Chapter 5 I will not marry you either, Mr. Osborne!

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Nicole's POV “Yes, on this day, right here and right now I am going to take Nicole as my lawfully wedded wife.” Jericho announced and leaned down to kiss on my head “You got any problem with, dear friend? I am sure not, because you just made it clear that Nicole sucks on the bed right?” “Yeah dude! Which is why I am asking you that why are you making this huge mistake and throwing yourself in the hell hole? You have a great choice of woman then how come you are willing to marry this trash? And, besides you can’t marry her. You are engaged to Cassandra and soon to get married to her.” Richard asked making me frown this time. Jericho is engaged and soon to get married with a woman named Cassandra and yet he is sleeping around with other women. All the man is same. Lying and cheating bastards. “That’s for me to choose who I want to marry Richard and who to not. You can’t tell me what to do and what to not. I am Jericho Osborne, the one who is called as the King of the City, so you better think before speaking another word about Nicole. She is not a trash but a gem who you just lost and I am glad that you did because you will take her shine away while I will make sure to brighten it more.” Jericho snapped at Richard in anger and cold voice. “Dude, I am your friend, how can you talk to me like that? I am trying to save you over here. She has got nothing but good appearance and figure only, but she doesn’t know how to use that body to pleasure a man and satisfy his needs.” Richard didn’t stop until Jericho landed a punch on his face, and broke his nose in the process as it began to bleed. “I won’t let you say a single word about her that comes out only to disrespect and insult her. She is going to be Mrs. Jericho Osborne. I will ruin the person whoever dares to disrespect her, even if it is you.” Jericho growls “This woman over here has been nothing but faithful and in love with you for seven years, even she lost her virginity to you too, I remembered you telling me that she is amazing in bed but what changed all of a sudden? You! Not Nicole! You can lie to anyone you want, Richard, but not me, because for the last seven years, every week I have seen you f**k different women. Even when you were f*****g Melissa, and claiming to love her in secret, you were cheating on her too by sleeping with other women. Is it enough or do you want me to share more of your secrets? Do you want the world to know about the real man w***e you really are Richard, the man who can’t keep it in his pants?” “What?! Is it true, Richard?” Melissa asked shocked, with her hand placed on her heart as she felt the pain of hurt and betrayal too. Good! She deserves to feel that pain because that’s called Karma. What comes around goes around. Man, karma really is a b***h and right now it a perfect proof of that. “I…. I…. I,” Richard couldn’t speak anything as he got lost with the words. “What? Cat got your tongue, Richard?” I asked with a smirk and clapped “Let me guess. Melissa sucks on the bed too, right, because that is why you had to go around and find the satisfaction in other women? I am so glad that I found out before marrying you or my life would have been miserable like my mother.” I turned my attention to Melissa this time and took her hand in mine and gave it a harsh squeeze, and heard a hissing sound emit out of her mouth. “Karma is a b***h, right, Millie?” I asked her then turned looked over at the audience “I, Nicole Romanov, give the permission from all my heart to Richard and Melissa to date one another. Do you know why? Because they both deserve one another. Both are the cheaters and betrayers. I wish them a good life. Now, excuse me, I need to get going.” “Wait! Where are you going? We are getting married right now.” Jericho stopped me by grabbing me by the arm as I was leaving the ceremony. “I am sorry, Mr. Osborne, but I am not the homewrecker over here. I don’t want you to marry me out of pity and sympathy. I will be fine on my own. Thank you for helping me today and standing up for me, but I will take my leave now. Please don’t hurt your fiancé by breaking your engagement with her because of me.” I politely refused to marry Jericho and saw his eyes pupils dilute in anger and desire at the same time because I know that look, I have seen that in his eyes last night when he was buried deep inside of me, pleasuring me in the best way possible. “Who said I want to marry you out of pity and sympathy, Miss. Romanov? Maybe, I want to marry you because I find you attractive?” Jericho asked and signalled me with his eyes to agree but I wasn’t having any of it. I won’t be played by the men. First Richard and now him? No, I will not marry him. “I am sorry, but you don’t just get married to a woman just because you find her attractive. I am afraid I have to decline.” I declined once again and begin to leave but just as I turned around to leave, I was picked up from the ground and thrown over the shoulder by Jericho who growls and announced. “One thing you should know about me Miss. Romanov, that I don’t like to be told No, and by saying that, you have created a problem for yourself for which you have to pay the consequences.” Jericho announced loud enough for everyone to hear “Fine, you don’t want to get married to me now, then let me take you on our first date tonight. We are going for dinner.” “No, I am not! Put me down! Put me down!” I yelled like a maniac “I will not go on a date with you!” “Yes, you will and that’s an order.” Jericho snaps and took me out of the venue where his limo was parked, with the driver standing over there, holding the door open. “Thank you, Joshua! To Per Se restaurant.” Jericho ordered his driver before he pushed me inside of the car and I begin to run but he stopped me and get inside the car and slammed the door shut. “Is this how you repay me for saving your reputation out there, Miss. Romanov? I expected some respect and kind gesture from you in return and if I remember, you weren’t saying No to me last night when I was buried deep inside of you, as I made you come undone underneath me several of times, when I made you scream my name out every time you came, and when I filled you with my seed. Speaking of which, I didn’t use protection last night which can make you pregnant with my baby, therefore, if not today but we have to get married some other day because if you are pregnant with my child, I won’t let him or her born as an illegitimate child. I have got a reputation to maintain.” Jericho spoke while moving forward to pick up a box placed on the leather seat of the limo. My hand automatically went on my belly in shock and in fear that there might be a possibility that I can be pregnant with his child. No, I can’t just get pregnant in one night, right? Or can I? Oh my God! Can I really be pregnant with his baby?
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