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Without wasting any time, I start to run up the stairs. The last thing I want is to be caught by a security guard and get reported to my dad. Trust me, you don't want to know what it's like when a father investigates his kid like the FBI does a criminal suspect. I sigh in relief when I spot my door locked, for a moment in the rush, I thought I'd left it open. I walk right in and gently shut it. Turning the key twice again, making sure that it's locked. Just as I turn around and start to walk into the room, two hands grab mine and tightly secure them behind my back. I open my mouth to let out a squeal but another pair of hands find their way to my mouth and my neck. I tilt my head a bit to see why the hand around my neck feels so sharp. There is a knife around my neck. Everywhere suddenly starts to darken and I feel a bit of uneasy dizziness, my legs feel weak and I automatically fall to the side, in an attempt to pass out. The hands that have my hands behind me suddenly releases me to help me maintain balance on my feet before I reach my fall. I gulp and my forehead automatically starts to sweat. "Make one sound," the owner of the voice standing behind me, the one with the knife around my neck, starts to say. "And it's," She says and moves the knife back a bit slightly motioning that if I made one sound, she's going to slit my throat. I recognize the deepness in her voice instantly. "Thank you fat boy." Her voice from last night resounds in my ear and now I'm starting to wonder how I did not hear how deep it was. I blame it on the panicking. I want to shake my head and tell her I wouldn't make a sound but the knife that's tightly secured around my neck just makes me stiff to the ground. "I..I don't think he's going to tell on us. Please let's release him and create less problems for us." The girl helping me maintain balance says with a shaky voice and I can almost swear that she's scared. Her voice is tinier and actually 'girly'. I mentally pray that Janice, I presume, agrees with her supposed friend. For the first time in forever, my prayers are answered as she let's go off me. She pushes me forward with an unexpected force,making my back come in forceful contact with the door. Before I can mentally decide what's going on, she pins me to the wall, placing both hands on each side of me. I gulp and she draws her face in closer, "You better play along." Whoever said girls were the inferior of both genders needs a medical checkup. The only thing I'm holding back in my life right now is the pee that's suddenly filled my previously empty bowels. "Y..yes ma'am." My mouth reflexively answers her. She opens her mouth to say something but gets cut off by the intense banging on my door from the outside. The other girl starts to panic and she pulls Janice away from me. "Janice what do... what do we do? We're busted, we're goners, we're dead!" She whisper-panics. The knocking increases and a male voice calls from the outside, "Troy, are you okay in there?" I recognize the voice to belong to Travis Richardson, our house's head of security. I look between the door, Janice and her unknown friend repeatedly. Janice just stands there with her hands crossed across her chest,staring back at me with expressionless eyes. Her face is stilled masked like it was last night but I can easily make out that it's her. Her friend suddenly goes on her knees and starts rubbing her palms together, "Sir, please! Sir all we did was come to take food because we are hungry, please pity..." She starts to sob in a loud whisper. Janice pauses her speech by putting her right hand over her friend's mouth, the other hand lying on her waist. "Shut up Lucy and get up." She commands in a very cold voice. She looks like she's about to rip anything to pieces. If I consider her, I'm so going to open that door and hand them right over to Travis. My eyes fly back to the sobbing girl still on her knees. She looks so new to this. She stares back at me with glassy eyes and I sigh in defeat. "Troy are you okay?" Travis asks even louder, pounding the door harder than before. "Troy's bedroom, now, we are breaking the door down." he says. Most likely into a walkie talkie. Yep, our lives are that dramatic. "Here." I gasp and help Lucy up to her feet. I usher both of them into my walk in closet. Janice doesn't budge and she snaps her hand out of mine. "Don't touch me!" She snaps in a low voice. I ignore her and push them both into my closet. Nobody should give their saviour that much attitude. I lock it with a key from the outside and shove it into my pants pocket.It's big enough for them to not suffocate and there's a lot of clothes in there for them to hide behind. The door starts to move and it is followed by deafening bangs, an attempt to break the door down. I gasp and jump into bed. I pull the covers over my head and shut my eyes tight. Right on cue, the door flies open, hitting the wall with a loud bang. I don't know how many men it is that walk in carrying guns and a few poles but I know they're not less than twenty. Tell me about drama. I gulp and sit up in bed,rubbing my eyes and then yawning, I ask, "What's going on?"
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