did not hold his tongue to my brother as his words stripped his hopes off his face. “What lies outside doesn’t reflect what is in my heart. They may desire me as much as they would like, but my heart belongs to only one goddess, your mother. Learn what is a true blessing in your life, and if not, I pray you look as hideous as a burned cherry pie.” I held my laugh at my father, glancing at my brother he scrunched at our father. Knowing what made my brother's desires unvalued had me feeling much peaceful. I agreed with my father as he spoke to him. What is wrong with those who value one’s body but not mind is a subject that I find no logic behind it. I wonder however, why so many expect an action after seeing an image they desire? It wasn’t till Father extended his hand for me to take kindly that he added. “As I teach the three beasts of this realm, I too shall indulge my wisdom, and strength to my sons after such a display of ignorance to your morals.” Father extended his free hand to make sure my arm was tucked, he held a small part of my dress as to not let my dress get caught to the ground. Once I could take some steps with him he gave a small pull that made me look up to him, he smiled kindly at me to the direct his attention to my brothers. “As a lady is to be treated as an equal, and with honor, you, protect her in a simple yet elegant manner, and unlike these beasts I had to educate you will learn.” My bothers looked confused till we over heard some of the ladies in the room. “Such a wise father, he could teach antiquity to my daughter, she is of good age…” “… Perhaps he could educate me in such manners, I seem to have a harder time finding the company of such a strapping man.” “I would exchange my own suitor, for such a considerate gentleman.” Hearing all of this father lets out a heavy sigh as he continues to educate my siblings. “Don’t concern your minds over others perspectives, any one of my sons tries to pull anything in ruining your first experience with your fated bride, is to respond to me directly.” He closed his eyes as he linked us all. ‘I will kill you before you can act on it, am I clear?’ My brothers all nodded as I giggled at his words, father had no . I knew my father meant his words, but seeing how scared my brothers became was worth the hold of laughter. I then took my steps along side my father’s arm, leaning on him to walk outside made me feel safe to be in such a respectful embrace. It brought a smile on my face, I wanted to be held this way by my fated mate. I felt safe in his grasp; he was making every woman in this place look back at him with desires that I was sure weren’t socially appropriate, or acceptable. The men in this place had hateful glares directed to him, yet I knew father only had eyes for my mother. As we left the place I knew he made many young ones glare at him for doing so. I felt very precious to be in my father's protective embrace. Then, I began to think about how my father treated my mother. Each day I saw father back in the moons realm, mother never had to lift a finger for father held everything for her. He read to her, held her hand, as he trained she sowed, and he was always fair with mother. Every day, on every morning, evening, and night father brought her lilies, with pink, and red roses. Fated of the moon please bless me with a man who would treasure me as much as father has done for my mother. Knowing a lady should not speak unless allowed by her father as an unwed lady, I cleared my throat. Taking steps, I spoke with my father. “Father, if I may?” He replied by taping his hand on mine. “Yes?” I bit my lip to say. “Is this how you are with Mother? Always attentive to her mind and heart more than her body? It is different hearing them than having the experience, and I truly am curious about these actions.” My father smiled brightly as he spoke. “For that exact question, you know the words from being educated, but now you get the actual treatment, and your brothers will learn the same way.” Father addressed to my siblings to firmly say. “The only difference is the amount of correction you will get from failing, as your mother is always right, your future wives are also right, am I clear?” Our father stated as we walked out of the room to have a charming man that was being pulled in from a wooden car to be ready for us. My godfather Enzo opened the door for me, to then have father enter, as everyone got in we left to our castle to stay till I had to meet my mates. The entire ride we had small chats, father was very proud over the way we were behaving till a mind link was received on our way. As he clutched his hands he placed his hand on the outside to hit the side of the car. The car stopped as he got off leaving us all confused until he spoke to our godfather. “I shall meet you all home, seems your sons have done it this time, Enzo I swear I will end them if they act one more time.” Godfather Enzo groaned in defeat, this was not at all flattering to hear from their end. As my father saw my expression he showed his own worry. “I shall return shortly but please know this is a normal behavior of these wolves, I hate to defend such animals for mates but I still have faith their behavior will change.” I tried to show my father I believed him, yet it did not work as he added after seeing my expression. “Your mother had a hard time believing me as well, but I did change, for I loved her more than the war we had raised on the account of her now first husband.” My confusion was mutual with that of my brothers as they all at one’s started to ask questions as they moved towards where father was. Mother had been married before she was with father? It was no secrete mother knew of my misfortune. I believed it was because of her being in a mutual agreement not a first marriage is what my brother is stating. Now I was annoyed at the entire conversations surrounding our Mother being a completely different person. Teenagers. For my age I like to believe I am much wiser, I have a mind that is stronger then others, and I want to be accepted for that by my loved ones. Hearing them all engulfed in theories, and hypothesis I decided to end this by asking my Godfather. “Godfather if I may ask?” He was seated by my side with Leroy in the middle of us. As he turned his face to me he replied me kindly. “Yes my lady?” I smiled at his words to ask him. “Care to clarify my doubts on learning the truth of our Mothers past?” I knew the answer, but I also wanted my siblings to end their bickering, and my godfather did just that. “Of course I can, but this is more a conversation she should have with all of you once more, I can however warn you all of her first husband.” His words intrigued my brothers, and I as we leaned a bit to hear his story of the man who had married our Mother.
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