• C h a p t e r E l e v e n •

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Amelia sat beside Lucas and Ria. Lucas was still watching whatever video Violet opened while Ria was examining her foot. She seemed really cute as she pinched her toes and giggled when she accidentally tickled herself. Amelia couldn't resist taking her into her arms and kissing her fluffy cheeks hard making Ria giggle even more. She put Ria in her lap who happily blabbered on and on and then looked at Lucas. "Baby, your brother seemed to be addicted to it." She felt stressed. Mobile was definitely unhealthy to kids. Especially when she saw Lucas looking at the mobile with less than a meter distance. Aya! She needed to be strict. ~.~ The day ended fast with Amelia entertaining the two royal highnesses at her home. She had successfully retrieved her mobile and distracted Lucas with his toys. She then took her time to play with Ria. She had cleared most of her quests for the day except buying clothes for the kids. But it had a time limit of two days so she wasn't really concerned about it. Lying on her bed she thought about her life at present. It wasn't that bad. She was busy every day but it was fulfilling. And honestly, her dislike for kids reduced after spending so much time with them. And the hope of even better future where she doesn't need to worry about money makes it less stressful. Talking about money, she remembered- System clone? Amelia called out. Yes, host. What can I do for you? How do shares work generally? She questioned genuinely wondering. She had never invested in a company or bought any shares so this was something novel to her. Host, as you know companies sell shares in order to get funds for further development. When you buy the shares, you become a partial owner of the company. You can make money with the shares in two ways. One, to wait for the quarterly dividends. Two, to sell the shares when the share price increases. The clone informed in a simple manner. Amelia pondered on the information for a while. As she had no idea when the company will pay dividends. She won't be getting her money from the shares any time soon. While the ones from hotel and apartment would be sent to her by the end of the month with is still 10 days away. She had to work around the money she has in her card for now. Anyway even after all the expenses, there should be 5000$ still left in the card. Her thoughts drifted around for a long time before sleep took over her. ~.~ "Yes, I would like to book the room for a night and two days." "Yes, I will arrive today and leave tomorrow." "This is my phone number. I would like to pay online if it is possible." "Ok, I will do that. Thank you." Amelia stretched her hand that held her phone. She looked around to see if she missed packing something. Thankfully the original owner didn't have much luggage and she definitely wasn't bringing utensils with her to the hotel room. Now she had to get both the kids ready and get dressed herself. She donned Ria in a cute pink cotton t-shirt with star pattern on the front and long pants while Lucas wore a black and white stripes shirt and shorts. Together they looked like pink Princess and her black knight. Amelia gushed about it in her mind. And clicked a few pictures of them. Huffing in exhaustion, she finally got ready in a cream knee length dress with flowery pattern and light make up to enhance her looks. Smiling in satisfaction, she picked up Ria and balanced her with her arm on her small back carefully. Although she was much proficient in holding Ria than before, she was still cautious. She held the luggage in her other hand and ushered Lucas to walk in front of her. This way she can keep an eye on him without the need to hold his hand. Locking the door carefully, she walked towards Aunt Marie's house. She knocked twice and stood by the door waiting. "Ah! Amelia!" Noah exclaimed in surprise. He frowned looking at the bag in her hand before remembering what his wife said yesterday. The dinner was sumptuous thanks to her. "Marie, Violet! Amelia is here to see you." Noah called out before turning back to her. "It's sad to see you move. We will definitely miss you. Especially Violet, that little girl gets attached easily. I hope she didn't trouble you much." He spoke patting Lucas's head who smiled widely at him. "No no I have to thank you all for taking care of us." Amelia spoke bowing while Noah smiled at her. "It's alright. Don't mention it. Thanks to you we had a good meal yesterday." He spoke while Amelia chuckled happily. "I'm glad uncle." She spoke. "Ami..." As soon as Lucas saw her, he ran to hug her knees. She looked at him and Ria in sadness. "Vio! Vio!" Lucas exclaimed while Violet chuckled and patted his head. "Are you leaving now?" Marie's suprised voice echoed behind Violet. She walked towards them wiping her hands to the apron. "Yes Aunt Marie. Their school will start soon and I want to fix the house before that." Amelia spoke while Marie nodded understanding. "Have a safe trip. Do visit us if you ever pass by." Marie spoke patting Ria's head who looked as if she's about to cry if she didn't let go. "I will definitely." Amelia nodded at the couple and awkwardly hugged a red-eyed violet. She bid a final good bye to both the couple and their daughter. Then looked at the apartment one last time. "I don't know if this is sentimental to you being your home for more than a year maybe, but I'm gonna move forward now." Amelia muttered to the distance before walking down the stairs with Ria in her arms and Lucas jumping beside her. ~.~ The machine beeped pushing out few notes. Amelia counted them once before putting them in her bag. There was a total of $500 dollars in her hands and a little over 2000 in her bank. She had totally forgotten about the surprise that 'she' had planned last week also used the money in this card. The wind brushed past her, fluttering her hair briefly. She raised her free hand to hire a taxi. After few of them passed her by, she finally hailed one. Setting her luggage in the trunk with the help of the driver, She sat at the back with Lucas beside her and Ria on her lap. "Where to, miss?" The driver was a polite middle-aged man who smiled at the kids. "Umm.. to sunset lodge in cardivana?" She spoke looking at her mobile as she wasn't sure what to call that. "All right miss. Please put on your seat belts." He reminded while Amelia smiled in gratitude. It took them 10 minutes to reach. The driver kindly took the luggage till the door and handed it to the lobby attendent. Amelia thanked him and paid him with a small tip from what she could afford at the moment. The driver smiled at her and bid her and the kids bye. Amelia turned towards the huge hotel front and sighed in relief. No more climbing 8 floors to get home. She walked inside and got checked in with the receptionist who got a bell boy to show her the room which was on the first floor. Putting Ria down on the soft white bed, she stretched her back. This will definitely get her a back ache later. She then leisurely looked around. The room was of decent size with light cream walls and a bit of decoration, other necessities, etc. All in all it was something that's acceptable with what she paid. Bringing herself a glass of water, she first made Ria and Lucas drink it after washing the spoon she found on the table. Just when she was about to sit down, Lucas pulled her dress and gestured towards the bag. She took out the toys in her bag and gave them to Lucas who happily sat down and started playing with them. Taking a deep breath, she looked at the table in front of her. Now that she's out of that house, she needs to decide where to go. She had three choices from what the system said. One is in the west, second all the way to the south and third is her hometown. Obviously the third one's out of consideration, since 'her' grandfather is well know in that area. And Vaco seems better with the beach and its way in the south so she doesn't need to worry about coming across them unless they are on vacation. This conclusion drew a smile on her face. A soft push jerked her back to reality. She looked behind to see Ria pressing her foot on her waist while lying on the bed. Amelia narrowed her eyes and held her small foot making Ria giggle loudly. Amelia playfully pulled her leg making her giggle loudly and try to break free from her hold. Lucas ran to the bed to see his sister laughing and giggled along putting his hands infront of his mouth. Amelia smiled at the two kids. Looking at them like this makes her want to protect their smiles. They should never experience the things she did. Amelia's eyes softened as she gazed at them all the while making a silent promise to herself that she would do her best to provide for them. ~.~
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