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Troy's POV "So how was your first day in highschool?" I ask my little sister sprawled out on my bed,one of her legs crossed over the other one, lying on her back. "Well," she sighs, "It was okay I guess. It was pretty much kinda stressful but I guess in time, I'll get used to it." She says,not looking over to me sitting on the little couch in my room from across of her. "That's how it gets. It's just a matter of time." I tell her. She grabs her phone lying next to her and starts to tap on the screen. "Dad's off to Asia tomorrow." She suddenly says after a few minutes of silence passes. "Asia?" I raise an eyebrow and she puts her phone down before sighing and looking at me. She nods her head a bit before replying. "Yeah. I think it's something to do with business." I sigh and stand up to walk across the room to grab a glass of water from off the table, "I miss the times when mom and dad used to be around almost all the time." "Yeah me too." She agrees. "Mom literally didn't know when I started my period." I widen my eyes and gulp the glass of water down before looking around the room awkwardly, "Uh..I don't think you should talk about stuff like that to guys." She chuckles, "Are you kidding? You're literally my best friend. Best friends share everything with each other." she tells me. Most of the times, she uses the words,literally,basically,technically,practically,theoretically and a few more in most of her sentences. Something I've become used to. "Even still..." I sigh and head back to the couch. "They should be really glad we're not kids to throw parties or do anything illegal especially when considering the way it is that they give us such freedom." "Yeah." she says and her phone suddenly starts to ring. She picks it up from beside her and her eyes go wide when she sees the name displayed on the screen. She's quick to decline the call and she jumps to her feet. "I'm off to bed now,we've got school tomorrow." I raise one brow and tease her, "Uh-huh. That or you don't want me in on your phone call conversation. You just told me best friends don't keep things from each other." "Yeah and you said even still..." she chuckles and wears her flip flops lying on the floor next to the edge of the bed. "See you later Troy." she says and strolls out of my bedroom. I stand up from the couch and proceed to the door to lock it behind her. Since I already had a shower, I think it best to go to bed now. I don't exactly have anybody to talk to over the phone, my homework's done and I'm not any of those text social media where you can just talk to people you don't know. I take my shirt off like I do customarily every night. It's just a thing I've grown used to. It's almost like pulling the day's weight over your head. I jump on my bed and flip the switch on the night lamp beside me,turning it off. "Good night Troy." I mumble to myself. * I wake up to the sound of deafening sirens blaring out of the security alarm systems. I snap my eyes open and pull the covers away from my body. The security bulb in my room is blinking a red light,corresponding with the sounds disturbing the entire building. It's going to be blinking that same way in every other room as well. I jump to my feet and yawn a bit. I rub my eyes and squint my eyes in the dimly illuminated room,the only light source being the blinking lights, to see what the time reads. I gasp when the time on the wall clock denotes that it's a few minutes past twelve in the morning. "Everyone stay in their rooms, the house is being burgled, I repeat, the house is being burgled." An unidentifiable male voice suddenly fills the room from the speakers planted in every room. "Oh geez." I mumble lowly. In a weird way, I just feel like this has something to do with Janice Willow . Did she think because I let her go without saying a word last night, every other person in this household would too? The security men for sure are going to get her this time and I swear she's toast because once they do, she'll be at my father's feet next thing tomorrow morning pleading for mercy, which, he wouldn't serve her. I palm my face and groan. I would not be surprised if all she came to do was steal food again. That's like, stealing on a whole new, weird level. I don't know why but I strangely feel the urge to help her out of this again. I honestly can't believe she came back. I was never going to mention it in my life again, not even to her if I ever did bump into her in school. A part of me warns me not to be too quick to judge and jump into conclusions that she's the burglar again but another part of me is one hundred percent sure it's her. Well if she really did come back, I guess she does deserve to be caught and to be taught a lesson this time. I hop back on my bed and pull a pillow over my head to shut the disturbing noises out. I sit up again, the noises are enough to shut sleep out. I sigh and walk towards the door. Turning the key twice, the door comes unlock and I start to tiptoe down the hall, heading downstairs. I have no idea what it is I am doing or why the hell I'm doing it but I'm doing it anyway. Every part of the house has the sirens blaring and the lights blinking and in a weird way, for the first time, I notice how weird this is. Our house is probably the only house in New York that has security as tight as the White House. We don't have a normal life, how sad. I stroll down the steps,holding my breath as I do so. Even over the loud, annoying noises, I feel like I'm breathing too loud. Where it is I'm headed to, I have no idea but all I know is, I'm going downstairs. I finally manage to get down the forty stepped staircase and the kitchen is the first thing that pops into my head. The last time she came, she was here to steal food anyways. I stroll into the large kitchen and this time, unlike last night, I flip the switch and the room is lit. I scan the entire four corners of the kitchen but she's no where to be found. I sigh in defeat. Defeat for Janice Willow. Somehow, my eyes manage to land on the opened window. I don't know how my feet manage to work on their own and run towards the window but they do. I look out the window and scan the sight below. No sight of Janice Willow. Maybe she got caught.
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