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If you haven't already followed me, do now. And if you have and I didn't follow back, just tell me here and I'll do it now. Troy's POV "Troy are you okay?" Travis directs at me and rushes over to lean by my bedside. Going on one knee, he looks under my bed. Like I'd hide anyone there. I hold my forehead and groan, "I guess so? Is there a reason why I shouldn't be?" I ask him and glance in the direction of the pulled down door. I gasp and rub my eyes, "Is there a valuable reason why my door is no longer connected to its hinges?" Travis looks at the door and shakes his head, "Well we were knocking hard and you didn't open up. We spotted two burglars in the house and we thought something had happened to you since you didn't open up quick." he tells me and I groan again. "Because I was asleep!" I snap at him in a low voice,and look at the other guys looking around my room carefully. One of them looks in the direction of my closet and starts to take careful steps towards it. Not catching up mentally, I let out a long shout. All of them freeze in their spots and turn to look at me, including Travis. Travis eyes me up and down before talking,"What's wrong?" Not knowing what to say, I shout again and stand to my feet. I pace around the room with my hands behind my back, "please send everyone out, now! There's nothing wrong with me nor are there any burglars in my room. I'm not comfortable with these many people around so please leave. Please?" It's not exactly a lie though, I'm really not comfortable with these many people in my room. Travis stays quiet for a moment and looks at me suspiciously before raising his left hand in the air, waving it backwards once. Everyone of the Armed security men lingering around in my room nod their heads in unison. They start to walk out one by one,leaving just Travis and I in the room. Travis stands to his feet and walks up to me. I gulp and hope that he can't sense that I'm so nervous. Never in my life did I think that I'd be hiding burglars in my room anyways. How has my life come to this? "Troy," he starts to say and places one hand on my left shoulder, "If there's anything wrong, you know you can trust me and talk to me, right?" he says. I carefully place his hand off of my shoulder. "What makes you think anything is wrong?" I gulp and shake my head, "You know you are pretty much more of a father to me than my real one so trust me, if anything really is wrong, I'd let you know." I tell him, meaning most of my words. He actually acts more like a dad to me than John Bailey does. He nods and starts to walk out of my room, "Stay safe okay? And if anything strange suddenly pops out of the blue, make sure to ring the emergency bells." he suggests and when he reaches the entrance of my door, I call for him. "Hey Travis." he stops in his tracks and turns on his heels to look at me before mumbling an, "hmm?" "You owe me a door." I tell him and he chuckles,shakes his head, nods and then leaves with a smile plastered on his face. I wait for a minute to pass before running over to the door. I poke my head out of my room and look left and right, taking in the scenery. It looks pretty empty. I sigh and poke my head back in. I grab my door in a tight grip and lift it up, away from the wall it's been caused to lean on in a forceful manner. I sigh and place it where it's supposed to be,blocking the view of my room from the hallway. I rush over to my closet and quickly dig in my pants pocket to find the key. Finding it, I shove it into the attached lock and turn it twice, unlocking the door to the walk-in closet. "Hey guys." I call in an inaudible whisper after opening the closet door. I don't want to risk going inside and having to pass out because I got hit by a frying pan. When there's no reply, I take a brave step into the closet and call again, this time louder. "Hey guys. You can come out now, the coast is clear." I hear the silent shuffling of clothes before Lucy comes to view. She looks at me in the lit up closet and starts to communicate in maintained whispers, "Are you sure there's no one out there?" I nod. Unlike Janice, I'm not that afraid of her, she seems pretty afraid of me anyways. She even referred to me as 'Sir'. No one's ever done that to me before. "Trust me nobody is there, I wouldn't turn you in." Janice's voice suddenly fills the closet as she comes out visible, walking out from the display of clothes . "Why not?" She asks in an emotionless voice. "Okay I really don't think you should be questioning me about wanting to save your butts." I frown and start to walk out of the closet. I move to the edge of my bed and sit there. "I just saved you a whole lot of trouble and I don't think I can help out if you come back again after today." I add as they both walk out of the closet too. "Janice he's right. If we should be anything,it's to be thankful right now. Let's just leave and not fight it out. Please?" Lucy begs her and shakes her shoulders slightly. She sighs and turns to look at the jug of water still on the table. She walks towards it and fills the cup sitting next to it. She lifts her balaclava up a bit, stopping it on her nose so she can drink the glass of water which she gulps down in two seconds . "Come on let's go." She directs at Lucy as she pulls the balaclava back down so only her eyes are revealed once more. "What do we tell Eric about the sack?" Lucy says and I detect a bit of panic in her voice. Who the heck is Eric and why does the thought of his thoughts make her worried? "Just shut up and let's go." Janice tells her and it's pretty obvious she's trying her best not to yell. "You can't go via the door." I tell them and cross my hands across my chest. Janice looks at me and scoffs. "We weren't planning on leaving through the door." She says and strides to the very big window in my bedroom. Lucy hurries behind her and Janice unhooks the similar metal clipped rope from her ,just like yesterday. Since it's past midnight, two nights ago. She clips the first end to the window and the other one to her belt. "Okay so I jump down from here and once I get down, you climb down the rope. I'll leave it attached to my belt." She tells Lucy who nods furiously. She stands on the window again and turns to look at me one last time, "Thank you fat boy." "I'm not..." I start to say in defense but she doesn't pause as she jumps down the window. Lucy follows her lead and holds on to the rope as she prepares herself to climb down. She whispers in a sweet voice before she disappears from my sight, "Thank you." " ...fat." I finish my sentence from before as I watch the both of them skip into the garden on full speed. Fingers crossed they get out of here safe and unharmed.
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