• C h a p t e r T h i r t e e n •

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Deciding to leave the hotel only after visiting her two properties, Amelia left the room with Ria in her arms and Lucas toddling behind. Her luggage would be safe there and she could not possibly attend a meeting with a luxury hotel manager with her kids and her luggage. Back to the point! she reminded herself as she held out her hand for Lucas, who happily reached out, holding her hand with two of his. Such a cutie pie! She coddled. Back to the damn point! Her inner self drawled. Fine! She hailed a taxi. And began her grand plan to stal- track Mr. Harvey. She corrected herself, holding Ria a little tighter so she didn't wiggle around and fall. Lucas, who was always the nicest kid ever, didn't bother to hold back while he was in the taxi. He kept on bouncing up and down the seat. He proved it was practically impossible to remain still. Kids shouldn't have sugar really. So where is Mr. Harvey? She asked as she shifted Ria from one leg to the other, rocking her to sleep. She definitely didn't want her to be up and crying. Mr. Harvey is now on the golf court of Falcon Grounds. He is estimated to stay there for an hour before he goes for a walk in the park. The system reported, while Amelia raised her eyebrows in astonishment. That's quite detailed. She pointed. Yes, host. Mr. Harvey likes to follow a routine in his life. Apparently, he gets very angry if that routine is messed with. He has a record of firing people who didn't follow his rules. While Amelia rolled her eyes. Businessmen. Obviously, he is yet another complex person. What did I expect! Wait? He gets angry when his routine is messed with. And I'm literally about to do the same. She bit her cheek in distress. At least he cannot fire you. Her inner self pointed. But he can quit! She spoke, tilting her head back in defeat. After giving it some thought, Amelia spoke again- System, can you please book a meeting with Mr. Harvey tomorrow? She definitely doesn't like it when someone barges into her life thoughtlessly. Even if it takes time, she will get an appointment first. Yes, host. I'll book an appointment for 2 pm tomorrow at Crown Plaza. At least this was better and ethically correct. Impulsive decisions are never correct. "Excuse me, Can you drive directly to the Marine community?" Amelia spoke to the driver, who grumbled in agreement and changed lanes. She offhandedly looked out of the window to see the bustling crowd. Maybe staying another day wasn't such a bad idea. So much for the fan. Anyway, system clone, who is the community president of Marine? It is Ronald Leevy, host. He lives in building 202 of Central C1. He should be available at this moment. Should I make a call host? The system asked, while Amelia widened her eyes in surprise. Definitely system. Please do so. She relaxed into the seat while watching the changing scenery. She felt a weight on her arm, she glanced to her side to see Lucas tilting his head and lying on her arm. A small smile adorned her face as she combed his brown curls back. Ria's hair was more black than brown while Lucas's was exactly like hers. This made her smile wider. "We have arrived, miss." The driver spoke, parking in front of the gates of the community. Was he expecting her to walk all the way to the center? As if expecting her reaction, the driver rolled her eyes. "Miss, this is a wealthy community. They don't allow unauthorized vehicles inside. Especially taxies". He spoke while Amelia sighed and paid him. She carefully held Ria and got out of the taxi, then extended her hand to Lucas and supported him. Thankfully, the huge gates shielded them from the sun. At least they are safe from head stroke. Fuck! She forgot to bring a damn water bottle. Amelia hit her forehead. They could get dehydration in this heat. Why hadn't she considered that thing? It's okay, host. You can buy water from the store. The system clone reminded while Amelia sighed in relief. She held out her hand to Lucas as they walked into the small guard box beside the gates. "Hello?" Amelia called out. After a bit of shuffling, someone walked out of the guard box. "Yes, how can I help you?" A blond-haired man greeted her with a standard smile. "I am Amelia Martin. I am supposed to meet Mr. Ronald Leevy today." She spoke. "Please wait a minute while I cross check with Mr. Ronald." The guard nodded his head at her as he made a phone call. Lucas happily looked around and babbled away some nonsense. "Yes, Mr. Ronald-" "I'll let her-" "Yes, I'll take utmost care-" She could hear a few bits here and there as she waited along with Ria and Lucas. Her arms were growing tired. She desperately looked forward to the day when Ria would start walking. "Sorry for the delay, Miss. Amelia. There will be a shuttle coming right now. You don't need to worry about anything." He reassured her with a boyish grin while Amelia smiled back in thank you. "Waaaaa" Ria woke up with a cry. While Amelia frowned as she rocked her back and forth. "Shuu baby, what's wrong?" She questioned softly while Ria sniffed in her tears. She was hungry probably? Amelia rummaged through her bag as if searching for something as she secretly bought some milk and a baby bottle from the system store. "Here drink this" She spoke, putting the bottle in her mouth as she rocked her back and forth again. Lucas looked at her with a pout. He probably wants to drink some too. She bought another set from the system store and handed it to him, who gulped it down slowly but eagerly. Thankfully, she had the system or it would have been such a disaster. She thought as she put away the milk bottle which Ria seemed to no longer want. She looked at her surroundings with big doe eyes as if investigating it. Her eyes landed upon the guard, who gave her a broad smile. It was all sunshine and rainbows until he poked her little hand playfully. Her lower lips wobbled as she released a loud cry, making the guard and Amelia flustered. She turned Ria away from the guard, offering an apologetic smile while the guard waved his hand awkwardly. "I'll probably wait outside for the shuttle." He spoke as he walked out, giving space to Amelia, who was trying to calm Ria down. "Baby please stop crying." Amelia pleaded, not knowing what to do. Oh, how she wanted to slap the security man in the head. How many germs must be on his hands? How can he simply touch a kid who's so young and vulnerable to germs? She scowled as she tried to distract Ria by showing her things in the guard box. It felt like an eternity passed when the guard returned again to let her know the shuttle had arrived. She gestured to Lucas to hold her hand as she walked out of the guard box. A white shuttle was ready just outside the gates. A friendly old man sat in the driver's seat and the guard also sat beside him. She promptly helped Lucas sit on the back seat before sitting with Ria. She held Lucas close to her, not letting him wander to the edge, as the damn shuttle didn't have doors. How careless of them!? She would definitely recommend getting better shuttles if she were staying here. But since she wasn't, she would just throw in the suggestion. The rest of the journey was quiet except for occasional chatter between the old man and the guard. They arrived at the central block fairly quickly. She got off the shuttle and helped Lucas off. She was definitely getting more used to it. "Mr. Ronald is waiting on the patio." The guard gestured and Amelia nodded her head as she followed him to what looked like a patio. Wooden tables and the flooring made for an appealing environment. With all the trees encircling the tables, it had a natural feel to it. She had to stop Lucas from running down the corridor as he seemed ready to do so. "Ah, Miss. Amelia Martin! It's nice to see you." The man sitting in the center rose with a welcoming smile. "Hello Mr. Ronald. It's nice to see you too." She spoke as she walked toward him confidently and shook his hand. "It is such a pleasure to meet you today. I have heard of the transfer from a little birdie, you see." He exclaimed, gesturing to her to take a seat while Amelia smiled politely and took a seat. "Of course. It was quite the ordeal in fact." "Didn't expect anything less from a Martin. Arun, please bring some chocolate for the kids." He spoke, making Amelia raise her eyebrows. Well, things just turned a bit more interesting. "Well, since you know, I would like to cut it short. I would not like to change anything. The community has been running perfectly on it's own. I'll be relocating in a day or two, so I won't have the time to over see this personally. The rest can continue to run as usual, but I would like to receive reports every three months." She spoke while Ronald nodded his head thoughtfully. "That is possible, Miss. Martin. But we have an annual meeting every spring which you are required to attend." He spoke while Amelia nodded her head and he went on with a few more details about how the community works and what her role was. "So, with all this cleared, I would like to ask. How are you connected to my grandfather?" Amelia spoke, dropping the bomb, while Ronald chuckled. "Well, it's a long story." He spoke, leaning back into the chair. "I have all the time in the world." ~.~
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