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* Janice's POV Lucy and I walk out of our last class, Computer science,with our bags straddle over our shoulders. I study the look on her face as she stares down at her feet while we make our way out of the hall. "What's wrong?"I ask her and she snaps her head up to meet my gaze. She sighs and shakes her head. "It's nothing. I'm just worried about Eric and what he'll say when you tell him we almost got caught yesterday." She tells me in a low, uncertain voice. I almost chuckle at the worry laced in her voice. I lift my left hand up and poke her right cheek. "I can't believe you're afraid of Eric, guy can't do s**t to us okay? He just seems scary because he's the oldest but trust me he's still a chill dude." I tell her and she offers me a pale,obviously fake smile and I can easily tell that her worry has not dissolved. "This is not the first time I've been caught in a house." I add to my hopefully supportive point. "He's not going to bite you, trust me." That seems to do a little bit of the trick as a much real smile appears on her face. She nods her head and we continue to leave in silence. "Do you want me to wait for you till your detention is over?" She says and I stop in my tracks. I had totally forgotten about the detention I'd gotten today. Who keeps s**t in their memory? "Fuck." I groan and bury my face in my palms. I resume walking but in slower, annoyed steps. "I didn't remember I had detention. I swear that dude totally hates me." She chuckles and places one hand around my shoulder, "Oh Janice, you think everyone hates you." I ignore her statement and remove my hands from my face to cross them across my chest. I frown and pout my lips in annoyance. "Hey." I say, a bright smirk appearing on my face, "What if I skipped detention?" She gasps and withdraws her arms from over my shoulder. "Janice! You already have yourself four days of this suffering, do you really need to tangle your self even further in the spider's web?" I sigh and groan again. "Jeez you're such a mother." I scoff at her. Her initial question that reminded me of my hell bound punishment rings in my ear and I turn to look at her, "No don't wait for me.Ciara would be waiting for you." Ciara is Lucy's younger sister and only family. They lost their parents in a fire and lost everything valuable in their lives. Lucy lost all except her fifteen year old sister,the only reason she claims to live and the poor little teenage girl lost her sense of speech from the trauma of losing her parents. Her extended family tried to claim care of her but Lucy fought back and promised to somehow manage to fend for them both since she's legally an adult and that brings us to her wanting to join The Rebels, us. "I guess so then. Just make sure to call me when it's over so we'll meet up and talk about what we'll say to the guys." She tells me with a smile and shoves me in the direction of my Economics class so I can resume detention with the shitty teacher whose name I don't care to remember. I sigh and wave her off while I head on to my annoying fate. * "Come in." The teacher's deep voice bellows from the inside in a low but loud enough for me to hear voice. I roll my eyes and turn the doorknob and then walk in. "You didn't even ask who it was." I say the minute I step inside and close the door behind me. I turn my gaze to look at him and eye him from head to toe. He doesn't look up at me from the papers he's writing on that he seems to be so engrossed in. "Take a seat, Miss Willow." he says in an uninterested voice and I roll my eyes at him. I look around the classroom and decide on the first chair in the front, directly opposite his desk. If I'm going to be in hell here, he has to be too. "Why is there nobody else here in detention?" I say, looking directly at him. He stops writing for a second and looks up at me. I don't give him anytime to answer as I plaster a sarcastic smile on my face and wave my arms in the air. "Oh right, It's because you're not picking on anybody else except me." I frown and he shakes his head at me and resumes writing. "You came to class late. Twice, Miss Willow." he states and pulls out a drawer in his desk. He grabs some new sheets of paper and replaces them with the ones on the desk. "Yeah and I had perfectly good reasons for them." I roll my eyes. "Admit it. You're just trying to pick on me." I bang on the table with my left hand and cross both arms across my chest, glowering at him even though he has his gaze fixed to the crap sheets of paper on the table. "This is detention, Miss Willow." He sighs, drawing his words slowly. He looks at me again and looks back at the papers. "So?" I frown, "You don't expect me to just stay silent and do nothing. This is school, not freaking jail." I snap at him. "If you're going to put me in detention, you just have to expect disturbances because I'm not going to f*****g sit down like a lost puppy and listen to you order me around." "Language, Miss Willow." he says and finally puts the papers on his desk away and back into the drawer where they belong. He leans on his elbows propped up on his desk and cups his face in his hands. "Dude just call me Janice. Miss Willow makes me sound like a pretty bitch." I chuckle even though I'm quite mad. He doesn't say anything and his face remains so emotionless, I can almost swear they are frozen in place. "You gave me four whole days of detention dude, I have plans with my life." I continue to say, my straight face returned and back in place. "I'm aware of that." he says still maintaining his awkward position. "That doesn't imply that I hate you. I'm a new teacher..." he starts to say but I cut him off with a loud groan. "More like new asshole." I say and he ignores me and just keeps talking. "So you see,I have a point to prove to these students that I'm not as feeble as I might seem." he concludes and removes his elbows from the table and walks across the room, to the tiny shelf of books hung to the wall by the far right of the classroom. I turn around in my chair as I follow his movement with my eyes. "And I'm just the right person to use as an example?" I raise a brow. "It's hot out. Why are you in a long sleeved sweatshirt?" he ignores my question and pulls a book out of the shelf. Still standing there, he starts to open the pages of the book one by one, carefully. "Not your problem. That's how I wear it everyday." I scoff and turn back to face the front of the desk even though he's no longer sitting on it. He doesn't say anything and I tap my fingers on the desk impatiently and groan in discomfort. I turn around once again so I can look at him, "How long have I been here now?" He raises his right arm that has a simple wristwatch wrapped around it, and checks the time on it. He puts his hand down and resumes flipping the pages on the book. "Only four minutes." he answers my question. My mouth drops and I'm almost tempted to scream. I refrain from doing so and sink further into the stupid chair I'm on. This is going to be a freaking long detention.
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