• C h a p t e r S e v e n t e e n •

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Hey, system? When will the main system be back? Amelia inquired as she meticulously sliced her succulent steak into smaller, bite-sized pieces. The meat looked absolutely delectable, its juices shimmering enticingly under the warm glow of the room's lights. Among the many things Amelia appreciated about her transmigration, the newfound joy of indulging in delicious food was high on the list. Savoring the aroma, she took a bite of the steak with evident relish, a contented sigh escaping her lips. The meat practically melted in her mouth, and she couldn't help but close her eyes in sheer delight. The tangy undertones of the sauce perfectly complemented the natural umami of the steak, creating a symphony of tastes that danced on her taste buds. Beside the steak was a medley of roasted vegetables, their vibrant colors adding a pop of freshness to the plate. The vegetables were cooked to perfection, maintaining a delightful crunch while still being tender. The mild seasoning allowed the natural sweetness of the produce to shine through, providing a delightful contrast to the rich flavors of the steak. To accompany her meal, there was a glass of velvety red wine, its deep hue echoing the richness of the dish. The wine's aroma wafted gently, enhancing the sensory experience of each bite. Its subtle notes of fruit and oak added depth to the overall taste, creating a harmonious union with the steak. The hotel surely overdid their menu. Amelia sighed in appreciation. It is beyond my abilities, host, the clone system responded, catching Amelia slightly off guard. It seemed that there were certain matters the clone system couldn't address. Leaning back in her chair, Amelia contemplated her next thoughts. Well, apart from that, I also want to explore the kindergartens in Vaco. I can buy a house near it and it'll be easier for the kids to join them in the future, she mused, idly poking at her steak with her knife. Most families strive for the best for their children. I shouldn't cut corners when it comes to their education, I guess. Ding! Triggered hidden mission. As she contemplated this notion, Amelia couldn't help but acknowledge that it felt foreign to her. The idea of ensuring her children received the finest education. Her own upbringing had been modest—public school followed by hard work to secure a spot at her desired college. The decision to provide her children with the best education felt both empowering and disconcerting. She wrestled with the thought of not spoiling them excessively or raising entitled, privileged youngsters. Picturing Lucas and Ria adorned in extravagant attire, living extravagantly, sent a shiver of repulsion down Amelia's spine. She made a firm resolve that she would instill in her children values of self-reliance and fiscal responsibility when the time came. With a sense of determination, Amelia decided that she would offer her children opportunities, but not at the cost of their humility or understanding of real-world challenges. Host, here's a list of schools, the system interjected, providing a timely reminder of her practical considerations. Amelia felt a surge of readiness. Armed with information and her own resolve, she knew that whatever lay ahead in Vaco, she was prepared to carve the best possible path for her and the kids' future. She quickly finished her food. With a sense of satisfaction from her meal, Amelia turned her attention to the task at hand—exploring the kindergartens in Vaco. She pulled up the list of schools the system had provided, her excitement surprisingly growing as she delved into each option. I never thought I would one day select schools for my kids. She felt funny inside. 1. Rosewood Kindergarten Rosewood Kindergarten stood out as one of the top options on the list. Renowned for its innovative curriculum and child-centric approach, it was a place where creativity and critical thinking were nurtured from a young age. The school's sprawling campus was a vibrant oasis of color, with lush gardens and play areas that stimulated children's imagination and curiosity. The classrooms were bright and airy, designed to foster a love for learning. From art studios to science labs tailored for young minds, Rosewood Kindergarten was a haven for experiential education. 2. Sunshine Grove Academy Sunshine Grove Academy prides itself on its comprehensive and holistic approach to education. The school's modern facilities include interactive smart classrooms that encourage interactive learning. A state-of-the-art library, equipped with a vast collection of age-appropriate books, ignited a passion for reading in its students. The school also emphasized the importance of character development through various extracurricular activities, including community service projects and cultural exchanges. The campus was a blend of tradition and modernity, with a balance between technology and nature. 3. Serene Haven Montessori Serene Haven Montessori was celebrated for its time-tested Montessori pedagogy, which focused on individualized learning and hands-on experiences. The classrooms were designed to inspire independence and self-motivation, with open spaces that allowed children to explore at their own pace. The school's outdoor spaces were transformed into captivating learning environments, complete with gardens, nature trails, and even a small farm, where students could engage with the natural world. Serene Haven Montessori aimed to foster a deep connection between students and their surroundings. As Amelia read through the descriptions of each school, she felt a growing sense of responsibility. She knew that the choice she made would have a significant impact on her children's early education. With the three best options laid out before her, Amelia carefully weighed the merits of each. Rosewood Kindergarten seemed like a haven for creativity and exploration, perfect for nurturing her children's curiosity. Its emphasis on experiential learning aligned with Amelia's own values as a designer. Sunshine Grove Academy offered a comprehensive approach to education, focusing not only on academics but also on character development. This resonated with Amelia's desire to raise well-rounded individuals who were not only academically adept but also compassionate and socially aware. Serene Haven Montessori held the allure of the renowned Montessori method, which prioritized individualized learning and practical experiences. The school's strong connection to nature appealed to Amelia's belief in the importance of a strong bond with the environment. After careful consideration, Amelia knew her decision. She would visit each of these schools to get a firsthand feel of their atmosphere and teaching methodologies. The future of the children's education was at stake, and it would be best to experience it and then make a decision. Amelia leaned back, her back muscles gently stretching as she set the information screen aside. She felt a sense of accomplishment as she completed her research for the day. Host, this is just the basic information, the clone system's voice chimed in, drawing Amelia's attention. For a more comprehensive insight, the system can provide you with detailed information for a mere 30 points. Amelia's eyebrows raised in surprise. Wait, so what I just saw was merely scratching the surface? Well, it wasn't much of a surprise when the information was free. Indeed, host, the system responded. What you accessed earlier was a condensed overview. The inner workings of each school, their teaching methodologies, and even feedback from current students and parents can be made available to you. Amelia nodded slowly, absorbing the revelation. The idea that there was a deeper layer of information waiting to be explored intrigued her. Let me clarify, she said, her curiosity piqued. You're saying that I can access not just the exterior features and basic descriptions but also delve into how these schools truly function, including insights from people who are already a part of them? Absolutely, host, the system confirmed. You can gain access to a more comprehensive view of each school, including details that go beyond the surface level. Amelia was astonished by the possibilities. The thought of having access to firsthand experiences and candid opinions from those within the schools was immensely appealing. Consider the potential, she mused, her mind racing. Having an understanding of not just what is presented but also how it all operates internally… It could truly help me make an informed decision. She glanced back at the list of schools, her determination solidifying. Alright, system, let's do it. Provide me with the detailed information for all the schools. Ding! Amelia could see the points change from 38 to a measly 8. Yet she didn't feel it was a waste of points. This information was a game changer after all. The screen materialized, presenting a cascade of information that unfurled before her eyes. Rosewood Kindergarten Infrastructure: Rosewood Kindergarten exuded an air of elegance with its Victorian-inspired architecture. The campus was a sprawling oasis adorned with manicured gardens, intricate fountains, and charming cobblestone pathways. Each classroom was a masterpiece of design, blending classical aesthetics with modern functionality. The indoor play area resembled a fairytale land, complete with miniature castles and whimsical sculptures. Teaching Facility: Rosewood prides itself on its avant-garde teaching methods. The classrooms were equipped with state-of-the-art smart boards and interactive learning tools. The curriculum was designed to encourage creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. However, beneath the veneer of innovation, rumors circulated about certain teachers displaying favoritism toward students from influential families. Hidden Dealings: Despite its prestigious reputation, whispers of backdoor dealings and preferential treatment lingered. It was rumored that a secret club of influential parents had a say in certain administrative decisions, leading to opportunities being unfairly distributed. The true extent of these dealings remained shrouded in secrecy, casting a shadow over the school's otherwise impeccable image. Sunshine Grove Academy Infrastructure: Sunshine Grove Academy boasts a contemporary architectural style, blending glass and steel with nature. The campus featured eco-friendly designs, including solar panels and rainwater harvesting systems. The library was a modern marvel, with a vast collection of books and digital resources. The school grounds included outdoor learning spaces, where students could engage in hands-on projects. Teaching Facility: The academy offered an array of cutting-edge teaching facilities, including interactive classrooms and fully equipped science and computer labs. Character development was a focal point, with mandatory participation in community service and character-building workshops. However, some parents whispered about certain faculty members showing partiality toward students from affluent families, leading to disparities in opportunities. Serene Haven Montessori Infrastructure: Serene Haven Montessori embraced a rustic charm, with buildings nestled amidst lush greenery. The classrooms were designed to facilitate self-directed learning, with open spaces and natural light. The outdoor environment was integrated into the curriculum, with gardens and nature trails providing a hands-on learning experience. Teaching Facility: The Montessori approach emphasized individualized learning, allowing students to explore subjects at their own pace. Practical life skills were integrated into the curriculum, from cooking to gardening. The school aimed at creating well-rounded individuals with a strong bond to nature. Yet, some parents whispered that the focus on self-paced learning sometimes leaves students ill-prepared for structured environments in later education. Amelia read the information carefully. Rosewood Kindergarten's hidden dealings raised a red flag, forcing her to consider the authenticity of its reputation. Sunshine Grove Academy's partiality seemed to hint at a need for transparency and fairness. Serene Haven Montessori's approach aligned with her values, yet the concerns about preparedness were valid. But that was the only drawback. Serene Haven Montessori was better than the rest of the schools. It's decided then! Amelia sighed in relief. At least she was done with the studies aspect. Ding! Triggered hidden mission completed! Select a kindergarten for the children (✅) - 60 EPS A broad smile graced Amelia's face as she glanced at the mission that had been activated. It seemed she had missed the exact moment it had been triggered. Nevertheless, a reward after a day of diligent work always held a special sweetness.
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