• C h a p t e r S i x t e e n •

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Her design draft! There was No way! Amelia stared at the design draft on the screen, her emotions swirling like a tempest. The icon before her was her own creation, something she had poured her heart and soul into. Yet, she couldn't fathom how it ended up here. There's no way... she whispered, dumbfounded. The calm and composed voice of the system interjected, reminding her, It is possible, host. As I mentioned earlier, we have a vast collection of items, including every design that has ever existed. These are exclusively stored for your convenience. Amelia's bewilderment gave way to a spark of anger. Wait, if that's the case, have other people purchased my designs? she asked, a sense of protectiveness welling up within her. The system clone reassured her, No, host, your designs are exclusive to you. They are reserved here solely because we anticipate that you might find them useful in the future. Despite the relief of knowing her designs were safe from being bought by others, Amelia couldn't help but wonder about the price. How much does it cost? she inquired, a wry smile forming on her lips as she realized the irony of buying her own creations. It's currently 70 points for 2 designs. As a special discount for your first purchase of items from the store, the system responded matter-of-factly. Amelia's eyes widened in disbelief. 70 points!? Isn't that a bit steep for my own work? she exclaimed, feeling a bit insulted by the price. The system clone explained, The points have been reduced significantly from their original value as part of the system's support for you. However, if you wish, you can pay the original sum of 162 points. Amelia paused, contemplating her decision. She knew the designs were valuable, but she couldn't help feeling a bit stubborn about paying for her own creations. After a brief internal struggle, she sighed and nodded her head. Fine, just give it to me, she said, turning her face to the side dramatically, as if she was making a grand sacrifice. The system clone completed the transaction, and Amelia couldn't shake off the feeling that it would have rolled its eyes at her if it could. Amelia narrowed her eyes for a moment before brushing it off. She was prompted to look at the catalog in front of her. They were all the designs in her book. She had to select two from them. She felt it was an extremely difficult task for her. After all, she was the one who made them. She wanted them ALL! Sighing to herself, Amelia settled on a vintage full-sleeved shirt paired with a sleek pants design. She knew she had a winning combination here, a design that could undoubtedly sell well in the market. The outfit exuded class and sophistication, appealing to those with discerning taste. Continuing her selections, she opted for a stylish romper that perfectly complemented casual wear. The design struck a balance between comfort and chic, making it an ideal choice for those looking to effortlessly elevate their everyday style. As Amelia admired her choices, she felt a sense of satisfaction. These designs were a testament to her creativity and talent as a fashion designer, and she couldn't wait to showcase them to this world too. As she received her newly acquired designs, Amelia couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, she was thrilled to have these exclusive creations in her possession again. On the other hand, she couldn't shake off the irony of paying for her own work. Amelia's mind wandered as she scrolled through the list of items, her remaining 33 points burning a hole in her virtual pocket. The store seemed to offer everything imaginable, from odds and ends to even a car! She chuckled at the absurdity of the car possibly arriving like the books, dropping from the sky and landing on her head. The thought was amusing, but she quickly refocused on her search for something useful within her budget. Suddenly, a loud cry shattered her reverie. It was Ria sitting amidst a sea of scattered pillows. Amelia rushed over, forgetting the moisturizer blotches still on her face. The sight of her mother with a cream-smeared face only seemed to make Ria cry even harder. "Wahhhh!" Ria wailed, her tiny face turning red with each sob. "For God's sake, please," Amelia huffed in frustration as she quickly wiped off the remaining cream and rushed to wash her hands, mindful of maintaining hygiene. In her momentary absence, Ria seemed to have taken the opportunity to make an even bigger mess and cry even louder. Amelia returned to her daughter, exasperation mixed with concern. "Baby, why are you crying?" she asked, lifting Ria into her arms and checking her pants for any signs of discomfort. But it wasn't a soiled diaper causing the distress. Amelia gently rocked her back and forth, attempting to soothe her, but Ria seemed inconsolable, not even stopping to catch a breath. In a moment of realization, Amelia noticed a small red mark on Ria's arm. She gently inspected it and found a tiny scratch with a minuscule amount of blood. "Baby! Did you scratch yourself?" she asked, pouting sadly at the little girl. Amelia cradled her daughter close, offering comfort and reassurance. "It's okay, Ri. Mommy will make it better. I'll trim your nails today, so you won't experience anything like this again," she spoke in a soothing tone, planting a soft kiss on the red mark. Ria's tears began to subside as Amelia held her tenderly. She never knew a kid's skin was this sensitive, and she had to be extra careful with her nails from now on. System, buy me baby nail clippers. Okay host. It responded and within seconds she found it on the table in front of the sofa. After calming Ria, Amelia carried her to the sofa and carefully trimmed her tiny nails with it. She whispered sweet nothings to her as she did, and soon, Ria's earlier distress was replaced with contentment. The room filled with the soft sound of Amelia's voice, and the gentle hum of a nearby fan completed the tranquil atmosphere. Once the task was done, Amelia rocked Ria back and forth, feeling the weight of her daughter's head resting on her shoulder. Ria's tiny hand clutched the fabric of Amelia's blouse, finding comfort in her mother's presence. Amelia felt something unfamiliar stir within her. It was a feeling she couldn't easily explain. The baby in her arms was warm. This was the first time she felt this kind of warmth in her entire life. Shaking her head, Amelia tried to free herself from the grip of her past life's haunting thoughts. The doubts that had plagued her resurfaced again, and she found herself questioning the possibility of living a good life. Can I really provide them with a good life? she asked herself, her inner voice grappling with uncertainty. Yet, as she sought an answer, it seemed to play a game of hide and seek, eluding her grasp. Amelia's heart was torn, her mind clouded by the weight of her past experiences. She yearned to create a life filled with happiness, and perhaps love for her little family, but the shadows of doubt made her question her abilities. Despite the uncertainty, she knew one thing for sure: she would never give up. Amelia was determined to break free from the shackles of her past and forge a new path—a path that led to a better life for her and her little ones. ~.~ How long does it take to go to Vaco? Amelia asked, hastily packing some unnecessary details into a bag. Between 3-4 hours on the train, host, the system promptly replied, while Lucas, ran towards her, hugging her knees tightly, causing her to wobble slightly before she held her balance. Amelia's concern for the two kids quickly surfaced. Well, a train might not be the best option, especially with Lucas running around. It could be unsafe, she sighed, contemplating other alternatives. I think booking a car through a ride-hailing app might be a better choice. Now, it would be a lot easier. She sighed in relief as she downloaded the app and patted Lucas's hair affectionately with her other hand. She booked a cab for the next day at 10 am, pleased with the convenience and safety it offered. As soon as she completed the booking, a notification from the system popped up. Look for transportation to Vaco (No time limit) (✅) - 5 EPs Total points - 38 Amelia's eyes widened in delight. She had completely forgotten about the quest, and now she realized that she had accomplished it without even intending to. She smiled happily, feeling a sense of accomplishment as her points increased to 38. Amelia couldn't contain her joy as she bent down to give Lucas a tender kiss on his cheek. He giggled happily, his hands covering his cheeks in a bashful display, and Amelia smiled at his antics. With everything else taken care of, the only task left was to meet the manager at Crown Plaza. Amelia cracked her neck, mentally preparing herself to play blocks along with Lucas. Amelia couldn't help but be amazed at how children could come up with so many different shapes. Even as a seasoned fashion designer, she found herself unable to conceive those absurdly creative designs. I guess they are innately creative. She chuckled at the thought. Well, time to play!
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