Chapter 36

1242 Words
Nathan’s POV   I smirked as I watch Gene walking down the stage and doing his part of the plan. He distracted the cameraman and successfully turns the camera recording off without the others noticing.   “Do you think that this plan would succeed or do we still need Antonov’s ability to alternate this people’s memory?” Mica asked as she roams her eyes. I shook my head and crossed my fingers because I don’t have a choice but to believe in Gene’s ability now or exhaust Antonov for alternating everyone’s memory.   “I wonder what they are talking about?” Carina interrupted while she was eating popcorn she bought earlier. I focused my eyes on the stage and saw Remus and Gene whispering to each other. They can’t be heard from here but I’m sure Gene’s doing his best to execute the plan properly.   I squint my eyes to properly see how he held his hand up and opened his palm. I’m sure he showed him fire based on the expression on his eyes.   ‘Do not mess this up, Gene...’ I prayed at the back of my mind because if anyone ever sees that, I don’t know what excuses he could give and might just speed up the process of us getting caught by these humans.   My gaze shifted to the bulky man a while ago who was holding an axe whilst going somewhere. My mind tells me something is wrong and I would not let anything happen. I got up from my seat and was about to leave when Gene spoke from the microphone.   “Do you wanna see another magic trick?” He asked. I took a deep breath and let him handle that on his own as I went down and follow the man earlier.   The guard that Antonov hypnotized a while ago already snap back to reality as he was back to his normal serious face. I motioned my hands for him to let me out and he rolled his eyes before raising the pole.   “Where is he now?” I muttered under my breath as I tried looking for any signs of him on this once deserted place that is now filled with cars all over and looks like a parking lot. I weaved a sigh and was about to turn my back when I heard noises coming from behind the tent.   I hurriedly went behind it and saw a barn near the tent where the entertainers are performing. The lights flickered on and off as sound from animals wincing in pain and howling in distress can be heard.   I went near it and heard the noise clearly. The door is locked from the inside so I tried looking for ways to see what is happening inside. My heart starts beating frantically as noises grew louder as time passes by. Luckily, I saw a small opening in the side and took my chance to peek inside.   My eyes widen in horror as I saw the bulky man chopping a dead animal into pieces while the other circus animals howl in distress. Even with the blinking lights, the blood is easily seen as it is splattered everywhere.   I took a step back and unknowingly stepped on a small tree branch, creating a cracking noise that stop the bulky man from slaughtering the animals.   ‘Think, Nathan...” I told myself and self-reflect whether I would use my ability to stop him by myself or ask for other’s help so we could also spare the remaining animal’s lives.   ‘If you let them know, you’ll have better chance of distracting the people in Remus’ ability and might be a good chance to work with him and invite him to join our team.’   ‘If you fight by yourself, your ability will be safe from the audience’ eyes...’   Damn...   Even before I heard footsteps coming inside, I hurriedly ran to the tent and realized I was at their back portion. The crowd’s noise filled the entire area, making it hard for others to notice the struggling sounds of the animals behind this.   I opened the curtain and is greeted by stares of people curiously asking why I was here. Gene was also staring at me intently but I refused to look at him and focus my attention to Remus whose face is filled with mixed emotions.   “I don’t know if I’m the one to tell you about this but...   The bulky man is slaughtering all of the circus animals and they will all be dead if we’ll be late to rescue them.”   Without any second thought, he runs and even almost bumps on me. Gene shook his head in disbelief and grabbed me back to the barn I was talking about.   “Wait for us!” Carina shouted and jump from seat to seat on the bleachers. The host tried stopping them from going in the stage but he can’t so he motioned the guard and pointed at us.   “Get them!” He shouted.   We are now out the tent when the guard shouts, calling our attention while holding the metal pole from both hands.   “You can handle him, Antonov...” I said and pushed Antonov a little before going to the barn where the chaos is about to start.   “Damn!” Gene shouted when the barn gates didn’t open. They probably locked it from the inside to keep us from interfering them.   “Should I burn this to –“   “Oh shut up, Gene!” Carina glared at him and tried looking for ways to look inside. Gene rolled his eyes in dismay and looks for another hole to peek on.   “Over here!” Mica shouted from the other side and we all went there to watch what was happening inside. Good think that this little wooden window had been left open for us to be able to peek through.   My eyes widen in disbelief as I saw the two men looking intently at each other. The bulky man was still holding his bloody axe while Remus clenched his fist in anger.   “Y-You killed them...” His voice is shaking while stating those words. I look around and saw the body of the poor animals chopped to pieces while they are still in the cage. It is a gross scene to look at especially when Mica hurriedly took a step back and run to the grass area just to puke.   “He is a horrible man!” Carina exclaimed and gritted her teeth in anger. I could feel the urge in my body to stop them and drain every drop of energy from that asshole. The only thing holding me back is the thought that we need to execute the plan properly for the sake of everyone.   “G-Guys did you see that?” I exclaimed as I say the hays floating in the air from the ground. It started swirling in random direction that made the bulky man stood frozen, especially when Remus talked that gave shiver to my spine.   “You killed them... Now be prepared because I will kill you!”  
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