• C h a p t e r T w e n t y •

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"About that-" Amelia's voice trailed off briefly, her breath catching as she steeled herself for what she was about to say. Here goes nothing... "Igotdivorced," the words spilled from Amelia's lips, her heart pounding as she finally addressed the elephant in the room. Robert's attentive gaze fixed upon her, a look of confusion clouding his features as he struggled to grasp the meaning of her words. "I didn't catch that," Robert leaned in slightly, his expression indicating his determination to understand. Amelia offered him a tight-lipped smile, acknowledging his effort while bracing for his reaction. "I got divorced," she reiterated, the words sounding both final and heavy in the silence that followed. Robert's reaction was a mixture of dumbfounded surprise and a hint of disbelief, his leaning forward inadvertently adding an element of unexpected humor to the situation. Despite the gravity of the topic, a wry thought crossed Amelia's mind that she would have laughed if circumstances were different. But now, all she could do was wait for his response, bracing herself for whatever came next. "Yo- you got what?" Robert's eyes widened once again, his disbelief palpable. "Divorced?" Amelia chimed in lightly, attempting to inject a touch of humor into the weighty conversation. Robert's skeptical gaze met hers, unamused by her attempt to downplay the situation. "You ran away from home for that kid, and now you're telling me that after just five years, you got divorced?" Robert's summary hung in the air, his words cutting through the atmosphere with a mix of incredulity and horror. As Amelia stared down at her shoes, she found the intricate design suddenly fascinating, a physical escape from the intensity of the conversation. "You're not dodging the ball by looking at your heels," Robert's tone held a stern edge, and Amelia's lips pressed into a thin line. It was clear that he saw through her attempt to divert her attention elsewhere—a habit she seemed to have carried over from her past self, a way to avoid confronting uncomfortable situations. "Grandfather, he turned out just as you said," Amelia offered the acknowledgment he seemed to be seeking. However, Robert's determination wasn't easily swayed. "And?" He prompted, his eyes narrowing in a clear expectation of a complete explanation. Amelia sighed. "And Liam wanted to divorce me because his elder brother thought he had indulged enough and now it was time for him to take a position in the company," she explained, her voice tinged with a hint of bitterness. However, this bitterness wasn't rooted in the sadness of divorce but rather in the regret of not exploiting them further. After all, Amelia wasn't the original owner. She held no feelings for that despicable man or the puppet he manipulated. Robert's reaction was a derisive scoff, a mixture of disbelief and perhaps even anger at the apparent shallowness of the reasoning. "I always knew that boy was trouble," Robert finally muttered, his voice a grumble as he leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. Amelia couldn't help but let out a wry chuckle. "It seems you were right, Grandfather." Robert's gaze softened as he looked at her, a mixture of understanding and empathy in his eyes. "Sometimes, Amelia, life takes us down unexpected paths. But what matters is how we navigate those paths and the strength we find within ourselves." Amelia found herself struggling to suppress a genuine smile as she feigned a sense of sadness, her hand gently rubbing her eyes. It was a delicate balancing act, playing the role she needed to for the sake of the original owner's memories. "I'm sorry, Grandfather," her voice quivered with a touch of remorse, her words carefully chosen. "I regret my impulsive decision to run away with him. I should have heeded your advice and thought things through more thoroughly." Robert's expression softened, a somber nod acknowledging her words. His lips formed a thin line as he looked at her, a mixture of understanding and a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I wished you had," he murmured, his voice heavy with unspoken emotions. It was a moment of shared regret, a recognition of the past that couldn't be changed. Amelia's heart twinged as she maintained her façade, a bittersweet realization settling over her. She had taken on the role of Amelia Martin, inheriting both her memories and her burdens. It was a responsibility she couldn't escape, and at that moment, she had to channel the emotions of the original owner as best she could. Amelia's eyes glistened with a hint of moisture, her acting convincing enough to evoke a sense of empathy from Robert. She felt a pang of guilt for deceiving him, even if it was for a necessary purpose. "I wish I had made better choices," Amelia's voice wavered, her gaze downcast. "But I've learned from my mistakes, Grandfather. I'm doing my best to provide a stable and loving environment for Lucas and Ria." This was true. She did her best to raise Lucas and Ria. Robert's expression softened further, his gaze filled with a mixture of compassion and pride. "You've taken on a great responsibility, Amelia. It takes courage to acknowledge our missteps and work towards a better future." Amelia nodded, her eyes lifting to meet his. "Thank you, Grandfather. Your support means more to me than you can imagine." He reached across the table once more, his weathered hand covering hers. "I may not have been there before, but I'm here now. And I intend to be a part of your lives, Amelia." Touched by his sincerity, Amelia offered him a genuine smile, a silent acknowledgement of the bond they were forging in this unexpected encounter. Perhaps she could give "her" grandfather a chance. As they continued their conversation, Amelia felt a sense of relief knowing that, despite the challenges and deceptions, she was building connections and finding support in the most unexpected places. "Will you be coming back?" Robert's question hung in the air, a blend of curiosity and perhaps a hint of longing in his gaze. Amelia's brows lifted slightly, a well-practiced look of consideration crossing her features. She took a moment, as if recalling her plans. "Actually, Grandfather," she began, her tone thoughtful, "I've been considering settling down in Vaco. It's near the sea, and I feel like it's a place where I can find some peace and healing." Her words seemed to carry a genuine sincerity, and she hoped they would serve as a convincing reason for her decision to move to Vaco. The truth was, she hadn't anticipated this unexpected encounter when she had chosen the location, and she certainly couldn't reveal her true intentions of avoiding a confrontation with him. Robert's expression softened as he listened to her. "It sounds like a good idea," he mused, his gaze distant as if he were envisioning the coastal town. "Sometimes, a change of scenery can do wonders for the soul." Amelia nodded, a sense of relief washing over her as he seemed to accept her explanation. "Yes, exactly. I think that's what I need right now." Robert gave her a nod, a mixture of understanding and approval in his eyes. "You are always welcome to visit me back in Tesa. When you come, let us go visit your parents and grandmother," He offered with a warm smile, his eyes holding a genuine sincerity. Amelia's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions at his words. "I would definitely plan a visit once I'm settled down in Vaco," Amelia responded, her voice carrying a sense of determination. "And you're welcome to visit us anytime as well, Grandpa. It would be wonderful for the kids to get to know their great-grandfather." Robert's eyes gleamed with a mixture of joy and anticipation. "I just came here on vacation with an old friend of mine," he explained, his tone contemplative. "I'll be departing tomorrow, but there are a few matters in the company that require my attention. Once I've taken care of those, I'll come to visit." As he spoke, Robert's mind was already formulating plans. He found himself considering the idea of shifting to Vaco, drawn by the opportunity to spend more time with Amelia and her young family. After all, he had only just reconnected with his granddaughter after five years, and now he had the chance to build relationships with two more additions to his family. Amelia felt a surge of warmth as she recognized the genuine effort Robert was making to be a part of their lives. "Take your time, Grandfather. We'll be here whenever you're ready." With their conversation gradually winding down, Amelia and Robert exchanged a few more words before finally bidding each other farewell. "It was good seeing you, Grandfather," Amelia said sincerely, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of appreciation and warmth. "Likewise, Amelia," Robert replied, his voice carrying a depth of sentiment. "Take care of yourself and those little ones." "I will, and you take care as well," Amelia responded, a genuine smile gracing her lips. They exchanged a final nod and turned to go their separate ways. Ding! Triggered hidden mission completed! Meet Amelia's grandfather and ask for forgiveness (✅) - 1000 EPS The notification caught Amelia off guard, causing a brief moment of unsteadiness. She quickly regained her balance, grateful that she had managed to avoid an embarrassing tumble while holding Ria in her arms. "Sorry, host," the system clone's voice chimed in, as if acknowledging its presence. Amelia let out a small sigh, a mix of annoyance and amusement, before directing her attention to the notification that had interrupted her thoughts. What the actual f**k?
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