Chapter 52

1477 Words
Third Person’s POV   “You’re cute...” Remus complimented but Ameera still managed to make a straight face and rolled her eyes at him.   “I have no time for your games. I wonder, what can you do to defeat me? Float me in the air until I surrender?” She scoffed and punched Remus. He managed to dodge it and stifle a laugh that made Ameera mad.   “Well, I do have other ways than to float you around and beg me to stop...” His voice is husky while slowly walking closer to her. Ameera steps back but abruptly stops when she felt the ring line preventing them from going outside. She chose to be deaf and don’t listen to the cheers and tease of the students around them and focused on Remus who has a straight face. He draws near her and whispers at her ear.   “I can make you fall in love with me and you will never ever beg for it because I will gladly give it to you.”   The audience shrieked not because of his cheesy pick-up line but because Ameera kicked him hard on the groin and throw him outside the ring.   “I don’t date weak guys, asshole.” She muttered and turned her back on him and starts walking away. Only to stop when Remus floats and blocks her way. His face is now grim as he slowly go down to the ground.   “Let’s see the recap of that wonderful execution, Ameera and Remus!” Sir Ichigo announced and a hologram containing the replay played in front of them. It can see from the hologram the scene where Remus whispered on her ear. Even though she had tough eyes, it is visible that she goes red. People just didn’t know if she flushed of embarrassment or in anger. He kicked Remus in the groin and threw him out of the ring. What she didn’t saw a while ago kind of amazed her a bit.   Even before Remus touched the ground, he managed to float even though he is wincing in pain and floats back to the ring.   “The rule is either to defeat the opponent or push them out of the ring. In Remus’ case, he didn’t land on the ground and it simply means... HE’S NOT OUT AND READY TO BATTLE AGAIN.”                                                                           The crowd cheered wild with Sir Ichigo’s announcement. Other players didn’t bother to look at their direction for they are also battling with each other.   “You don’t date weak guys? Then sorry in advance for what I may do to you on this ring...” He walks near her and stares directly into her eyes.   “And if I win... date me.” -- Carina stole a glance on Remus and Ameera who are now fighting on full strength. She saw how Remus isn’t having second thoughts on punching or kicking her real hard and she could see how hurt but determined Ameera is.   “Ah!” She winced in pain when Lexi managed to stomp her feet on her chest in her kangaroo form. Lexi laughed and shifts back to her human form.   “Distracted eh?” She smirks and grabs her hair and drags her into the grass.   “f*****g b***h! I’ll swear I’ll kill you!” She winced in pain and tried resisting but Lexi is still dominant. She hurriedly grabs an arrow from her back and stab Lexi’s back. The latter stopped in her tracks and wince in pain as Carina gets free from her hold.   Lexi was about to get the arrow out when she heard Carina laugh and shook her head.   “Go on and bleed to death,” she smirked when she saw Lexi’s face turned grim while hissing at her. Carina knew that she managed to stab her deeply and removing it will make her bleed profusely.   “You b***h!” Lexi snarled and charge at her. They go rolling on the ground while punching and pulling each other’s hair out while cursing at one another. Carina’s face heated when Lexi successfully managed to slap her hard that made her face a bit numb. She growled at her and shifts into another animal form she practiced, a dog.   She leaped and bit Carina's arms that made her winced in pain.   Her squad tried reaching out to her but they were blocked by their opponent who prevents them from helping their friend. However, nothing can stop the woman when she knows her twin sister is now bleeding to death as her skin is getting torn by Lexi's sharp teeth.   "Don't you dare mess with my sister!" She shouted and struck the dagger on her back. Lexi winced in pain as Maria pushed it down deeper until Lexi starts bleeding on the mouth. She shifted back to her human form and is almost lifeless while lying on the ground.   Sir Ichigo together with the medical tea on the side gathered and grabbed two stretchers to put the two students. They were bleeding so badly to the point that the once green grass is now soaking red.   Charlie hurriedly run at Maria’s direction and slapped her hard. She didn’t bulge and just look straight into his eyes.   “If something bad happens to Lexi, prepare your grave for I will make sure my vines will drag you six feet below the ground!” He threatened and was about to walk away when he froze in spot to what she said.   “If something bad happens to my sister... Pray all you can because I will let all the spirits haunt you until you beg me for your death.” -- “Should we still continue the fight?” Derek asked Maria who is just staring blankly at him. He is known as the one emitting dark aura especially because of his ability and choice of clothes but her... The woman in front of her is not just emitting the aura but is spitting it out for everyone to know how dangerous she could be.   “Let’s get this over with in minute before I decide to kill your teammates.” She answered and stared directly at him. He smirked and shook his head before using his ability on her.   “Pain...” He whispered and looks directly into her eyes. His brows furrowed when he didn’t see the reaction he was expecting to see in her.   “Intense pain,” he mouthed. He never saw any response from her as she walks near him.   ‘She’s sweating and that means...’ His eyes widen in shock when Maria pointed her finger on his forehead while staring directly into his eyes.   “I c-can feel the pain but... Nothing is more painful than seeing your loved one get carried away by the stretcher and bleeding to death. Nothing is more painful than the shits I have experienced all throughout my life and...” She stops and whispers into his ears the words he never want to hear anymore. He stumble on the ground and in everyone’s shock, the mighty man with a cursed ability and is dreaded by everybody is not crying hard in front of them.   “Nothing is more painful than the pain you felt when you killed the love of your life because of misunderstanding and being abandoned by everyone who you once thought are friends.”   “I concede defeat.”   “I concede defeat.” -- “Maria and Derek are out!” Sir Ichigo announced and watched Maria as she ran to the direction where her sister is taken away. Ichigo shifted his glance at Derek who is walking slowly until they were out from their reach.   “This game is better than I expected it to be...” Ichigo muttered as he watched the remaining players on the ring. They are using their full strength and everyone can’t help but admire how strong and cool their abilities were even though they were just on their freshmen years and has no enough training for field battle like this.   He smiled as he remembered the one time he felt the same feeling towards the groups. Watching both groups makes him admire them and think hard on who would possible win the round. He took a deep breath and muttered at the air while watching them closely with a smile on his face.   “Who among you will be the next in line with the Monster Hunters?”          
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