Chapter 6: The Undeniable Desires

1386 Words
Nicole’s POV “Don’t worry, I will not get pregnant because I am on birth control.” I lied, because I need to get out of this situation. I can’t just get married to him just like that. I don’t know him properly and I have heard stories about him that he could be pretty dangerous. “I hate lies, Nicole, so don’t you dare lie to me on my face because I can always smell the lies.” Jericho said in a dangerous tone and placed the box on my lap “Get changed!” he ordered in a dominant tone “I have ran the background check on you, your family and your mother, even your medical background check which includes the visit to your gynaecologist. And, in the recent visits to her, I found out that you got off the birth control because you were planning to start a family with Richard.” “You can’t do that. It’s a crime. You are spying and invading into my privacy. I can sue you for this.” I threatened him in anger, and in response he chuckled and shook his head. “You can try but let me tell you a secret. It was the cops themselves who did the investigation for me.” Jericho informs arrogant and leaned back on the seat “Don’t forget, Miss. Romanov. I run this city. If I can make a persons’ life, I can ruin it too, so think before playing any games with me or lying to me. Now, are you going to change into the dress or not?” he asked pointing at the box which consist of a baby pink silk full length spaghetti strap dress with a slit. “I can’t change it over here.” I spoke, and looked over at the driver. Jericho moved forward and shut the privacy window. “Now, you can change.” He spoke and I gulped nervously. “I mean I can’t change in front of you.” I cleared out and he laughed shaking his head and faced me, placed his index finger down my chin and spoke in a husky tone. “There is nothing I haven’t seen last night, my little dove.” He murmurs “I have seen every inch of naked skin clearly, touched it, licked it and so much more, so I would say, of course you can change in front of me and if you need any help in taking off your clothes, just let me know. I am happy to help.” I blushed a dark shade of crimson red when he said that, and the memories from the last night came flashing in my mind when he was on top of me and inside of me with our body intertwined, skin to skin. “I….I….I,” I couldn’t form out the words from my mouth and the next thing I know, he was ripping the dress off my body in a second. One moment I was sitting dressed up in a bridal gown and in another second, I was sitting in a white sexy bridal corset that was literally popping my boobs out of it. “f**k!” he cursed out loud when he looked at me, his eyes darkened with lust and desire and my gaze landed on the tent forming on his pants “Woman, what are you doing to me?” he growled and smashed his lips on mine for a deep, hard and passionate kiss. I tried to move away and resist the kiss but the man wasn’t having any. He was holding me back the back of my neck to keep me in my place while ravishing my mouth at the same time. I was trying really damn hard to resist the kiss, but I don’t know why I found myself falling for the man’s charm and kissed him back. I know he is a bad news, he is a very dangerous man and yet I feel alive with him, with unknown feelings taking place in my heart. The feelings I was totally unaware of. He is asking me that what am I doing to him? I should be asking the same thing. What is he doing to me because I have never felt like this with Richard before. My heart didn’t pounce and beat to fast ever. Never skipped a beat but whenever this man is close to me and around me, my heart becomes uncontrollable. “I want you,” he murmurs in a needy tone after pulling away from the kiss. I know what we are doing is wrong, so I need to stop this. I can’t complicate my life than it already is. “No, we can’t. You are engaged. You have a fiancé waiting for you at home. If I do this, then there will be no difference left between Melissa and me.” I refused and tried to move away from his hold “I thought you were different than Richard, but you both are the same.” “Cassandra and I have got no interest in one another. She is f*****g out other men, just like I am f*****g other women, because we both don’t want to get married. So, don’t you compare me with anyone. Especially a bastard like Richard and besides Cassandra and I have already broken up two days ago but no one is aware about it, yet.” Jericho spoke in a stern tone “Now, get on my lap right now, little dove and ride me.” “I…I can’t.” I denied when the cups of my corset were pulled down by Jericho and replaced with his mouth and his fingers pinching on my right n****e, making me let out light and soft moans with my eyes closed, as his touch felt like magic on my skin. I felt him sucking on my left boob deeper into his mouth, making me get lost in the sensation, with his other hand slipping inside of me to touch my heat, the place where I was so turned on and drenched wet for this man. “f**k!” I yelped when he nibbled on my n****e and pinched the other one at the same time. “Having a change of mind now?” Jericho asked with a smirk, after leaving my boob with a pop. I can’t lie anymore because I wanted him too. My body was betraying on me. I stayed silent when I felt him enter his two digits inside of me and begin to pump his fingers in and out of me at a slow and teasing pace. “No,” I lied “ I don’t want this.” In response he grabbed me by my cheeks and spoke. “What did I say earlier, little dove?” he asked “ I hate lies and can smell it in a second.” “I am not lying.” I lied “ I.dont.want. you.” I said with gritted teeth in order to control myself when I was getting too close to coming. “Oh yeah?! Then why are you wet? You are dripping wet which is a perfect proof that you want me then why are you denying it? You weren’t being hesitant last night. Last night you were literally ready to do anything that you even became a stripper.” He asked annoyed. “I wasn’t in my right state of mind last night.” I spoke when he stopped moving his fingers and pulled them out of me. All of a sudden that feeling was lost inside of me and I wanted it back. I wanted a release, after bringing me so close to my o****m he can’t just do this to me. “Why did you stop?” I found myself ask and froze, realizing what I just said and he smirked. “What do you mean by why did I stop? You don’t want this, right? So, I just stopped.” He grinned and brought his fingers to his mouth that were just inside of me right now and licked them in a teasing tone. I was about to open my mouth to speak when my mother called me, with her voice trembling in fear.
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