Chapter 53

1014 Words
Third Person’s POV “Carina wai—“ “You can’t leave me alone this time, bitch.” Charlie scoffed and block Mica’s way. The latter stood frozen and before she realized what was happening, a vine crawls over to her feet and tie them up. “What the hell, Chari— “Shut the f**k up, Micaelle! Don’t you dare call me by that name. You...” His breathing became labored as he tries not to get too emotional in front of her. He took a deep breath and scoffed while manipulating more vines to crawl and tie Mica up. “You lost your chance when you’ve left me. So who do you think you are to be allowed and called me by that name?” He shook his head and manipulates his vine to lift Mica upside down. “Come on! We were young that time! What do you expect me to do?!” Mica frustratedly asked and use her dagger to cut the vines in a swift motion. She managed to land his foot on his face and kicked him hard, making him loose balance. “And stop me with your mental and emotional manipulation! I suffered too!” Her voice cracked and stare directly at him. “Mic—“ “Don’t you dare move or I’ll slit your throat!” She shouted and pointed the dagger at him. “You know what CHARLIE, you f*****g changed after THAT and I will never regret I left after I knew the truth!” Her words came synchronously like a thunder striking on the field. “Ha! Taste that strike motherfcker!” Billy mocked Gene after he managed to hit him with his lightning. Gene’s body shake as he felt the electric shock running through his veins. If only he’s a second late on producing flame to protect his skin from the heat and burning pain, he’s sure as hell he’d be dead meat. As the smoke clears, Billy’s laugh faded when he saw Gene still standing on his position and unscathed. A smirk forms on his lips when he saw the opponent’s shock reaction. Gene released a concentrated amount of fire ball from his palms and raised his flaming hands in the air. He closed his fist hard and run like a maniac in the field, burning all the grass he passes on. “Flaming fist!” He shouted and punched Billy hard on the face. He winced in pain as his hair starts to burn and rolled on to the grass. The students who were watching are filled with fear as they saw the fire spreading easily on the entire ring but the players are still continuing their fight. “S-Sir Ichigo...” A student asked and pointed at Billy who was wincing in pain as Gene continuously punched him with his flaming fist. His eyes were bloodshot and even though people were shouting for him to stop, he acted as if he didn’t hear it and continue punching him nonstop. Blood is already flowing from his body when Charlie managed to use his vines and strangle Gene to keep him from landing a punch once more. Mica hurriedly went to Billy’s direction who is now bloody and unconscious while lying on the grass that is also burning non-stop. She used her healing powers to at least help clot the blood and prevent it from flowing off more. “Do you really think you can stop me using your stupid plants?” Gene said void of emotion and set his body on flame, burning the vines that are trapping him. Charlie had to cut the vines off before he got caught in the fire. Ichigo took a deep breath and signaled the professor with a water ability to form a large water ball and threw it on to the entire ring. The water made the players stop and look at Sir Ichigo’s direction who has a grim look on his face. “Billy, OUT. Gene, DISQUALIFIED.” The crowd went silent as medics start approaching Billy and took him out. Meanwhile, Gene left without looking back at anyone. “I already prep him for first aid. You can take it from here.” Mica told the healer who smiled at her while lifting Billy off the ground. She continued staring at them going to the infirmary when she suddenly felt cold on the spot. Charlie’s vines encircled on her body, hugging her tight and unable to move. He went near her and whispered to her ear. A tear escaped from Mica’s eyes when she felt the vine piercing on her body. The vine grew longer and released unusual flowers that is now in front of her. She silently cried because she knows what are those and the fact that her old friend is doing this to her. “Just like the flower... My heart is now filled with poison because of you.” He whispered on her ear as he catch her before she falls on the ground. Charlie smiled a bit while watching her innocent face. He lifted her unconscious body in a bridal way and walks out of the ring. Ichigo nod at him and waved as he went to the infirmary to bring her there. “Mica and Charlie, OUT.” ­-- “I guess it’s just you and me...” Ulysses slowly said while staring directly at Nathan who is now smirking at him. "I wonder who will win between us," he continued and walk slowly near him. Nathan stood in his place, ignoring the wound that starts to bleed from his arm. They were fighting non-stop and his energy is starting to decrease. However, the passion and lust to win burns in their eyes, empowering the abilities they have. "No need to ask that question. It will be Paranormal Detectives for sure." Nathan answered monotonously as Ulysses is now standing in front of him. "We will see about that." Ulysses lift his hand and offered it to him. Nathan accepted his hand and shake it hard without breaking eye contact. “May the best leader wins...”
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