• C h a p t e r T e n •

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Amelia walked out of the bedroom with Ria in her arms. She realised there was no use brooding over it. The system would return in a day or two anyway. Just get over it! She scolded herself all the while rolling her eyes. She seriously needed to get over the habit of overthinking. Sighing, she looked around to find Lucas sprawled over the sofa playing with his toys. He looked so engrossed in it. It was cute, the way he scrunches his nose everytime he dropped the toy. Amelia sat in the other sofa with Ria in her lap. Deciding to finally put her time to use, she visited the system store to buy the book on "How to raise a kid". She was surprised to see she could access it without the system. Buying it with a total of 27 points, she exited the system store. She opened her eyes, and looked at the table to find the book placed neatly on it. Thankfully, both Ria and Lucas are too young to notice why a book appeared out of thin air. Reaching out, She picked it up with a card that came along with it. It read- Thank you for your purchase. Hope you find it helpful. - Fellow_Transmigrator Amelia widened her eyes. Although, She knew there were other transmigrators but this was surprising. Adjusting Ria in her lap, She proceeded to read the book. It was fairly simple without any technical terms. The book emphasized a lot on the behavioural patterns of children and how to act around them. She found herself really engrossed in it by the end of second chapter. She realised how simple things could effect them. Leaving them in the care other people may affect them to an extent. This book made her think. It was not until her stomach protested that she put her book aside. She was in chapter seven right now. Who would have thought I would read about raising a kid in my past life? Chuckling at that thought, she looked down in her lap to see Ria sleeping peacefully. Her eyes looked for Lucas who was in the same position as his sister. Thinking about it now, the kids were 1 year and some months old. What was the age to join play school again? 18 months to 3 years. A mechanical voice replied to her. Amelia concluded that is the system's clone. It's better to hire a nanny or a care taker in the future. In case she's not available. If possible a long term one so it won't effect the kids too much. Ring* The sudden ringing of the phone startled her. She patted her heart in attempts to calm it as she proceeded to answer the phone. "Hello? Amelia Martin speaking. Who is this?" She questioned. "Hello, Ms. Martin. This is Arthur. Is it a good time to speak to you?" He spoke while Amelia widened her eyes in realisation. "Ah! Arthur. Yes, yes. Is there any problem?" She asked trying not to sound as nervous as she was. "Nothing of that sort, Ms. Martin. Just that you forgot to take back the share papers and other stuff." He said while Amelia hit her forehead in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't in the right mind. Can you please hold on to them until I reach?" "Yes, that would not be a problem. Then I'll inform the receptionist of your arrival?" He asked. "Yes, please. Thank you!" She spoke ending the call. Gosh! That was so embarassing. She hit her forehead again. She definitely needed to go and get the papers back. But when Ria and Lucas are in this state... She can't possibly carry them both! She tapped her fingers on the arm of the sofa anxiously. The most rational decision would be asking violet to come over for the time being. But she did it so many times. There is only so much a person could do. She felt exhausted. At least this time, she should bring something back for them. With this thought, she sealed her decision. Putting Ria down gently on the sofa, she got up and tiptoed towards the bedroom. Picking up two pillows, she placed on each on the two sofas. Just in case. She muttered to herself. Before unlocking the door and going out to find violet. *Knock *Knock "Yes?" Violet's voice echoed through the door before it clicked open. "Oh! Ami!" She cheered as soon as she saw her. "Hi, Violet. Do you mind watching the kids? I need to leave urgently." Amelia asked while Violet frowned. It was then Amelia felt like a pushover. "Ok Ami. But you should have just bought them here." Violet spoke smiling. "They are sleeping so I couldn't bring them here. I'm sorry." She apologized while Violet shook her head. "It's no problem Ami! I'll head over there this instant." Violet spoke while Amelia felt a deep gratitude to the little girl infront of her. "Thank you." She said with a smile which violet mirrored in return. "One minute, let me inform my mom." Violet said before disappearing into the house. A few minutes later, she returned with her cell phone and a pack of chips. "Let's go!" Violet said enthusiastically while Amelia chuckled and led the way. "So if they are hungry, there is cereal. And here are the toys." Amelia explained while Violet nodded. "I'll try to come back as soon as possible." She said while getting her purse and mobile phone. "If you can't handle Ria anymore, call me." Amelia spoke picking her heels. "Aye Aye captain!" Violet joked while Amelia ruffled her hair subconsciously. "Ami!" Violet pouted while Amelia suppressed her shock and moved out of the house. She walked towards the stairs, a soft click echoed as Violet closed the door behind her. Those weren't her actions. She was sure of that. ~.~ "I'm sorry for the inconvenience." Amelia apologized as she took the file of papers from Arthur who chuckled lightly. "Not a problem Ms. Martin. But I suggest you to go and visit the sites you obtained in your free time." He spoke while Amelia nodded her head adding it to her checklist. "Thank you Mr. Black. You have been very helpful. I'll take my leave now. I don't want to hog all your time." Amelia spoke chuckling before shaking hands with Arthur. "My pleasure." Arthur spoke. Then Amelia walked out of his office. ~.~ It didn't take her much time as she expected. She decided to go buy something for aunt Marie before going home. Entering the nearest mall, She contemplated on what she would gift. Considering her budget, she cannot buy any handbags or clothes. More importantly, giving clothes or bags to your neighbours seems a bit odd. Her gaze fell on the board food court and her eyes lit up. She could buy fruits or better Meat! Walking into the food court, she went to the meat stall to buy some prime grade meat. Since it is not for her, she shouldn't be stingy. And as a result, she walked out with a small hole in her account and her hands busy with bags. Should I go visit Marine and crown plaza? She pondered for a while before deciding against it. If she visits an apartment and a hotel, the way she was right now, no one would believe her to be the owner. Afraid, they wouldn't even allow her inside. Hailing a taxi, she reached her apartment. ~.~ Knocking the door twice, Amelia waited out leaning against the wall tiredly. She wiped her sweat that rolled down her forehead with one hand as she lifted the two bags with the other. She was definitely moving out tomorrow. If she had to go up and down one more time, she would die. Violet opened the door and smiled when she saw Amelia leaning against the wall. "Ami! Are you done with your work?" Violet asked moving aside as Amelia entered the room. "Yes, thank you for taking care of them violet. I know they can be a handful." "No, no they were really well behaved this time round." Violet spoke while Amelia placed the file containing share papers and what not, then she placed the bag of meat. She looked around to see Lucas watching something on (probably) violet's phone and Ria babbling on and on beside him with a lolipop in her mouth. Amelia chuckled at that scene. At least they weren't fighting nor was Ria crying. "I must say that's a feat indeed." Amelia joked as violet chuckled. "If there's nothing else, I'll go pack my things." Violet spoke in a sad tone. "Are you leaving? So soon? I thought there was a day left? Didn't you come to stay for the weekend?" Amelia spoke remembering the original owner's conversation with aunt Marie. "That was the original plan but my college decided it would be nice to see our faces a day earlier." She spoke, her voice laced with sarcasm while Amelia tired her best not to chuckle. "Well, it's hard on you." She spoke patting violet's back lightly before breaking into a smile when violet made a bad face. "Lukey! Give back sister's phone." Violet spoke while Amelia widened her eyes in mild horror. Lukey??? Excuse me? While Lucas didn't budge and violet pouted. "Violet play the video in my mobile." She spoke while Violet nodded. Amelia handed it to her. After typing something, a somewhat familiar tune, the same as the one Lucas was watching. His head shot up quickly making both the elders chuckle. Violet handed the phone to Amelia who knelt down before Lucas. "Lucas, can you watch it in mom's phone baby?" Amelia asked while Lucas pouted not understanding a word. "Exchange?" Amelia motioned to the phone in his hand and to her's. She then proceeded to slowly bring it out of his grip. Lucas obediently looked at her with his big watery eyes blinking once in a while. While Amelia pinched his cheek when she was done. My son's so cute!!! She screamed internally with pride. She then handed it to violet who was looking at them the entire time with a smile. "Alright then Ami, this should be the last time we meet if you move out." Her smile faded and replaced with a frown when she realised it. Looking at Lucas and Ria, her eyes teared up a bit. She was just a teenager. Whenever she came back home she used to play with these two kids and gossip with Amelia. They had gotten very close in a short period of time. And now that they were leaving, it felt wrong. Looking at Violet who's eyes drooped, Amelia patted her head. "Hey, I'm not leaving the country. I'll definitely come to see you in the future." Amelia spoke chuckling while Violet knew that wouldn't be possible. But she couldn't ask them to stay back. It was hard but she had to let go. "Alright Ami. You must promise me." Violet looked at Amelia in hope while Amelia paused for a second. She, being a stranger, had no bonding with aunt Marie or Violet. But looking at the earnest gaze of the young girl her heart softened. She nodded her head. She wasn't like this before. If violet had asked her the same a few days back she would have rejected it without batting an eye. But staying with the kids, her patience has increased as well as her EQ. And she had asked too many favours from them. If she could repay them in the future it would give her peace. "I'll definitely visit you." She spoke while Violet broke into huge smile before hugging Amelia tightly. With widened eyes, Amelia looked at the person, who was half a head shorter than her, hugging her tightly. She awkwardly patted her back. "Haha sorry Ami, I got carried away." Violet spoke while Amelia chuckled. "It's alright. Let's go now. I have some work with your mom." Amelia spoke while Violet nodded her head enough to get dizzy before bidding Lucas and Ria bye who by the way ignored their surroundings. Rolling her eyes, violet squatted down to wear her shoes while Amelia took her bag and wore her heels. The walk to aunt Marie's house was obviously short, less than 4 minutes. Amelia was surprised at the fact that Violet talked the entire time. She jumped from random college jeers to her latest window shopping with her friends. She (Violet) seemed to have missed the opportunity to tell her (Amelia) about the recent events because she (Amelia) was busy. Amelia didn't know if it was the generation gap, but none of the topics Violet talked about pinged her interest. Thankfully, they arrived before she lost her patience. Ok, she definitely needed more practice with kids. "Ah! We are already here." She spoke pouting. "Well, Let me call my mom. You can wait here or come inside." Seeing Amelia stand by the door, Violet opened the door and ran into her house. "Mommmm!" She heard Violet's loud voice and chuckled. After a few minutes of distant murmur, Amelia saw aunt Marie walk towards her. "Hello, aunt." Amelia greeted her while Aunt Marie smiled. "I hope violet didn't make much trouble Amelia." Marie spoke while Amelia widened her her eyes and quickly shook her head. "Oh no no! She had been a great help! I'm so sorry for always bothering you." Amelia apologized while Marie waved her hand. "No worries. Violet told me you wanted to talk?" Marie spoke getting to the point while Amelia smiled shyly. She didn't know how to gift someone. In her short 29 years of life, she had never gifted others. Wait- gifting would be a far cry, she doesn't even know the faces of her neighbours. No one seemed to mind back then. Coming out of her thoughts, she quickly handed over the bag to Marie. "Aunty you must not refuse. You have helped me a lot with the kids." She spoke quickly, afraid she would bite her tongue. "Aya! Why are you behaving so formal with me? We don't need this." Marie spoke immediately seeing the meat that Amelia handed to her. She definitely cannot talk it. "Aunty, please. Think of it as a parting gift. I have never invited you to dinner while you took care of the kids for so long. Now that I'm leaving, I do not have the opportunity. Please." She pleaded while Marie looked uncomfortable at the amount of meat but nodded her head. It doesn't seem right to refuse when she puts it like that. Amelia smiled widely and thanked her once again before going back to her flat. ~.~
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