• C h a p t e r E i g h t •

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Her mood continued until she reached the apartment. She was too preoccupied that she even forgot to buy a thank you gift for Marie for taking care of her kids. With a long and defeated sigh, she walked up the stairs until she reached Marie's house. She raised her hand to press the bell but stopped for a millisecond before finally ringing it. Violet opened the door with a huge smile. "Ami! Done so soon?" She exclaimed while Amelia smiled at her. "Almost. How are the kids?" She questioned while Violet chuckled. She moved aside so Amelia can enter the house. Amelia took off her low heels and put them aside before entering the house. "Ria is asleep while Lucas and I had the most fun," Violet spoke while Amelia genuinely smiled at Violet this time. Violet dragged her into the bedroom where Ria was sleeping. Amelia reached out to pick her up. "I am going to miss them," Violet spoke out of the blue while Amelia smiled again. "I bet they are going to miss you the most." She reassured with conviction. Ria, feeling someone pick her up cuddled into Amelia's neck who smiled at the little gesture. "Ria missed you the most though. Mom had a hard time getting her to sleep." Violet spoke walking out of the room while Amelia followed. "Really? I have troubled you so much." Amelia spoke self-consciously. "No, no that's fine Ami. You are almost like a sister to me." Violet spoke swatting her hand in the air as if it was nothing. But Amelia could still feel the sincerity in her tone. "Mom!" Lucas ran to her while Amelia gave him a big smile. "Hey there! Champ." She reached out to rub his head who eagerly jumped around. "Did you have fun?" Violet asked while Lucas nodded his head. "Fun! Fun!" He muttered the new word he learned today to Amelia who smiled at his enthusiasm. "Did you play a lot with Violet?" Amelia asked Lucas who nodded his head. "Vio! Vio!" He exclaimed while Amelia chuckled. She looked around once trying to find a familiar figure. "Where is Aunt Marie?" Amelia questioned in confusion while Violet shrugged. "You know, today we have that weekly community exercise. She should be there right now. I don't even get why they even organize it when people aren't interested in the first place. The only ones going there would be gossiping old women." Violet shuddered while Amelia laughed at the exaggerated reaction. They made small talk about Violet's school. Mostly on how her friend had this latest addition bag and Aunt Marie refused to buy it to her when she asked. A small tug bought them back to reality. Only then did she realize how long it had been since she talked to someone forgetting her surroundings. Amelia looked down to see Lucas half standing on her foot. "Mom! Aa." Lucas opened his mouth while Amelia looked at him in confusion. Host, Lucas is hungry. The system reminded while Amelia widened her eyes in realization. She only fed them some cereal in the morning and nothing else after that. Even if Aunt Marie made them eat some biscuits, it wouldn't really fill them. "Oh god! I need to get going. I need to feed him something. Thank Aunt Marie for me." Amelia spoke excusing herself while Violet waved her bye at the door. "Don't forget to call us when you move!" "I won't!" Amelia promised. ~.~ Violet isn't as bad as I thought. It was awkward at first but she is a good girl. Amelia thought as she went over the food in the refrigerator. This is really becoming a problem. Does she have to decide what food to make every day? It's really a pain with her limited knowledge. She contemplated on it for a while before deciding to wing it today too. Host, it's alright if you wing it but what about the kids? The system questioned while Amelia sighed. She didn't even bring any supplies to cook something. System, do you have food in the system store? Amelia asked with a lot of expectation. Yes, host. The system store has everything you need. Then, how about buying some cereal? Do I have any experience points left? Amelia questioned walking back to the living room with a bottle of water in her hand. Host, I used up all your experience points that you received for the quest to buy information on the lawyers. But the points from today's daily quest can be used. The system informed while Amelia gulped down water slowly. Then how many experience points do I have right now system? Around 13 points host. The system informed while Amelia nodded her head. Well, if it's not much, I think we should just buy it. We don't have much choice. Amelia reasoned while the system agreed with her. Then, host, I will bring the best in our budget. Saying this, it disappeared. Meanwhile, Amelia went and sat beside Lucas to give him some water. Kids should be hydrated more. ~.~ Basically, Amelia had nothing to do after feeding Lucas and Ria. She sat on the sofa and switched on the television. She randomly watched the news to know what's going on in society roughly since it was also one of the daily missions. After watching it for an hour, she decided to do some laundry. Completing that, she proceeded to complete today's daily missions. Job options... Amelia pondered for a bit whether it would be good to pursue her original career or jump to another. It is better to stay since she already has work experience and also knew how the tides change in this area. It was better to stick with fashion designing. But the problem is she didn't have the right qualification to get a really good job. If she was alone she would have started from scratch but right now she had two kids to take care of and raising kids means expensive. But as the system said it would help in creating non-existent documents, she might as well try it out. Of course, documents don't help much if she didn't have the right skills. But Amelia prided herself on her skills. Then it's decided! I will be a fashion designer. Amelia announced. Ok host. Once the divorce procedures complete, I will make your schedule. The system spoke while Amelia felt gratitude towards its competence. Now, this was done, she looked at the other missions. She will search for the house later at night so all that was left is to play with the kids and Amelia was more than happy to spend two hours bonding with them. ~.~ The next morning, Amelia got a phone call from Arthur that the divorce papers were ready to be signed. She was surprised at how fast things were done. She thought a divorce would need at least take a month with William's involvement. But guess what she seems to have underestimated his reach. "Well, when do I need to come again?" Amelia questioned rubbing Lucas's head who leaned against her with all his weight as he watched some cartoon. "Today, if possible," Arthur replied while Amelia pressed her lips into a thin line. "Alright! Would it be a problem if I bring my kids with me?" She questioned. "We have a small room here and a person to watch if you are comfortable you can leave them there," Arthur informed while Amelia agreed and they bid each other bye. Well, system can you still monitor them? It is safe, right? Amelia questioned again. Of course host. I can monitor them from anywhere in the world. It was already mentioned in the guidelines. The system announced proudly while Amelia sighed in relief. "Now that I am going to sign it. I need to work things up. I can't stay unemployed until I get the right job. I need to do something else too. Like a part-time job maybe." Amelia made a checklist of everything she needs to do today. Ria crawled her way towards the foot of the sofa. Using her feet as the support she stood up and raised her arms. Amelia lifted her up and placed her in her lap naturally. She was definitely becoming a pro. Looking at the two laid-back kids, Amelia sighed. It was a blessing to be a kid. They don't deal with divorce or jobs or houses. Just play around, eat and sleep. Her thoughts drifted to the fact that she had yet to rent or buy a house. System, what should I do? We still haven't decided on the house! Her tone held urgency. It was totally out of her mind. If only she had remembered it yesterday night. She would have decided something or the other. Or could have at least checked out a hotel to stay in. Host, you can stay here for another day and go out to search. The system suggested while Amelia frowned. There is no way she is staying in this apartment for more than an hour. As soon as the divorce gets finalized she will buy a parting/thank you gift for Marie and her family, then pack her things to leave with the kids. Or should she just leave the city and start anew? That's a good idea too! What do you say system? Amelia commented as she laid back comfortably too. The system wondered if all humans have the same mood swings? It's up to you host. But I recommend going to another city so you won't have a chance to encounter any of the main characters. Hmm... That is a problem I hadn't thought about. Which city do you think is better than Maville? There are 3 cities similar to this one. One is in the west from here called Trine. The other is all the way near the south, Vaco. There is a beach there. The final one is Tesa where the original owner's grandfather lives. Oh! Amelia's grandfather? She uttered startled by the fact that she forgot him. Yes, host. Amelia lived there until she was 18. The system informed while Amelia's head was still struck. System, should we first visit her grandfather before moving to another city? Because once I am there I don't think I will have time to plan and visit. Isn't it better to do it when I still have time? Right? Amelia spoke biting her nails at the same time trying to guess the reaction of technically 'her' grandfather. Also, she had promised the original owner. If not making her happy the least she could do is not letting her down. As you wish host. I can reschedule the mission. Then I will leave that to you. Amelia sighed. She seemed to rely too much on the system. It's just that when there is someone who does all your work for you, you kind of get used to it. And that's bad. Because she knows it isn't permanent. As soon as she achieved her goal, it would be time for goodbye. Host, you still have a long way to go. The system pinched in while Amelia glared into nothing. System I can't believe you were actually eavesdropping. Well, it isn't technically eavesdropping if you just happened to be there. Amelia rolled her eyes at the answer. Looking at the sleeping kids in her arms, Amelia smiled. Anything is ok as long as they can still sleep this peacefully. Kissing their forehead, Amelia drifted into her own thoughts. ~.~ "Remind me to never forget Ria's rubber duck. She doesn't even take the one bought in system store! I wasted a lot of points on that." Amelia muttered exhausted and on verge of tears with all the crying she put up with, in just a single car ride. Noted host. System replied promptly while Amelia paid the cab diver. She turned around to face the huge building right in front of her. Taking a deep breath, she along with Ria in her arms and Lucas in tow walked into the huge law firm. Last stage. The divorce. ~.~
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