Chapter 4 A Disastrous Wedding

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Nicole's POV I woke up with pain between my legs and found myself lying naked in the middle of the bed with no presence around me. The events from the last night came flashing in front of my eyes and as I looked around in search of Jericho, but when I didn’t find him, I realized that I had just been played by one more man. He has just used me as his fix for the previous night and now that he was done with it, he wouldn’t help me out in anything. I regretted my decision to sleep with him last night, as I got off the bed quietly with a heavy heart, got dressed, and left the hotel room quietly. After five long hours, I was walking down the aisle with my father, dressed up as a bride with my eyes looking or more like glaring at the man who once I loved so much, but as I looked at him now, I felt nothing but rage building inside of me and thirst for taking revenge was taking over me but I held back. I might not be able to take my revenge on him but one thing is for sure. I am going to call off this wedding. “From today, she is all yours.” My father told Richard as he placed my hand in his and I looked at Richard, not with love but hatred this time. I can’t believe I was too naïve and a fool to waste the precious years of my life on him. “You look beautiful,” Richard complimented me and I just nodded, didn’t even dare to give a fake smile which made him frown “Is everything alright?” he asked with a worried expression on his face. “No, it’s not, but very soon it will be.” I answered, with a fake smile this time “Let's get married now. Shall we?” I asked and he nodded. The priest began to ceremony and asked. “Do you Richard Williams, take Nicole Romanov as your lawfully wedded wife?” the priest asked. “I do,” Richard spoke and I took a deep breath because what I was about to do in front of the whole audience was such a hard thing. “Do you Nicole Romanov, take Richard Williams as your lawfully wedded husband?” the priest asked me and I stood there frozen, looking at Richard for what feels like forever. When the priest didn’t get a reply from me he asked once again “Miss. Nicole Romanov, do you?” “I don’t.” I finally spoke and heard everyone gasp in shock, my father was on his feet in shock just like Richard was looking at me in shock with his mouth hanging open like he wasn’t expecting this from me. The audience present at the ceremony began to murmur and talk in hushed voices that didn’t go unnoticed by anyone. “Nicole, what are you saying?” Richard finally spoke as he took my hand in his and I pulled it away. “What you heard. I am calling off the wedding with you, Richard. I can’t marry a lying, cheated bastard who has been sleeping with my best friend for the last seven years but I was too naïve and a fool to see that, but guess what Richard? Your truth is out and I won’t let you play with me anymore. You have played enough with me.” I announced, taking off the veil then threw it down on the ground, and stomped on it. “Nicole! What the hell are you talking about? Are you drunk or something? How can you try to frame me for something that I haven’t done?” Richard spoke, trying to act confident and hurt, but I could see the beads of sweat on his forehead. I looked at my bridesmaid, Melissa who was quietly trying to get out of there but I didn’t give her the chance to do that and spoke. “Oh, my dear best friend, where are you running off to? Is everything alright or is there something you want to share with us?” I asked getting down the stairs of the podium “Why are you looking so embarrassed right now? You shouldn’t be embarrassed and feeling unless what I am saying is true.” “Enough, Nicole! What the f**k are you talking about? Get back over there and marry Richard right now. Stop creating a scene.” My father Victor barked in anger from his place. “Daddy, I am not creating any scene. I am just trying to get the right person to marry the right person, the person they deserve, and here my dear best friend and my fiancé from the last seven years deserve one another because they both are snakes dressed up in human skin, the cheaters, the betrayers and the list goes on. “I announced and grabbed Melissa by her chin and continued.  “Why so sad face, dear bestie? I am doing you a huge favor. Weren’t you asking Richard yesterday to break up with me while his d**k was in your mouth and you were on your knees like his personal b***h? Weren’t you asking him to call off the wedding with me because you are so in love with him?” “Enough is enough, Nicole. I don’t know what you are talking about. I am your best friend. How can you accuse me of such a low thing? You are making me look like a w***e in front of everyone’s eyes.” “Your words, not mine, because I didn’t use the word w***e, you used it yourself, which proves that deep down you consider yourself as one,” I spoke with a smirk and that’s when I felt a sharp sting on my face only to realize that my father just slapped me in front of everyone and my mother was by my side in an instant with anger in her eyes and shielded me behind her. “You ungrateful brat! What are you trying to do, huh? Go and get married to Richard right now and apologize to him for disrespecting him in such a worse manner.” My father shouted out in anger. “I am not accusing, I have the perfect proof to prove it to everyone,” I shouted back and nodded at the man behind the echo system to play the screen on the projector. As soon as the screen was on, the video of Richard and Melissa f*****g on the bed came into view and this time everyone was looking at Melissa and Richard with disgust in their eyes and looking at me with sympathy. “Turn this damn thing off right now!” Richard was the one to shout this time in anger and came in front of me and looked at everyone “Yes, yes… I am in love with Melissa but before her, I was in love with you, but I couldn’t get s****l satisfaction from you on the bed because you are that bad. You suck on the bed and can’t satisfy a man. Where would a man go to satisfy his needs when his woman is capable of doing that? I made a mistake by sleeping with Melissa once and I enjoyed it because you failed to do that, one mistake became two, then three, and then it kept on happening and it is all because of you. I didn’t want to disrespect you like this in public but you have left me no choice, Nicole. I have wanted to say this for a long time but didn’t want to hurt your feelings but today, at this point I don’t care. I am going to tell you on the face in front of everyone that you, Nicole Romanov, you suck on the bed. You can’t satisfy the man.” Richard yells out, breathing heavily when a loud booming, masculine and dominant voice of a familiar man is heard. “Oh, I beg to differ with that,” the owner of the voice spoke, making everyone’s eyes wide with his sudden, charismatic presence. “Je…Jericho? What…. What are you doing over here?” Richard asked shocked to see his friend. “What am I doing over here?” Jericho asked with a raised brow and approached right beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist protectively “ I came here to take my bride!” he announced in a loud and dangerous voice. “What?!” this was heard from not one but several people present at the wedding and just like them I was shocked too. Me? His Bride?
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