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I reach for my alarm clock that's blaring disturbing noises that somehow managed to creep its way into the dream I was having. I groan after managing to turn it off. Unable to open my eyes, thanks to my lack of quality sleep, I lie stiff on my back and groan again. Maybe six in the morning isn't such a good time to wake up when you've only had a few hours of sleep. Realizing I still have to surrender to nature and let the day takes its course, I snap my eyes open and pull the bed cover away from me. I stand to my feet and start to tuck the sheets into the bed's wooden frame,my daily routine. I yawn reflexively and start to walk towards my closet.The minute my hand pushes the closet door open,images of today's earIy memories play in my head, Janice and Lucy. I don't think I'd be able to recognize Lucy if I saw her in person but then again the fact that I know what Janice looks like doesn't mean I'll confront her either. I select a plain navy blue T-shirt, a pair of skinny black jeans and grab a pair of black converse from my shoe rack. I hold my selected pieces of clothing for today and walk back to my bed. Placing my folded shirt and Jeans on the bed, my converse on the floor beside my bed, I hurry to grab my towel and head for the shower. * "Good morning Family." I announce and take a seat on the breakfast table where everyone, like usual, is already present. I look at the food items on the table and my eyes scan each delicacy, trying to find a simple snack that would suit my craving. "Morning dear." My mom answers me with a sweet smile. "How well did you sleep?" She says and pulls a plate of pancakes towards her. She grabs a fork and starts to chew slowly. "Not well enough I must say." I tell her as I select a sandwich and place it on my plate. I fill a glass cup with milk and sip a little out of it before answering, "Oh and it's mostly because the security alarms went off, disrupting my entire peace and quiet for the night." "Tell me about it." Jenna says, speaking to me for the first time this morning. She has her elbow leaned on the table and her chin and left cheek leaned on her spread out palm as she continuously stirs whatever her breakfast bowl consists of. "I barely slept at all after the alarms went off." She continues to say."And to make it worse, the guards kept on banging on my door 'demanding' to search my room for supposed burglars." she scoffs and stops stirring her bowl. "Stop complaining and eat your food." My dad snaps and Jenna rolls her eyes at him, looking directly at me so he doesn't notice. "I leave for Asia today." he continues to say and wipes his mouth with a napkin. "China precisely." I don't even bother to ask why, I just nod my head and take a bite out of my sandwich. My mom looks at him and smiles before adding sweetly. "We'll miss you dear." She says. My mental voices add sharply, you know the house was kinda burgled last night and you didn't bother to check on your kids, you were busy being safe and next day, you're off to China. World's best dad. "Anyways, I'll be back in a few days. I'm partnering with some Chinese people to launch a new product." he tells us. I mumble under my breathe a bit. "Didn't ask." "What was that Troy?" he directs at me, stands to his feet and starts walking towards me. I gulp and shake my head quickly, "Nothing." he continues to walk towards me and Jenna watches with careful eyes. We both sigh in relief when he walks past me and out of the dining room. * "Good morning Troy." Rachel greets me while I look through my locker trying to get the necessary stationeries I need for my Economics class. "Good morning." I reply her and pull out my notebook, text book and a pencil. I jam my locker shut and set the books and pencil into my school bag and zip it closed. We both start walking towards the classroom. She licks her bottom lip and pulls out a bubblegum from her jeans pocket, rips it open and tosses it into her mouth. "Bubblegum?" She asks me and puts her hand back in her pocket, most likely trying to offer me a bubblegum. I shake my head and smile at her, "No thanks." She withdraws her hand and resumes holding her school bag in place. "How was your night?" She asks me and I groan. "Pretty short, barely slept at all." I tell her and she blows a bubble, pops it, blows another one and pops it and then furrows her brows at me. "Why?" She asks me. Her voice dripping in obvious concern. "Burglars broke into our house." I tell her and the blown out bubble gum sitting in her mouth pops on its own accord. "What?!" She gasps and covers her mouth with both hands like its some big, dramatic news. I chuckle at her display and shake my head, "Not that big a deal, just two burglars and they were just gir..." I start to say but trail off, deciding it best not to reveal their gender identities. "They didn't harm anyone." I finish with a smile as we finally get to our first class. I walk in and take a seat on the same chair as yesterday,which was thankfully still empty. Rachel walks behind me and sits on the chair beside me, the one Janice had filled yesterday. I look around the classroom and notice that the students present are more than yesterday's by this time. Can I love Mr Harper even more? After looking seat by seat, I see that Janice is not yet in class. Seems like warnings don't work on her. I bring out my notebook and scribble today's date on the second page since the first one is already filled to the brim with notes from yesterday's lessons. The school bell ringing fills our ears, denoting it's time for the first period. The class groans in disapproval but many of them bring their notebooks out and sit right in their chairs. Right on cue, Mr Harper walks in with a briefcase. He sets the briefcase to the desk and zips it open. He brings out a lesson note and a markerboard marker before turning to look at the class. "Good morning class." he greets in an uninterested voice and the class echoes in unison. "Good morning Mr Harper." He nods in acknowledgement and writes, 'Economics' on the board. He turns to look at us and starts to pace back and forth in slow, knowing steps. "So yesterday we dealed with the basics of economics..." he starts to say but gets cut off by the door swinging open, again. "I'm so, so sorry I'm late again. I promise didn't do it on purpose this time." Janice's voice fills the air and the class turn their gazes to meet hers. "Miss Willow, disrupting the class again I see." Mr Harper says in an emotionless voice and crosses his arms around his chest. Janice walks into the class and closes the door behind her, "I overslept, I didn't mean to come late. I was up late last night..." she says and trails off. She turns to look at me. My eyes widen a bit and she smirks at me before continuing her excuse speech. "I was up late because I had a few things to attend to." she finishes. I gulp. Does she know that it's me? I thought she didn't have the time to recognize me. She looks back at Mr Harper and adds, "I'm sorry. I promise, this time it won't happen again." "Well I'm sorry too." Mr Harper tells her and unfolds his arms crossed over his chest. "I'm sorry that you have detention after school today." Janice raises both her eyebrows and her mouth, "Dude! What gives? Aren't you like new or something, shouldn't you give me a warning...I already said it won't happen again I... " "Make that two days." Mr Harper cuts her off and resumes crossing his arms across his chest. "But I..." "Three days." "Dude!" "Four days. Still have more to say Miss Willow?" he asks her with a raised eyebrow. She sighs in defeat with a deep frown and makes her way to find a chair to sit on for the class. "Okay where were we?" Mr Harper says and retrieves his lesson note from the desk, "Ah yes. We..." he continues the lesson and I tilt my head back to catch a glimpse of Janice's face. If she didn't come in with Lucy, does that mean Lucy is already in the class? She doesn't notice my stare as she angrily brings out her notebook and pen.
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