• C h a p t e r F o u r t e e n •

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Amelia leaned back, hugging Ria to herself and pulling Lucas up to sit as he licked the chocolate. As it was bigger than his palm, she wasn't worried about him chocking on it or swallowing it accidently by biting it, since he didn't have teeth yet. She will let him eat for some time before taking it away. "It wouldn't be right to say I know your grandfather." Mr. Ronald spoke, raising his brow as Amelia winced at the word grandfather. "I know him through a friend of mine. You must know Mr. James Wilson." He spoke while Amelia nodded as the system clone stuffed information into her head. If William Brown was at the top of the food chain, then James Wilson was over the top. And with Amelia's grandfather, Robert Martin, they were like two of the strongest fortresses in the world protecting the same land. Definitely smelled old money. Mr. Ronald then proceeded to talk about the time he met with Amelia's grandfather. He was only 24, he emphasized as he went on talking about the experience of working with the most sought after businessman. "That's how we got acquainted. Mr. James and I actually put together a few deals but most of them were with his son. That kid is packed with ideas and business sense." He spoke with a grin as if reminiscing about something on the line of it's good to be young. Amelia smiled at him inwardly bored. "I don't mean to be impolite, but why have you decided to stay as the community president of Marine?" Amelia said. Clearly, the man was more than a community president! "Well, to be honest, I am just a shell. The actual community president is my wife. She has the tendency to get busy with organizing things, you see. And this was our first home." He spoke with a fond smile on his face while Amelia nodded, not very surprised. Well, Love never gets old. It was nice to see people in love. Especially since that part was missing in her own life. She was too busy... Well, that was her excuse in her previous life. Now it seems being a single mother would be her excuse. "And... Have you met my grandfather?" She spoke, biting her lip nervously. "Yes. The most recent meeting with him was actually two days ago. He is here on a vacation with Mr. James." He spoke with mirth in his eyes. At least her grandfather had good company to be with. She supposed this would make the original owner less worried about wherever she was. "Is- Is he well?" She asked in a softer tone, lowering her eyes as she busied herself with cleaning Lucas mouth, who decided he was done with the treat. It wasn't what she needed to know. It was for the original Amelia. Amelia extended her palm in front of Lucas for support as he wiggled his butt to get off the sofa and dusted his clothing. Before she could continue, he took off. She ended up keeping a tight eye on him. "He appears a bit healthier than the last time I saw him. It may be out of my place but, Miss Amelia, I hope you could pay him a visit. He would be really happy to know about his two grandchildren." He spoke while Amelia nodded, shifting her eyes to Mr. Ronald for a second before shifting back to Lucas. The only older relative she still has. She should at least visit him once. Let him hear her apologies and then let him decide what he would do. She would hold her end of the deal. Then go on with her life. Of course, it would be good to have support in this unknown world. Someone to call 'her family' other than these two chipmunks. But it would only be if he was truly good to her. "Miss. Amelia?" Mr. Ronald called out, while Amelia snapped her head at him, breaking free of her own thoughts. "Sorry Mr. Ronald. I was just-" "It's okay Miss. Amelia. But I do hope you consider it." He spoke, standing up while Amelia nodded with a smile. She would think about it. But she doesn't know if she's ready to face it. Ready to face an entire stranger in a familiar way. "Thank you so much for taking your time to talk to me, Mr. Ronald. I'm grateful for the information." Amelia said, lifting Ria back into her arms as Mr. Ronald nodded to her, bidding farewell. They could go home now. She would extend her stay in the hotel for two more days. She would decide whether she would meet 'her' grandfather in these two days or meet him after she gets settled in Vaco. Her eyes shifted back to the place where Lucas was playing, only to find him missing. A sense of dread crept in as a series of unfortunate incidents played out in her mind. She froze. Not the best time to do... "Lucas!" She called out as she walked towards the place he was playing briskly while holding Ria tight. The sound of a child's laughter interrupted her dread. Amelia abruptly turned towards the source to see Lucas laughing in the arms of a man just few meters away in the garden. "Hey bud! Watch out, okay?" He spoke while patting Lucas, who laughed happily, on his head. Amelia walked towards them, a worried look cast upon her face. She gave little thought to how her heels sank through the muck, only watching out for Ria to prevent a fall. "Excuse me! Thank you for holding him. He's my son." She spoke to the tall man in front of her. She felt a sudden sense of anger at her carelessness. She shouldn't have left him alone to play. He was just a year and a few months old. If something had happened to him- she couldn't even imagine it. "Lucas! I told you not to run around." She spoke slowly but firmly, but the boy was only so little. He couldn't understand her fully but he did understood that his mom was angry. He wailed loudly, causing her to panic. She didn't mean to make him cry. Seeing him, Ria started to cry as well. "Shuu baby calm down. Everything is okay." She spoke, hurriedly rocked Ria in her arms trying to calm her down. She couldn't even take him into her arms with Ria. "Hey kiddo! Don't cry", The man spoke, rocking him back and forth in his arms, imitating Amelia, which seemed to work as Lucas eventually quieted down to faint whimpers. She gave a weak smile in gratitude. "Thank you so much. Can you please pass him back to me?" Amelia spoke feeling low. It was the first time she had been angry with Lucas. She felt bad since it was her fault. If she hadn't been careless, they wouldn't be in this situation. Host, you need to stop blaming yourself. The system clone spoke while Amelia sighed sadly. "Yes, of course. But do you need help? Your arms seem full." The man spoke while she gave him a small nod. "Then, can you come with me to the benches?" She spoke while the man nodded. "After you." He spoke while Amelia thanked him again. She sat on the nearest bench with a doe-eyed Ria beside her, who calmed down and was looking around. She put her bag as a support on the other side. The man patted Lucas's head once more before passing him to Amelia. Lucas tightly wrapped his mother as she kissed his forehead, muttering apologies. "I'm so sorry for startling you baby. I hope you understand I only did that because I was worried about you." She spoke softly as she rubbed Lucas's back, who looked at her with the same doe eyes as hers. She knew he couldn't understand all that, but she still felt like she needed to talk to him. "Mom's sorry." She spoke, wiping the wet stains on his cheeks and kissed them both, to which Lucas giggled lightly, making Amelia smile. She hugged him tight, letting him rest his head on her shoulder. She side-hugged Ria with her free hand. She will be a bit more careful next time. "Thank you." She spoke to the man awkwardly standing in front of her with a chuckle. The man smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "That's your fifth thank you. Well, it wasn't much anyway." He waved off laughing while Amelia smiled at his attempt to joke. "I'm Amelia. And you are?"
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