• C h a p t e r T w e n t y O n e •

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Amelia's eyes widened in disbelief as she stared at the notification. 1000 points? Are you kidding me? she exclaimed, her voice a mix of astonishment and incredulity. The number seemed almost unreal, dwarfing the points she had accumulated so far and making her previous earnings pale in comparison. No, host. the system clone responded calmly, its explanation tempering her shock. This is one of the core hidden missions of the original host. The reward is determined based on the emotional significance it holds for her. Amelia's mind raced as she tried to process the information. It suddenly made sense – her great-grandfather meant a lot to the original Amelia, and this generous reward was a testament to the depth of that sentiment. Wow! Amelia finally managed to say, her disbelief slowly transforming into a mix of amazement and realization. It seems the original Amelia really valued her grandfather. As the shock subsided, a hint of excitement began to fill Amelia. She couldn't deny that the substantial reward had left her feeling almost like a Nouveau riche. Now what should I do with these points? She wondered as she stopped outside of the building to hail a cab back to the hotel. Host, you can browse the store's catalogue and find if anything interests you. The system clone spoke in a business-like tone. She waited a few minutes before a cab actually stopped near her. "Sunset Lodge, please," Amelia requested as she settled into the cab, making sure Lucas was seated properly beside her. With Ria in her lap, she held onto the handle on Lucas's side to ensure he stayed secure during the ride. "Which one, ma'am?" the young-looking driver inquired. "Um, Cardivana," Amelia replied, her voice clear and composed. The driver nodded in acknowledgment, and the cab set off toward their destination. Amelia settled back into the cab's seat, feeling a sense of anticipation as they moved through the streets. With a leisurely gesture, she opened the system window on her device to check her ongoing missions and tasks. Missions of the day Play with Ria and Lucas for at least an hour. (Time left: 60 minutes) - 10 EPs Read 5 chapters of 'how to raise a kid' - 15 EPs Buy a basic cooking manual from the System store. - 3 EPs Meet with the Crown Plaza manager (✅) - 25 EPs Prepare accommodation in Vaco (Time left: 2 days) - 100 EPs Start to Vaco (Time left: 1 day 10 minutes) - 50 EPs Total points: 1093 Amelia's gaze shifted to the ticking timer beside the mission details. Meeting her grandfather had brought a sense of closure, allowing her to contemplate a future where she could settle down in Vaco without the weight of unresolved matters. A genuine smile played on her lips. "In 1 day and 10 minutes—or rather, 9 minutes," she mused, watching the seconds tick down. Soon, she would be in Vaco, embarking on a new chapter of her life with the two kids. Her thoughts turned to their future home, a place that needed to be conveniently located near local shops and in close proximity to the kindergarten. The more she thought about it, the more her smile grew. Lost in her thoughts, she was gently brought back to reality when a soft palm landed on her chin. Looking down, she was met with the curious gaze of Ria, her berry-like eyes peering up at her. "Good morning, baby!" Amelia greeted her warmly, leaning in to plant a tender kiss on Ria's forehead. The little one babbled in response, clutching at Amelia's dress with both tiny hands. Amelia adjusted Ria's position, supporting her back with one arm and ensuring she was seated comfortably. Ria continued to make playful sounds, a drool forming on her mouth, which Amelia wiped away with a handkerchief. "Maa waaa," Ria babbled again, her adorable attempt at communication catching Amelia's attention. "Baby? Can you say that again?" Amelia encouraged, patting Ria's back gently while drawing her closer, eager to hear any more attempts at speech. "Waaaaaaaaaaa maaaaa!" Ria's loud exclamation caused Amelia to pull back slightly and burst into laughter. The little one's enthusiasm was both endearing and amusing. "Little devil," Amelia affectionately teased, poking Ria's plump cheeks playfully. "Wuu waaa maa yooo," Ria's babbling continued with undiminished enthusiasm, her little voice filling the air with her incomprehensible sounds. However, as time passed, Amelia found herself gradually tuning out the stream of babble. The initial charm of listening to her daughter's attempts at communication was beginning to wear thin, and Amelia's attention shifted elsewhere. Amelia's smile remained, though her focus was now split between the scenery outside the cab's window and her own contemplations. As a mother, the initial novelty of these moments was undeniable, yet like any new experience, it came with its ebbs and flows. The cab ride didn't last much longer before they arrived at the hotel. Amelia carefully cradled Ria in her arms, ensuring her daughter's safety as she stepped out of the vehicle. With gentle precision, she assisted Lucas in exiting the cab as well, holding his small hand securely in hers. Once both children were safely outside, Amelia led the way back into the hotel. ~.~ With a heavy sigh, Amelia finally allowed herself to collapse onto the bed. The day's tasks and preparations had left her feeling exhausted, and she relished the comfort of the soft mattress beneath her. She turned to her side, facing Lucas and Ria, who were deeply engrossed in their play with toys. Watching their innocent joy for a moment, a hint of envy crossed her mind, only to be quickly dismissed with a shake of her head. Resigned to her responsibilities, she reached for her phone and opened a ride-hailing app. Sunset Lodge to Vaco's Blue Moon Hotel—she entered the details and watched as the app calculated the fare. The displayed price made her pause, and she held the phone to her chest for a moment, contemplating the expense. As Amelia stared at the cost on her phone's screen, a sense of practicality settled over her. If she had ample funds at her disposal, the decision might have been easier, but the reality was that she needed to be mindful of her expenses. The impending move to Vaco, the search for accommodation, and the immediate need to stay in a hotel all added up to a series of black holes. She knew that every dollar spent now would have an impact on their journey ahead. It was not just about the cab fare; it was about managing a budget that would hold them in the coming days. With this thought in mind, Amelia took a deep breath, her resolve solidifying. She pressed the confirmation button, the transition to a new location was certainly not without its costs, both financial and emotional. As Amelia considered the implications, her gaze shifted back to Lucas and Ria. This was an investment, she reminded herself, for their future happiness and wellbeing. She now understood why the aunt next door used to say "children were debt". As she imagined her two little ones in the role of "creditors," a hearty laugh escaped from Amelia. Her eyes sparkled with joy as she nestled herself into the bed beside Lucas and Ria.

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