• C h a p t e r S e v e n •

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Fortunately, they or more like she was able to recreate the house but this time with both the doors and windows. And Lucas had long forgotten his bad mood. Halfway through, he started smiling and having fun throwing the blocks here and there while Amelia fully concentrated on the house she was building. Only when she found out she had no more blocks to add did she raise her head to see the mess he created. She then realized throwing was just the fun part and clearing everything after made her want to cry. Even more when she accidentally stepped on one of the blocks. Imagine her agony! She gave him a bath first and later gave him a toy train to play with before moving to wake the devil up aka Ria. Entering the bedroom, the first scene she saw was a peaceful little angel sleeping on the bed. Smiling, she took out her cell phone to take a picture of her. As soon as she saved it, her smile dropped as she hunched her shoulders to wake her up. "Ria, wake up." She spoke as she shook her bum once. Ria who woke up with a jerk started crying immediately. It seems like she didn't want to wake up but sadly Amelia had lots of things to do today and she needed her up. She picked up Ria who looked at her with teary eyes. Ignoring the stars that were being aimed at her she went to the bathroom. Ria wiggled around, even more, when she saw Amelia turn on the water tap. "Ria!" Amelia admonished while Ria kept babbling something loudly as she tried to inch close towards the door. "Wahhhhhhhhh!" She cried when Amelia tried to take her clothes off. Even I don't hate taking a bath this much. Amelia thought in anguish feeling Ria pull her hair. If I go bald, I'm blaming you system. Amelia muttered as she put Ria in the bathtub with little water that reached Ria until her stomach. When Lucas was bathing Amelia left the tap on until it filled the whole tub up but the system said that she shouldn't use that much water since there is a chance of them drowning. Even adults drown in a bathtub then what's a kid who isn't even half the size. So Amelia was paying more attention to it. After the long and even more exhausting bath than the first one, Amelia came out with Ria who was all bundled up in a big soft towel. She applied some baby lotion to her before dressing her up. When she was all done she felt sweaty, oily, and exhausted as hell. Maybe I shouldn't take bath before them from now on. She concluded as she fell on the bed right beside Ria who was playing with the baby lotion bottle. Thankfully it was closed tight without the chance to be opened. Feeling thirsty, she weakly sat up to drink some water. Host, you need to get up and get ready soon. It will be the time to meet your brother in law. Hearing the word, brother in law made her chock on the water and spit it out before breaking into a long coughing fit. Finally calming down, she drank some more water before putting it on the bedside table. System, please! Call him by his name or much better call him the male lead. Brother-in-law sounds horrifying to me. Amelia gasped with her eyes wide. Alright, host, we need to meet your brother-in- I mean the male lead in 45 minutes. The system responded nonchalantly while Amelia narrowed her eyes. Seems like the system loves playing with her. But since she doesn't have much time left, she will excuse this one. Bringing Lucas in and putting him beside Ria who had thrown the lotion bottle and now picked up her rubber lion to chew on. She was about to walk to the bathroom to fresh up when the system interrupted. Host, you forgot to put pillows around them. It reminded her while Amelia widened her eyes in realization and quickly walked back to put the pillows and with peace of mind went to get ready. ~.~ Amelia locked the door and made sure it is locked by tugging on the lock once. She had Ria in her arms while Lucas was more than happy to run around the corridor. Checking whether she had all the documents or not, Amelia walked towards the neighbor's house. She rang the bell once and took a step back. The door opened revealing a young girl in her teens. Must be Marie's daughter. "Ami!" The girl exclaimed with a wide smile while Amelia was a bit taken aback by the lack of respect for someone who was a generation older. "Oh, you bought Ria and Lucas too? Great. But I just heard that you were moving? Why?! If you move who can I talk to about the latest trends." She pouted while Amelia smiled stiffly. She was in trouble. One, she never had someone speak informally and friendly with her so it's awkward. Two, she is definitely not the type to talk about trends except for clothes of course but it had always been constructive. And I bet no one wants a constructive analysis of the latest dresses. Especially a teenage girl. "Well, where is your mom?" Amelia asked trying to change the topic while Violet looked at her with a frown. "She is in the kitchen. Between, how did it go?" She asked with a smirk bumping her shoulder with her while Amelia gritted her teeth offering a small smile. "Kyaa! I bet it went well. Why are you so shy about it?" Violet spoke bumping her shoulder once again when she saw the small smile. System, what is she talking about? Amelia asked while maintaining a poker face as much as possible. Host, from the previous owner's memories, it seems they planned to surprise Liam with a date. That was supposed to be two nights before. The system informed while Amelia saw where that was going. I guess Amelia is too pitiful in that sense. She had a good life but left it and now karma. Amelia thought while Violet waved her hand before her. "Earth to Ami!" She muttered while Amelia blinked her eyes twice before looking at violet. Host it would be better to leave now. Or you will be late. The system reminded. "Well, I have some work with your mom. We will talk later. Can you call her?" Amelia spoke in a hurry while Violet frowned even more. She just nodded her head and walked inside tilting her head in confusion. Why does it feel so weird talking to Ami? As if she was speaking to a different person. She rubbed her chin as she tried to think it out. "Mom, Ami wants to talk to you," Violet spoke as she fiddled with her phone while Marie looked at her in confusion. "Me?" She muttered while Violet nodded her with the same confused expression. "Yeah, I don't know why," Violet shrugged while Marie rubbed her hands with her apron and went to the living room to see Amelia trying to keep Lucas in one place. "Amelia?" She called out while Amelia smiled at her sheepishly. "Sorry, auntie. I have some work outside. If it's not too much trouble, can you please take care of them until I come back? I will come back in three hours or so." Amelia asked with an awkward smile while Marie chuckled. "Oh! that's alright. Violet is here, she might as well do me some work and take care of them." Marie spoke gesturing her to go with a chuckle. "Really? Thank you so much. I will be back really soon." Amelia reassured Marie before kissing Ria's and Lucas's cheek and bidding them bye. Although Ria didn't want to leave her, she didn't make a fuzz due to being preoccupied with the toy Violet bought. Lucas seemed very happy to just play around and Amelia left them at that. As soon as the door closed, her smile disappeared and she took a deep breath of relief. I really think I need to bring something for her when I return. As a thank you. Amelia thought nodding her head simultaneously. Now that the kids are taken care of, she can proceed with the main course. The divorce. ~.~ "I just want a divorce. But she isn't listening to me." Liam spoke running his hand through his hair in frustration. "Well, what did you expect? All sunflowers and Daisy's." William taunted back making Liam sigh. "I know brother, I messed up real bad. I shouldn't have married her but I was in love with her then." "And now, another comes and messes your mind." William taunted again. "Please, brother. Not you too. I already had this session with mom and dad." He muttered weakly while William sighed. "At least, that woman doesn't know you cheated on her." He muttered imagining the possible scenario while Liam shuddered. "She would kill me." He exclaimed while William shook his head. "Worse, she would keep you with her forever." William looked as if he just ate s**t. "Please, brother. Just get her to sign the divorce. I will accept all your conditions." He spoke while William sighed. "I'll do what I can." He muttered checking his watch and he stood up to leave. Behind him, Liam prayed Amelia would sign the papers. ~.~ "You are late," Amelia spoke while the handsome man just shrugged it off. After him, entered his lawyer. "You said you would sign. I hope this isn't a trick you played just to see Liam because he isn't here." William spoke removing his cuff links while Amelia rolled her eyes. "I said I would then I would." She clarified before turning towards Arthur who smiled at her in reassurance. "Well, this is where I come in. Hello, Mr. Brown. I'm Arthur Black, Lawyer of Ms. Amelia." He introduced himself and extended his hand to shake hands while William just looked at him. Arthur smiled stiffly and took his hand back. He then returned to his original poker face. He had seen such clients and knew how to deal with them. "So I have three conditions. One, I get both the kids and with full rights." She spoke carefully looking at William's reaction who nodded his head. Well, if Liam wanted kids he could make them with his current lover. It isn't a big deal. "And?" William looked at Amelia who smiled for a brief second before turning to her lawyer. "Arthur will continue." She spoke stepping back. "My client requests child support, alimony, and also 15 percent of Liam's shares in Capital." Just as he uttered William frowned. "That's not possible, ask something else." He spoke in a stern tone while Amelia faked a smile at him. "But according to the law, I get some of the properties that Liam owns. And I'm telling you I don't need those properties instead I would like to turn them into shares. Or would you rather give me those properties because from what I heard, it's a lot? Also, talking about law, if we see it that way, wouldn't I get both the property and the shares? Especially the Hawaiian residential." Amelia stated with a smirk playing on her lips while William's frown deepened. He didn't expect her to do a background check on his younger brother. His parents loved his younger brother the most and always gave him what he wanted which resulted in him being spoiled. And he was stupid enough to marry such a cunning woman. "But 15 percent is too much. I would give you 5 percent." William spoke while Amelia looked at him as if he had gone mad. I said 15 and he said 5? He must be kidding! "13 percent."  "7 percent." "11 percent. This is it." Amelia spoke while William thought it over. It was better than taking the Hawaiian residential with was of more worth. "Alright." He muttered with a frown while Amelia chuckled inside. "Well then-" "10 percent and Marine building. That's everything I would give. This is not negotiable." He stated interrupting Amelia who frowned at the sudden impoliteness.  She looked at Arthur who nodded his head in reassurance. "Mr. Brown but that's not what my client requests." He spoke while William just shrugged. "But I feel what my client stated is fair enough." William's lawyer stated. "Then, 10 percent, Marine, and colossal." Amelia countered with the help of the system. On her way back she had the system show her the properties Liam owned. Thankfully it was of use. "No, 10 percent, Marine and crown plaza." He finalized while Amelia felt like cursing him. And she did. In her head. "Everything else will be taken care of by my lawyer." He spoke standing up while Amelia frowned again. "This negotiation isn't over yet." She spoke. "Yes, it is. You just need to sign the papers given. And I will give you what I promised. No more negotiations." He spoke while Amelia felt frustrated. This isn't going her way at all! Host, you just need a divorce. If you want money, I can tell you the easy way to gain it. The system interrupted while Amelia shook her head. It isn't that about money. I just want Liam to suffer a loss. But now I'm pissed. They can't treat me like this just because they are of higher status. She felt really uncomfortable by the fact that he could walk out of this as if nothing happened. She still had a few things to say. And the confidence in him that he would be able to make her sign no matter what just irks her. Taking the phone she put on the table, Amelia left the room bidding Arthur bye. The same uncomfortable feeling followed her home. ~.~
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