2. Selene POV

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Father looked at me with concern written in his expression. “Your heart cannot be forced to love what it pains to live with. I may be away countless times, but all of this was for your benefit, and I made sure to embed in your heart what love is, Selene.” He held tightly to my mother with care, he held mother to move her to an arm chair on the hall, as she sat on the chair my father continued. “I would die for your mother alone, and she would for me, as your time comes it comes to show you what matters, but both, your mother, and I worked with each other to make all of this work.” He demonstrated with his free hand the castle they had built after I had been recently born. “As heavy as it feels, all of this falls on you now; do not disappoint yourself is all we ask.” My heart felt torn by my father's words; he wanted to have me happy, but he also knew I could ruin it. None of this made me feel alright, but I knew I had a task, a bet, and the only one that is the most important. Only bright side was that this is also something I had a bet to win with my godfather by making my marriage work, and he had it with his mates and my parents the same. Walking with my parents and siblings to the open lagoon, we reached it before Mother started her contractions. My aunts had stepped with her to help deliver Stella. Looking at my parents, I saw how my father embraced her. The love they held was something I wanted as well. After my parents said their farewell, my father declared something to my mother that I had overheard. “Once you have healed, you will return to me. Stella needs to stay here for the time as Emmy suggested. Please know I love you, and I intend never to have you forget this again, my love,” mom blinked fast. We all knew she had no idea what Father had in store. Father intended to have mother enjoy herself with his company, he intended to have the triplets enjoy motherhood with little Stella as she would learn how to hold the stars in her hands like the galaxy. I placed my lips in a line to not show what I learned, father had told me in a time of training. When Father woke in the lagoon with us, it lighted up as the same as when the sun hits the moon to give it light. Walking in the water I had blink and we were inside a room made of glass and gold with silver, and it was a splendid room. I had never come to the mortal world. Looking with curiosity about this change, I glanced at my siblings to see they were as well as I in amazement. “There is my little rascal!” We all heard Uncle Enzo shout, the second my eyes spotted him I ran to him, and he embraced me in a hug. “Godfather!” I called as he Bear hugged me, up then placed me back down. My brothers ran to him to say their hello as well. As they did this, I walked a bit behind, and wandered around this place when I was met with a small group of people outside of this room. Seeing them I remember I needed to change into my human. I cannot remain in my state. Walking back, I morph my gray hair into black with blonde shades, my eyes turn from the black with white galaxy into bright blue, and my porcelain skin takes a slight tan shade. My body felt different in this change, weaker, but I knew it was requested. My family hid me from the others by staying in the moon, but we needed to make a good impression on the humans now that I was finally here. I had my most recent dress from my father, and just like my mother we shared similar traits. I love the color pink, and I was wearing a light pink dress with a pink vest and my black boots. As I was not to show my title, I had no jewelry, which was a flattering embrace to my free spirit, seeing my father and siblings doing the same as me in shifting into their human self the came to be by my side. I didn’t see any harm in turning to look around at those who were in what seemed like a waiting room. Turning, I was met with a young blonde man with what looked to be known as glasses that held his bright blue eyes. He was not well dressed, but his slim, toned body was easy on the eyes. So much so that my heart started to run at the sight of this man when uncle Enzo intervened in our encounter. “My lady, pay no mind to a farmer son, come with me,” he tried to decide what I should do as mother did warn me earlier when the man spoke in a sweet stuttering manner. “Ex-ex-excuse m-me my lady I-I am Endy-dy-mion p-please to have met you, I-I hope to m-meet again.” I was surprised he responded this way, yet my father spoke for me, his words clarifying my doubts, “has she asked to learn of you?” Tension was set in the room, seeing everyone stop to glance our direction, I then take my father’s arm, leaning on him to walk outside. Endymion looked towards my father as frightened as he should be. Father never displays kindness unless it is mother, and us his heirs, the fruits of his love with our mother alone. Waving Endymions hands he tried to speak. “N-no, n-n-no si-sir she, she is just m-much be-beautiful tha-than that of w-what I have he-heard from the th-three prince t-that I was t-taken a-a-away from he-her b-b-beauty, I-I did, di not m-mean her a-any har-harm, I-I will ta-take my leave p-please fo-forgive me.” His stutter become worse with the fear my father gave him, and I felt horrible to have him be in such a difficult circumstance. However, I still turned around, even if Endymion did as well I did not think more on the subject but simply left. Perhaps leaving would help him not get in more trouble. After all, he honestly was not trying to be a burden, but Father knew more than I did. As I looked ahead, there were men in armor surrounding this building. I felt safe in father’s grasp; he was making every woman in this place look back at him, and he made many men glare at him for doing so. I felt very precious to be in my father's protective embrace. Then, I began to think about how my father treated my mother when they were children, father truly adored mother even then. Taking steps ahead with my father, I spoke with determination. “Father, if I may?” He replied by taping his hand on mine, “Yes?” I bit my lip to say, “Is this how you are with Mother? Always attentive to her mind and heart more than her body? It is different hearing them than having the experience, and I truly am curious about these actions.” My father smiled brightly as he spoke. “For that exact question, you know the words from being educated, but now you get the actual treatment, and your brothers will learn the same way; the only difference is the amount of correction you will get from failing, as your mother is always right, your future wives are also right, it is the saying I speak to your mates.” Our father stated as we walked out of the chapel to our lovely home, and out of this estate there was a wooden car pulling up. Uncle Enzo opened the door for me, and we left for our castle to stay until I met my mate. I wondered if this was what my aunts had educated me in learning to be a chapel. Walking near one of these men, I knew they were guards. For the humans, they serve to maintain order in the human's territory, but these warriors were a mixture based on their armor color; it was exciting, yet I couldn’t concentrate that quickly as Landon placed his hand on my shoulder to talk to me. “Just arrived to have a lover? You work fast, sister! But remember, we are placed to ensure you are not around that Endymion fellow. He may be playing the Im sad guy with a speech and eyesight difficulty, so don’t play mind into him, okay?” My brother tugged me in for a side hug when I heard our father. “Walk. We are to meet Lupe and Isabella soon. They should be outside. Our guards hold the design of a moon in their black armor.”
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