• C h a p t e r N i n e •

2492 Words
System, keep an eye on the kids for me, please. Amelia instructed dropping a sleeping Ria and a lively Lucas at the kid's room. Looking at her reflection in the glass once, she straightened her back. Finally some time alone without those two chipmunks! I can now understand why parents send their kids to kindergarten. Oh my god! Are these dark circles? I look a little thinner too. Am I stressing too much? But it has been just a day! The previous owner should have taken more care of her body. I know the hardships of ignoring skincare in my twenties... Maybe I should change my hair color too. It suddenly occurred to her looking at the brown hair. The system felt amused at her thought process. Her brain never stayed at a single topic. She finally smiled at her reflection. "Let's go get divorced!" ~.~ "Finally! I thought you would never arrive." William sarcastically opened his arms while Amelia smiled at him widely before turning her attention to the man sitting in the chair cowering like a coward. As soon as his eyes met hers, he looked down. Amelia scoffed at Liam's welcoming nature. "Where are the documents? I want to see them before signing." Amelia spoke taking a seat at the opposite end while William looked surprised. He bought Liam here to see how Amelia would react. He wanted to test her. But she actually ignored him. "Why? You can't trust me?" William chuckled while Amelia made an are you seriously asking me this face. "Well, I have this 'don't trust businessmen' policy that I adopted recently thanks to certain someone." Amelia smiled at Liam who flinched at the mention. "Anyway-" Amelia rolled her eyes pausing for a moment. "Documents?" She reached out while William looked at his lawyer who nodded at him and opened his briefcase. "These are the divorce documents. While these- are for property transfer and share transfer." He explained pulling out the yellowish white papers. "Well, you are all prepared, aren't you?" Amelia spoke as she went through the documents. Only when she felt everything was detailed enough without any vague loopholes and her condition of taking full rights of the kids mentioned, she looked up. "Everything's perfect? I don't have much time to spare." William asked glancing at his watch while Amelia rolled at the cliché line. "Yes, let's complete the property transfer first." She uttered taking the documents besides the Divorce ones. Listening to her words, Liam widened his eyes in surprise. The Amelia he knew never cared about that. Nor did she ever ignore him. The Amelia he was seeing right now seemed to be oceans far from the girl he knew. He couldn't believe a person could change this quickly. It's not that she isn't capable of change, it's just that he knows her too well to believe her. Maybe she is just putting up with this. Maybe she doesn't really want to divorce. I mean she did say she will never divorce me until death. Yes, that must be it. Amelia loves me. She is just acting. She did all this just to see me. Any moment, she should burst out saying I will not divorce. Liam thought sighing. His brother is naive enough to call him here. How will they escape from her? "Whatever." William rolled his eyes. In the end, she is just someone after money. He was stressed that he had to deal with an emotional fool. Her lawyer got her to sign on a few areas. Once the process was done, he handed her the divorce papers. Looking at the familiar papers intact made her feel emotional for no reason. She caressed the paper once before turning the page to see Liam's sign. There was a sudden hollowness in her heart. Sudden loss of air. Cold sweat running on her forehead. She had to take a moment to calm down. Host! Host! Are you ok? I'm sorry, host. It seems the original owner's feeling came out all of a sudden. I am ok, system. I just need to take a breath. Amelia's eyes met Liam's who was looking at her since the beginning. She took a deep breath. It's now or never. "Liam," Amelia called out who came out of his daze and rolled his eyes. It's starting. Liam thought. "Did you- Did you ever love me?" Amelia felt her chest tightening even more when she uttered these words. William rolled his eyes at the drama he knew would happen now. While Liam seemed to be taken aback by her question. He didn't expect her to ask this. He expected her to say 'I will never divorce you! Not even on my dead body!' or something in line with that. "I-" He paused trying to evaluate her expression while Amelia looked at him emotionlessly. "I did love you. But I love her more. She needs me, Amelia." He uttered finally. All the weight of his shoulders seemed to go away while Amelia felt her heartbreaking. She hated it. She hated these feelings of her's yet not 'hers'. They were like weights holding her back. And she knew she needs to let them out only then will it be hers wholly. She immediately signed the papers and handed the pen to her lawyer beside her. Looking at Liam with bloodshot eyes, Amelia uttered sarcastically- "Thank you for ruining and making me ruin my life. I hope you have a great life ahead with that b***h, bastard!" And threw those papers on him before walking away from all of them. ~.~ That bastard deserved to be hit! Amelia muttered kicking the car beside her. She seemed to have walked into the parking lot. She was too busy to comprehend what she was doing. Her heart was pounding and her headache rising continuously making it hard to think. Her eyes were red with tears. These emotions are making her sick. She kicked the car tire again, this time harder. Calming down finally, she removed her heels and sat down by the car with her back resting against it. System... Yes, host? How are the kids? She asked picking her heel and looked at it randomly. Lucas is playing with the toys they gave while Ria is still sleeping, host. Thank god! A relief spread inside her heart. Host, the original owner's feeling will never come to you again. The system added while Amelia took a deep breath. I hope so too. She muttered when she heard someone clear their throat. "Excuse me, miss-" The old man halted when he saw her face as she looked up. "I'm sorry!" Amelia apologized, embarrassed for being caught in her act. Thankfully, he seems to have arrived just now. She stood up wobbling a bit and immediately put her heel on her foot and moved away from the car making way for him. "I hope you are alright, child." He spoke while she just smiled at him. bowing down, muttering a thank you, she fled towards the exit. "What are you standing here for?" Robert asked as tapped his shoulder. "Nothing, just a girl. She seems to be troubled. She should be around that boy's age." James answered looking at the exit. "Thinking about it, when is Alex coming back?" Robert questioned while James sighed. "I don't know. That stinky boy made many plans while staying abroad, he even forgot there is something called home." James complained while Robert lowered his eyes and fell silent. "Why not just search for her?" James asked not being able to bear the silence. "She was the one who left when I tried to make her stay. If she doesn't approach me, neither will I." He said stubbornly. "You are too old to stay stubborn. What if she isn't faring well?" James questioned while Robert furrowed his eyebrows. "I- She should be doing well." He spoke uncertainly. "Alright, I believe you. But you are old and lonely. Don't you want to see your great-grandkids?" He asked while Robert rolled his eyes. "Like you are any younger!" Robert scoffed while James sighed thinking about his grandchild. "Let's not fight." He spoke unlocking the car while Robert shook his head. ~.~ God! How embarrassing! System, you should have at least alerted me. She muttered walking up the stairs. Sorry, host. Something came up. The system answered while Amelia frowned. Is there any problem? System? ATTENTION! THE ORIGINAL OWNER'S GRANDFATHER IS IN THE VICINITY! ATTENTION! THE ORIGINAL OWNER'S GRANDFATHER IS IN THE VICINITY! A mechanical voice rang in her ear loudly making her slip. Thankfully she gripped the railing before she could fall forward and break her nose. Standing up straight, she looked around fanatically to see no one. System? She questioned. Host, your grandfather was in the parking lot. He's about to drive away. Would you like to proceed with the previous owner's wish? The system asked. Amelia sighed in relief realizing the system was back to normal. "System, I don't want to meet him here. Especially with the kids. I want to pack everything up and go to him to explain my situation and apologize. Then I'll leave this place forever hopefully." Amelia answered. Ok host. I'll freeze the mission again. It answered in return. Amelia went into the kid's room. What greeted her was Lucas sitting in the judge seat of the tiny court made for kids to play. He had the gavel in his hand and was wearing a black coat on top of his outfit. "Oldel! Oldel!" He spoke repeating what the sister told with a serious face which made Amelia laugh. Hearing a laugh, Lucas looked around. He had a big smile on finding his mom. He quickly jumped out causing Amelia to widen her eyes in worry and ran to her. "This little guy will give me a heart attack one day." She muttered as she knelt down before him. "Mom, oldel" He spoke biting his tongue while Amelia smiled. "Yes, order. Seems like you played a lot. Where's your sister?" She asked as if he could understand. Lucas just giggled in return. "Here she is." The sister who took care of them bought Ria who was pouting with a piece of candy in her mouth. "Your son is really well behaved. He never asked for anything and played by himself." The sister praised while Amelia just smiled. "I hope Ria didn't make much trouble." She spoke apologetically while the sister shook her head. "It was alright. She was scared on not finding you. But she was alright after eating candy." She answered as she handed Ria to Amelia. "Thank you for looking after them," Amelia spoke as she hugged Ria to herself by her waist and held Lucas's hand with another. "It's alright! Bye!" ~.~ Reaching home the first thing Amelia did was lie on the bed. Lucas went back to look for his blocks while Ria stood beside the bed still chewing the half-eaten candy. Having no teeth she couldn't bite it off. And being big, she couldn't swallow it in one go. "Now, I need to pack my bags and get out of this place. I swear, never will I buy an apartment. Climbing up all those stairs-" Amelia whimpered to herself. Host, you still have daily quests to complete. The system reminded while Amelia sighed in exhaustion. Why did signing a few papers take so much of her energy? System, show me today's quests. A screen appeared in front of her with the same format as the previous ones. Missions of the day. Play with Ria and Lucas for at least an hour. (Time left: 60 minutes) - 10 EPs Carry the kids in your arms. (Five times/Three times left) - 30 EPs Read 5 chapters of 'how to raise a kid' (Can be bought at the system store) - 15 EPs Buy clothes for the kids. Buy at least two sets of clothes for each. (Time limit -Two days) - 20 EPs Buy a basic cooking manual from the System store. - 3 EPs End. Seems like I have a lot of work today? Amelia muttered tapping her chin. I remember telling you I'll be learning how to cook after moving out? Amelia questioned frowning. Yes, host. This is just for you to get familiarised with the kitchen. Oh! How many points do I have now? She questioned in curiosity. Counting the points from the missions you did yesterday. You have 56 points host. Oh! That's a lot. Isn't it? Considering the range of prices of products in system store, the points you have can only be used to buy food and the likes. You will not be able to access better options. Really? Well, I just have to earn more! Amelia decided to stay positive. While the system didn't respond to her. System? Sorry, host. You were saying? Nothing important. Why are you so distracted? Amelia questioned. Actually, host, it is regarding today's incident. Normally, there shouldn't be any connection of the original person. And there was a delay in the alerting message about your grandfather. I have sent a message to the head system that there must be a bug in the system management. The system explained patiently. And what will happen now? Amelia asked clearly not having any idea. The head system recommended manual security check. Usually, it takes a bit of time to complete it. I'm afraid you'll have to manage on your own, host. What! But- How can I- I get it but it hasn't been more than two days since I came here. I can't manage both Ria and Lucas on my own. Amelia said. She did feel terribly helpless without the system. Don't worry, host. I'll set a clone which will provide you any information you ask. But it cannot help you other than giving information. Just in case I'll set an emergency button. I'm sorry, host. The system apologized. While Amelia frowned. I- Alright. You can go. Amelia spoke sighing. Then host, until we meet again. The system said and I instantly Amelia felt lightheaded. She closed her eyes tightly at that sensation. She opened them again after a few minutes. She looked at the ceiling and minutes passed. It was quiet except for the noise of Ria blabbering. She knows what ever the system does is for her own good but it will definitely feel empty without it. "Uwu" A aggrieved sound came from the right side of the bed bringing Amelia out of her daze. "Aigo!" She spoke looking at Ria who's candy was now on the floor. She was trying to pick it up when Amelia caught her and took her into her arms in a swift move. "3-second rule doesn't apply to kids." She spoke tapping Ria's nose who seemed to say she'll cry if Amelia doesn't put her down. But Amelia ignored it. And she cried.
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