• C h a p t e r F i f t e e n •

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"I'm Amelia. And you are?" "Alex." The man spoke with a smile that could make girls swoon. He was definitely quite handsome with messy black hair and green eyes. He was probably a college student. Too young... Too handsome. With a sigh, she was thrown back to her days at college. She never had the time to hangout or make friends, much less a boyfriend. She could vividly remember those winter nights walking to her dorm from the local library. She would finish her assignments there until it was time to leave. Cold and all alone. Yet she persisted, thinking of all things that would make life easier and much happier. She didn't account for the unfortunate death, of course. "I suppose this little guy here is Lucas." He spoke, snapping Amelia back to reality. He was messing with Lucas's hair, who pouted back at him. "And this little lady?" He spoke, kneeling beside the bench to get into Ria's line of sight. "She's Ria. They are twins, if you wondered," Amelia added. Ria widened her eyes at Alex and Alex mimicked her comically, making Amelia chuckle at their interactions. "Well! It was nice meeting you Ria." He spoke, taking her small hand and shook it twice before leaving it- "Yahh" She yelled at him, turning away towards her mother, who laughed at that. "Seems like you won't have to worry about boys in the future," Alex scoffed lightly before smiling. "Ain't you a little heart breaker?" She cooed and poked Ria's stomach softly, making her giggle and drool all over her shirt, which Amelia wiped with her handkerchief. They were interrupted by a phone call. "Sorry, I just-" "That's fine!" Amelia nodded as Alex pointed to his phone. Alex walked to the side before picking up the call. Amelia pursued her lips at the sight of Ria pulling on her dress. Does she feel itchy? Maybe I shouldn't postpone buying new clothes anymore. Lucas almost outgrew his pants this morning. She thought before glancing back at Alex. He was silent for a few seconds. Amelia didn't mean to eavesdrop. Well, technically, I'm not eavesdropping. He's standing right there! "Yes, grandpa. I'll be there soon." He drawled, rolling his eyes and hanging up. He sighed, going through his messages before turning to her, catching her eye. "Well, that's my cue!" Alex announced, raising his hands in surrender, while Amelia chuckled. "It was really nice meeting you." She gave him a small smile. "Oh no, the pleasure is all mine!" Alex mocked a bow and gave Lucas a hi-fi before taking his leave. Well, this was such an eventful day. I met a few nice strangers. Amelia thought, smiling to herself. She almost felt youthful again. Almost. Now, system clone, what's on the menu next? A screen popped up in front of her as usual. Today's daily quests Meet with the Marine community president (✅) - 25 EPs Meet with the Crown Plaza manager (Postponed) - 25 EPs Buy clothes for the kids. Buy at least two sets of clothes for each. (Time limit - One day left) - 20 EPs Read 5 chapters of 'how to raise a kid' - 15 EPs Play with Ria and Lucas for 2 hours (Time left: 120 minutes) - 10 EPs Look for transportation to Vaco (No time limit) - 5 EPs Total points - 83 EPs Seems like they added the feature for checking points. I wonder when the system will be back. Amelia studied the screen for a minute before announcing- Shopping, it is! ~.~ Walking into the shopping mall with two kids wasn't the wisest decision she made, but what other choice did she have? Amelia pulled at the shopping cart with Ria and Lucas sitting inside. Oomph! They were heavy together. Well, Blame her. She decided it would be unsafe for Lucas toddling around the mall. "Mom! Mom! Go! Mom!" Even though she had just stopped pushing the cart, Lucas kept begging for her to do so again. Her arms were getting tired. See how much quieter Ria is than this little energy ball? She groaned and focused on a pair of plain nightwear intended for 1-year-olds. Some skin-colored onesies caught her eye along with a few soft pairs of everyday clothes. As there wasn't much money in her bank at that moment, she decided to look for an affordable yet comfortable line of clothes. She looked around in the kids section for a bit when she spotted a young girl mannequin with a stunning peach tulla. It was made of an unusual sort of shimmering cloth with several frills on the bottom and a simple top. It appeared as though it was made of clouds. Amelia's heart instantly dropped. The design was so simple. She imagined many alterations that would make it even better. The dress would look so much better with a bow on the side. It would look so good on her Ria. She sighed sadly as she turned on her previous line of clothes. She hastily chose two onesies and two pairs of daily clothes out of the pile of clothes she separated for Ria and moved towards the boy with an excited Lucas and a drowsy Ria nibbling her thumb. Hey, system clone? She called out in her head. Yes, host. What can I do for you? Do kids always sleep as much as Ria does? Yes host. The majority of children aged 1-2 sleep up to 11–14 hours per day and take two–three naps each day. The system spoke while Amelia nodded her head in understanding as she measured the shirt on Lucas. He's gonna grow up to be a handsome young man. She smiled and put the shirt aside. Amelia laughed, as Lucas scooted back and forth in the trolley, trying to push it himself. Her firm grip on the handle prevented the trolley from moving. In an effort to coordinate Lucas' colors with Ria's, she chose two onesie sets for him as well. For his inner shirts and trousers, she made the decision to use a softer material. Then some shirts were added to go on top. She decided to buy a pair of shoes for both the kids in case either of them wanted to play. They already had two to three pairs, so she would just buy one today. Satisfied with her shopping, Amelia happily pushed the trolley to the billing counter. Having to wait in the line, she let her mind wander. The two kids in her trolley seem ready to be billed along with the items. Amelia chuckled at the thought. When it was her turn, she placed the clothes on the counter and pulled out her card. Buy clothes for the kids. Buy at least two sets of clothes for each. (Time limit -One day) (✅) - 20 EPs Total points - 103 EPs At least she got some points! Wiping away some invisible tears when the money got cut, Amelia dragged the cart to the mall's cart station. She first pulled the bag out and placed it beside her, then proceeded to help Lucas, who protested a lot. In the end, with a lot of forcing and coaxing, she got him down and then took Ria into her arms. Huff! Now all I want is to go to that damn hotel and sleep like a log. Looking at the floor-length glass beside her, she frowned. She had a stunning dress on this morning, but it was concealed by Ria and the bag, and it looked a little stretched from Lucas hanging on it. She sighed deeply. I'm having a makeover after all of this. ~.~ "I would like to extend my booking." Amelia asked the receptionist, who smiled at her politely. "May I know your name and hotel number mam?" She spoke as she prepared to type something on her laptop. "Amelia Martin. Room 107." Amelia informed her and looked down to check on Lucas, who was curiously watching the rocks separated by glass below him. "Just a second mam." The receptionist said as she searched for her name. "Ms. Martin, we are sorry to inform you that a family previously reserved the room you are currently occupying. Do you mind if we check out another room for you?" She spoke while Amelia nodded- "Of course, please. I would like to stay for two more days." Amelia said as she put her hand on Lucas, stopping him from hopping on the glass. He tried to wiggle out of her grip but stopped seeing her stern expression. "Naturally, we'll set that up right immediately. When we are finished setting up, a member of our staff will come to your room and let you know." Amelia nodded her head with a smile before turning to Lucas. "It's time to go, Lucas." Amelia spoke, grabbing her bag into the hand that was carrying Ria and held out the empty, on to Lucas, who obediently held it. "You can play all you want in the hotel room," Amelia spoke, while Lucas still pouted. He clearly understood the word play. He remembered Vio always said 'play' and he was so happy to jump and play with blocks. So 'play' was good. He walked with his mom wherever she went until he could see his toys. He ran to them, teetering on his toes. "Play! Play!" He screamed, laughing as he picked up the blocks and started smashing two pieces together. Amelia smiled and left him to his toys. She made Ria sit on the small sofa and arranged a few pillows around her. Finishing, she took the bag of goods and headed to the bedroom to organize it in her small bag. Now that I have 103 points, should I visit the system shop? She thought as she separated one pair each for the night. System clone, Could you open the system shop? She asked as she walked to the bathroom to remove her makeup. Yes, host. Just a minute. It responded and a screen popped up in front of her. Her points were on the top right corner along with a trolly icon and the items in the shop were displayed similar to an online retail shop with a picture, name and rating. She scrolled mindlessly as she applied moisturizer to her skin. Her actions abruptly stopped as she gazed at the list surprised. How is this here?
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