• C h a p t e r T w e l v e •

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It's hard. That was the first thing that got into her mind as she woke up. Exhaustion hit her as she stared into the ceiling. She had been on the run since she had transmigrated. You should get up soon. She reminded herself, yet the soft bed held her in her place and she let her mind wander as she allowed herself to relax. Buying clothes... Then... Sell the buildings in her hand if possible... Probably would take the most time... She also needs to look for transport to Vaco... And finally, buy a house... Home... She paused. Such a foreign word. And the fact that she should get familiar with it now made her smile. She turned to her right to see Ria sprawled on the bed with her legs on Lucas's stomach and her head angled at her. Lucas looked a little uncomfortable. Amelia sat up and pulled Ria to her side, tucking her into her blanket. Then she tucked Lucas properly. She ran her hand through her hair as she stood up and walked to the bathroom to freshen up. She came out a few minutes later to see Ria sitting on the bed with her hair messed up. She looked groggy from sleep as she looked around the new place. It's a surprise that she isn't crying yet. Because most kids cry when they see something unfamiliar. Especially after waking up alone! "Good morning, Ria" Amelia greeted her as she sat before her with a smile. Ria looked at Amelia in silence, blinking her eyes before yawning and falling to her side. Amelia scoffed at her antics as she took Ria into her arms and lulled her to sleep. Was it better for her to sleep now? Amelia wondered as she looked at the clock. It was a quarter past seven in the morning- probably enough time to take a nap before breakfast. Amelia put Ria on the bed, tucking her back into the blanket again and put a pillow to barricade her. It's better to avoid accidents. She looked at the other side of the bed where Lucas was still sleeping, albeit peacefully now. Did I forget to put a pillow beside him last night? She frowned at the thought. Although Ria was more childlike out of the two, he was still a one-year-old kid who could easily get hurt if they were careless. Huffing at herself, she walked across the bed. She almost tripped over as she held the cabinet in front of her. A groan left her as she examined her foot. Her delicate porcelain skin was now quite red. Thankfully, she was alright except for occasional pain. The culprit who had kicked off the pillow remained undisturbed. She raised her hands in defeat and dusted the pillow off before placing it beside him again. At least she wasn't careless. She quickly dialed the room service and asked if they offered cereal and ordered herself a light breakfast considering she still had to save. She organized Lucas and Ria's toys back into her bag. They'll probably be out most of the time today and she could avoid some last-minute packing. "Mom" She heard Lucas call out. She turned around to see him rubbing his eyes and waddling towards her. She lifted him up with an 'omph'. He was heavier than Ria. "How come you are up so early?" She questioned, but he just blabbered on about something. She smiled to herself as she took him to the bathroom to freshen up. ~.~ Amelia fed both the kids after little Ria woke up from her nap. She was growing more and more used to them in her life now. She dressed them in comfortable clothing after bathing them in warm water. Thankfully, they didn't make much trouble. Emphasis on the much! They were now off running around and playing again. So much for saving the last minute packing time. She rolled her eyes as she went back to contemplating between going to find transport to Vaco and visiting the property. She would be dressed up and as much as she loved avoiding people, she found the money to be too much of a lure to avoid. Hey system clone? She called out as she searched her bag for a presentable dress that also smelled money. Yes, host. What can I do for you? She kinda missed her system. She sniffed as she pulled out a low V-necked, short, burgundy-delicate lace dress with long sleeves that reached just above her knees with a slit-to her thigh. Pairing off with a pearl bracelet and a matching necklace, she smiled, satisfied. It reeked of money, that's for sure. Can you tell me about Crown Plaza? She asked as she changed into her dress. She had trouble taming her brown locks. She wondered about chopping it off but decided it would be a task for some other day. Yes, host. The Crown Plaza is a luxury hotel in the center of the city. It is chained with its branches all across the world. With more than 2 million guests checking in and out each year, it comes in second place only to Colossal, the condominium hotel. It generates 150 million in revenue annually. This hotel is managed by Mr. Harvey Louis. The main lead has given up control of the main branch of the hotel, but all the subsidiary branches are still under his authority. Well, I expected him to do that. Crown Plaza is an individual entity, while the others are called Brown's Plaza. I guess he's the main lead for a reason. She scoffed as she curled her eye lashes. She batted her eyelashes until they were comfortable and applied some gloss. Taking a look at herself, she sighed in satisfaction. But this one, Crown Plaza, was also a tough opponent to beat. She would not go down without a fight! With one last look, she straightened her back and walked out of the bathroom confidently. Clone, please tell me if Mr. Harvey Louis is free for an unexpected appointment today. I would rather meet him while he's still around. She spoke worried about Mr. Harvey resigned or transferred before she could speak to him. He has a quarterly check-in at the Plaza tomorrow, host. He has just returned from his vacation in Bali. The clone said, while Amelia sighed. I guess luck is a major factor in life. Is there any other way to meet him? She asked, sighing again. Yes, host. You can arrange an appointment with him for tomorrow using the system store. Or track him and meet him at his place today. You can also buy luck in the system store. It said in a monotonous way. She shivered. Isn't it practically stalking? And how can people buy luck? Isn't that supposed to be practically impossible? She mentally screamed before taking a deep breath. Host, you and me being here is practically impossible according to science too. The system clone muttered surprisingly cut close to the original system. How much is this luck? She wondered. Host, a minuscule amount of luck will deplete all your points and you might even have to loan more to buy it. He spoke while Amelia rolled her eyes. Then why tell me! She was positively frustrated. However, you can use the spin-to-win wheel. It might help you out. It said while Amelia pondered upon the fact and decided to give it a try. A pop-up screen appeared in front of her. She pressed the bright red start button. It spun until it landed on something. Congratulations host! You have won a hand fan. The system announcement came up abruptly. A fan? A hand FAN? How is this gonna get me lucky! She groaned as she looked at the burgundy colored lace fan. If she went out with this thing, people would think she went bat s**t crazy. Host, this fan has a luck of 0.00000000000000000000000000- Okay stop that! I got it. I got it. She spoke, throwing up her hands and lying on the bed, which she regretted instantly. My hairstyle. She sniffed. Now can I book an appointment today? She asked, her tone filled with hope. No, host. He is rather strict about protocols and only meets with people during office hours. Even with a minuscule amount of luck, it's impossible to meet him in person, much less with the luck of a fan. The clone said while Amelia contemplated her life decisions while fanning her face with the burgundy mess of a fan. What would be your reaction if you met your boss and her two kids accidently near your house? That was absolutely appalling to even think of! Host, that or an appointment tomorrow. The system clone said in the tone of finality. Fine! I would like to know where he lives. She spoke, caressing Lucas's hair as he played with his Legos. He lives in Falcon Grounds, on Albert Street. It drawled if that's possible. But that wasn't the issue she was grappling with. Wait? Albert street? She questioned. Yes, host. Isn't that the Marine community? She spoke surprised. No, host. However, it is near the Marine community. The system corrected her, who rolled her eyes in return. This might work! She squealed in joy, sitting up straight. She can now deal with two of her most troublesome problems at the same time. Guess, luck does play that role sometimes. ~.~
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