• C h a p t e r N i n e t e e n •

1967 Words
The afternoon sun cast a radiant glow across the surroundings as Amelia occupied a seat on the balcony of the café within Crown Plaza. The meeting with Mr. Harvey Louis had unfolded more favorably than she had anticipated, prompting her to indulge in a moment of relaxation before her return to the hotel and the task of packing. As her gaze swept over the bustling activity within the hotel premises, a contented smile curved Amelia's lips. Each person present represented an opportunity; a potential customer who could contribute to her earnings. The feeling of relaxation that washed over Amelia was palpable. Earning money effortlessly, without having to lift a finger, was indeed a strange sensation. This newfound ease was a stark contrast to the days when even securing a morsel of food required her relentless efforts and hard work. With a sigh of contentment, she raised her latte to her lips and took a sip, savoring the rich flavors that enveloped her senses. It was a small moment of respite, a pause in her busy day, as she allowed herself to bask in the satisfaction of her plans taking shape. With Lucas enthusiastically savoring a candy she had procured from the café, his infectious joy visible as he sat directly across from her, and Ria cradled serenely in her arms, peacefully lost in dreams, Amelia couldn't help but bask in the moment. A serene smile graced her lips as she silently affirmed, Today was indeed a good day. However, she realized later that she had reached the conclusion far too soon. ~.~ "Amelia?" Robert's voice wavered, disbelief etched across his features as he stood there, rooted to the spot. The sight of her, sitting before him after all those years, was nothing short of staggering. Instinctively, he clutched the back of the chair in front of him, seeking the reassurance of its support as he grappled with the flood of emotions her presence evoked. His gaze shifted to the small bundle cradled in her arms, and his brows shot up in a mix of astonishment and bewilderment. "A kid?" His tone held a hint of incredulous realization, more of a statement than a question. In an instant, the formidable veneer he had maintained seemed to crumble, replaced by a deep vulnerability he couldn't conceal. His eyes widened as the weight of understanding settled in: he had a great-granddaughter? "Y- you... Why didn't you tell me?" Robert's voice quivered with a mix of disbelief and hurt, his towering presence momentarily stripped of its usual strength. Despite the numerous battles he had faced in the realm of business—deception, lies, and even outright betrayals—the revelation before him had rendered him unexpectedly defenseless. The weight of years seemed to press upon him, exposing a side seldom seen, even by those who knew him well. The walls he had built around himself seemed to falter. He had weathered the storm of tragedy—the heartache of his son's and daughter-in-law's passing, the weight of a lost spouse who had succumbed to the anguish, and the challenges of raising a granddaughter who had once fled from home in her youthful immaturity. He had held steadfastly to his role as a guardian, ensuring that when she eventually returned, he could hand over the legacy he had safeguarded. Through all these trials, he had remained unyielding. But at this moment, as he stood face to face with the reality of his great-granddaughter's existence, the unyielding façade he had worn for so long crumbled. For the first time, he felt a surge of weakness—a poignant ache that gripped his heart. The knowledge of missing the birth of a family member, his great-granddaughter, tore through him like a blade, leaving his heart fragmented and raw. ~.~ Amelia's mind raced, overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events. The system clone's belated warning about the original host's grandfather being nearby was hardly the preparation she needed for this encounter. But this? This was beyond what she had anticipated. She had assumed a certain degree of distance, not an immediate, face-to-face confrontation. The system's use of the term "vicinity" felt like a cruel understatement—it was not "vicinity," it was right here, right next to her. A frustrated curse echoed silently in her mind as she scrambled to gather her belongings, a sense of urgency propelling her movements. "Amelia?" His voice held an unmistakable tone of disbelief, but her efforts were in vain. The revelation had caught her off guard, and now she was confronted with the consequences of "her" past choices. The frustration and apprehension that surged within her felt suffocating, leaving her momentarily at a loss for words. Turning to her left, Amelia's gaze fell upon an older man who, despite appearing to be in his 50s, carried an air of resilience that spoke of weathered years and an indomitable spirit. She knew, however, that he was a seasoned 65-year-old who had stood resolute in the face of countless storms. The man's attire resonated with an air of timeless elegance that hinted at both his years of experience and his unwavering resolve. He wore a well-tailored charcoal gray suit, its fabric gracefully draped to accentuate his sturdy frame. A meticulously knotted silk tie added a touch of sophistication, while a pocket square of matching hue peeked out subtly. The suit's somber tone was offset by a crisp white dress shirt, its collar immaculately poised. Yet, it was his eyes—sharp and penetrating, framed by the wisdom etched upon his features. The initial words that escaped his lips carried a mix of disbelief and a touch of vulnerability. "A kid?" His tone struck a discordant note, causing Amelia to wince inwardly. This was not the introduction she had envisioned, not the way she had imagined meeting her "grandfather." "Y- you... Why didn't you tell me?" The question hung in the air, heavy with a mix of emotions, as Amelia let out a resigned sigh, bracing herself for the storm that was about to unfold. "Please—" Amelia began, her voice tempered with a mixture of apprehension and understanding, as she looked into his eyes, silently imploring him to listen. "Please take a seat, Grandfather," she finally managed to say, her words carrying a subtle authority. The man still appeared dumbfounded, frozen in place by the unexpected revelation. "Lucas, come to Mom," Amelia directed, her voice gentle yet firm, as she gestured for her son to join her side. It was at that moment that her grandfather's gaze shifted, and his eyes widened in realization, a mix of astonishment and a subtle undercurrent of sadness flickering within their depths. "He is..." Robert's voice trailed off in a mumble, the words caught in the grip of his own overwhelming emotions, only to be intercepted by Amelia, who stood in close proximity. "My son. And—" Amelia paused, her gaze steady as she met his eyes. "Your great-grandson," she completed the sentence, her tone soft yet carrying a weight of truth. The declaration prompted Robert's lips to curve into an unexpectedly radiant smile, his gaze drawn to the sight of the child hastening towards his mother. "I am a great-grandpa," he murmured to himself, a sense of happiness and wonder briefly overshadowing the myriad of emotions that had initially gripped him. In that fleeting moment, the sheer joy of the newfound connection seemed to momentarily eclipse any other concerns, casting a hopeful light upon the circumstances that had brought them together. With the passing moments, Robert found himself gradually regaining a sense of composure. The initial shock and surprise that had gripped him began to ebb, replaced by a growing calmness that settled over him. The presence of his great-grandchildren, the connection to a new generation of his family, seemed to have a soothing effect, allowing him to process the situation with a measure of clarity and acceptance. "Are they both twins?" Robert's question was laced with a mix of curiosity and amazement as his gaze shifted between the two children, noting the striking similarity in their appearance and apparent age. "Yes," Amelia confirmed with a gentle smile. "They are both over a year old now." A wave of relief washed over Amelia as she observed her grandfather's demeanor. The absence of anger or hostility in his response reassured her, allowing her to hope that this encounter might unfold with a sense of understanding and openness, rather than the anticipated tension. "To be blessed with the dragon and phoenix luck, those old men will surely find themselves green with envy," Robert exclaimed, a hearty laugh escaping his lips. The image of his friends' reactions, filled with envy and awe, painted a vivid picture in his mind, bringing forth a genuine sense of amusement and mirth. The presence of the two children felt like a plush cushion on an otherwise rigid surface. Amelia's gaze shifted to Lucas, who was watching the interaction with wide, innocent eyes—a sight that couldn't help but bring a chuckle to her lips. With a gentle nudge, she encouraged Lucas to approach his great-grandfather. "Lucas, go to your great-grandpa," she coaxed in a soft, reassuring tone. Robert's gaze shifted to the young child, his eyes softening as he extended a welcoming presence to the little one. Lucas glanced between Amelia and Robert, his young gaze filled with curiosity and a hint of uncertainty. With cautious steps, he began his approach toward the towering figure of his great-grandfather, his head tilting once and then again as if weighing his decision, which earned a chuckle from both. As Lucas closed the gap between them, Robert's weathered hand extended in a gesture of welcome. The young boy's hesitation wavered as he felt the warmth of the older man's touch. A shy smile graced Lucas' lips, his fingers finding the sensation of Robert's rough hands ticklish, prompting a soft giggle to escape his lips. "Hello, Lucas," Robert greeted him warmly, his voice carrying a gentle affection. "I am your great-grandpa. You can call me GG, okay?" Lucas blinked in response, absorbing the novelty of this encounter. His eyes widened as he listened intently to the unfamiliar term. "G- G-" Robert began to spell it out, his patient guidance evident. "Ahhhh, G-" Lucas echoed with a mixture of concentration and excitement, his voice ringing out as he made his best effort to mimic the sound. The moment was met with a chuckle from Robert, who found amusement in Lucas' earnest attempt. Lucas's shyness returned in full force, his little feet carrying him back to the safety of Amelia's side. She chuckled softly, her hand gently patting his head as she comfortingly reassured him. "It's okay, Lucas. You can stay with Mom." Sitting beside Amelia, Lucas clutched the Rubik's Cube she had handed him, his focus shifting to the colorful puzzle in his hands. The twisting and turning of the cube seemed to captivate his attention, providing a welcome distraction from the unfamiliarity of the situation. Amelia's gaze shifted to Robert, her eyes meeting his as she noticed the shadow of sadness that seemed to linger within them. It was a poignant reminder of the complexities that this encounter held. "Thank you for giving me a chance, Grandfather," Amelia spoke softly, her words carrying a depth of sincerity. "I know this must be a lot to take in." Robert nodded, his expression a blend of emotions that mirrored her own. "I just want to know how you've been, Amelia," he began, a hint of concern lacing his words. "And if that child is treating you well," he added with a touch of distaste, his protective instincts evident in his tone while an anxious smile tugged at the corners of Amelia's lips. "About that-"
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