Chapter 35

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Gene’s POV   “Are you sure this is the right way?” Carina asked while looking around us. We are currently in a deserted place and there are no cars nearby our location.   “Well, this is where this map leads us. Let’s just wait at night time. For sure many people would go there,” she shrugged her shoulders and lays on a spot under the tree. It is quite big, enough to give shade for the rest of us.   “It will be around 2 hours left before night. We won’t be laying here all noon right?” Mica asked as her brows furrowed while looking at everyone. I just shrugged my shoulder and threw my backpack next to Carina and lay in there.   “Looks like a great place to rest before the action later.” I yawned and closed my eyes as I drift away to reality. -- “Wake up, people are now coming into that big tent over there,” Nathan pointed at the tent that now glows into colorful lights as music can be heard everywhere. I stretched my limbs and scratched my head as we walk to the opening of the tent.   There are indeed many people that likes to watch the event that will happen later. Posters from that Remus can be seen all over and he is indeed the topic of everyone here.   “Let’s bet. I knew he’s doing some tricks and I will know it soon. What’s yours?” A young teenage boy grabs a penny from his pocket and showed it to his friends.   “Well, I really think he has magic powers. Who knows right?” After a boy said this, his friends starts laughing at him and pointed their fingers at him.   “You’re already old yet you still believe in super powers? Eww,” one of them snickered and laughs at him. Meanwhile, the boy who said things about magic powers just keep calm and smiled at them.   “The world is big. Do you really think we are the only ones living here?” He meaningfully said before walking directly at them and shows his ticket to the guard. The guard scans it and tear the end part before raising the pole and let him in.   His friends talked about him behind his back before they do the same and went in. I scan the area to check if there are any booths to buy tickets but I can’t see one. I poke the man in front of me and he just raised his eyebrow on me.   “Hey man, do you know where could I buy tickets? I forgot to buy my friends some...” I motioned the gang who was at the back and the girls were chatting with each other while Nathan and Antonov are still silent and studying the whole place.   “It’s been sold online and it’s sold out now.” He answered and immediately turn his back on me. I tried to keep calm to prevent myself from burning the top of his bald head because of his answer. I faced the gang and it looks like they heard what the man had said a while ago.   “Where would we get a ticket? A single ticket will do. Antonov will do the trick,” Carina giggled as she looks at Antonov who is still quiet on the side. Well in times like this, Antonov’s ability to duplicate anything is the best. Be it money or food or anything.   “Single ticket you say? Consider it as problem solved,” Carina winked as she let her hair loose and turn her tight shirt into a crop top. She put a little lipstick on and slowly walks to the direction of a man in the line.   “I didn’t know she could also be hot,” Nathan commented as we continue watching her every move. She poked the guy that immediately froze when he saw her beauty.   “Hey... I heard that the tickets were only available online and is now sold out. Uhm, would you mind helping me to buy from someone? You may not know but... It’s my birthday today and watching Super Remus would be the best gift for me.” Her voice suddenly changed into a seducing one and I can’t even believe that a girl like her could be so... wild.   “W-Well...” He was just about to say something when a girl stand between them, blocking their interaction. She suddenly held the man’s arms and encircle hers along his waist.   “Babe, who is she and why is she talking to you?” She scanned Carina from head to toe and based on her looks and the way her throat moves, it seems that she is intimidated by our team mate.   “This is exciting...” I heard Antonov said and when I looked at him, he was also intently watching them with a smirk on his face.   “N-Nothing, Babe. She just wants to ask something but you know, my eyes are only for you...” He told the girl which make her giggle but immediately stopped when Carina rolled her eyes and sarcastically laugh at them.   “How could you? I thought we’re going in together since it’s your birthday gift for me?” She scoffed and shook her head before she turned her back away. “I really thought you could be a good company to laugh with in there...” She continued and was about to walk away when the guy gently grabs her arm and encircles his hand on her waist.   I was about to move when Antonov stopped me and shook his head. I rolled my eyes on him and bring my attention back to them and be shocked with what happened.   The guy had been slapped by his girlfriend who is now walking away and is now slapped and twisted his body by Carina who pushed him, making him stumble on the ground. People starts looking at their direction when Carina cut out the act and went to our direction. She smirked while we fall in line and when it was our turn, she handed a ticket to Antonov. In an instant, we already have five tickets enough for all of us.   “Can we come in now? Looks like the show is about to start. I don’t want to miss anything,” Antonov seriously said while handing them all the tickets. The guard didn’t have time to check it when Antonov slightly touch his forehead.   “Insects are starting to bite you. Be careful...” He said while showing him a dead mosquito. The guard absent mindedly raised the pole and let us in.   When we went in, the crowd was already cheering and laughing hard to the circus animals who are performing on stage. I roam my eyes and gladly there was still a spot in the upper middle bleachers, enough for us to see clearly on the stage.   “I don’t see any reason why people are laughing. This is inhumane treatment of animals,” Mica uttered as we watch how tigers are hit by those long, thin rope when they refuse to do the tricks this performer asks them to do.   “After this, I promise to tell the authorities about this...” She continued and closed her eyes every time the animals roar and wince in time as they were hit by the rope.   After a few more minutes of that scene, some other performers went out and entertain the audience. Some made funny face, joke around and even tumbling multiple times, and even jump to the burning hoola hoops.   “If I burned them for real, will they still have these smile on their face?” I muttered under my breath while watching the crowd laugh at everything.   After an hour or so, the crowd cheered wild when a man wearing a skimpy suit and bulging muscles enter the stage. He performed by lifting random and heavy objects but for me, he was just flexing his muscles.   “I’m getting bored, when will that Remus come out?” I said loudly that made the one performing in front stop. He glared at me especially when other people starts looking for Remus instead of watching him flex his biceps.   He irritatedly drop everything he was holding and walks toward the curtains where performers exit and go.   “Nice Gene...” Mica sarcastically said but I just smirked at her and rested my back at the seat.   “You’ll thank me later for saving you from boredom and time.” I winked at her but she just rolled her eyes and grabs a handful of the popcorn she bought from the one selling inside.   And I was right...   “And now, for the highlight of this night... Super Remus, the flying circus man!”   “Told you...” I confidently said and grabbed the popcorn they are eating while watching Remus come out from the curtains. The crowd went wild and cheered his name continuously. He is smiling all throughout until he went to the center and become serious as he slowly closed his eyes. The crowd went silent as he tries to concentrate and there...   “Levitation...” We all uttered in unison as we watch him float in the air. People really think he is flying because he goes to random directions but we knew better.   “Do you think its fake or nah?” I heard someone said in front of us. I squint my eyes and saw that they were the same group of teens out there who bets if Remus’ magic is real or not. There are no visible rope and I could really tell that he is using magic ability, confirming that he is indeed one of us.   “We must stop him...” Antonov said out of nowhere that made us look at him curiously. He shook his head and pointed his fingers on Remus who was still in the air.   “As time passes by and people didn’t see any tricks he used, his real magic ability will be revealed and we will also be dead for he will pave way for the humans to know about our existence.” His gaze lowered into the front of the bleachers where there is a huge camera filming what is happening.   “How can we stop that? Even if we turned the camera off, it will still be stuck on the minds of the people...” Carina sighed after saying that. I shifted my glance to Nathan who’s eyes are close and it looks like he’s devising of a plan or something. When his eyes opened, he smirked and turn to Antonov and lightly bump his shoulder.   “The other way to do that is... tell everyone he was just using tricks and the one who can do that will be that guy...” He pointed at the bulky man who was at the back and smoking cigarette on his mouth while watching Remus getting praised by everyone.   “We’ll turn the camera off before anyone even noticed anything and Antonov...”   “What you’re asking for is quite risky, Nathan.” Antonov firmly said while continuously shaking his head. Nathan taps him at the shoulder and smiled.   “That’s the other plan if Gene’s plan will go out of control.” My brows furrowed as I pointed at myself.   “Me?” I asked, confused. Nathan nods at me and smiles as his attention went back to the host.   “What a magnificent performance, Super Remus! Now, is there anyone in here who could also be a super hero like him?”   “The only man who can do this is the one whose magical ability can be seen by the naked eye...” Nathan whispered in the air as he look intently at Remus who was also looking at our direction. I took a deep breath and rise from my seat, making everyone stop as I confidently walked down the bleachers.   I tap the camera man’s back who is a bit mesmerized by my red eyes and I immediately turned the camera off for recording without anyone knowing. I smiled at him before continue walking at the center stage.   My eyes met Remus’ orbs and I can see a hint of fear and excitement in his eyes. I waved at the audience and gave them my best smile.   “Hey...” The crowd went wild as I said those words. My ego feels inflated for all the praise I’ve been hearing that I seldom hear before.   I motioned my hand to stop them from talking and they did.   “I may not be a superhero but I do have something super to show you,” I winked as I said those words and mostly from the girls up there are cheering for me. I took a deep breath and slowly turn my head to Remus who was looking intently at me. I looked directly into his eyes while raising my hands at the level of his chest and whispered the words I knew only the two of us could here.   “Will you join our team when I proved that I am also a superhuman like you?”   He seemed dumbfounded especially when I ignited a little flame on my hands. It is small that is not quite visible to the naked eye but I’m sure he saw it clearly based on the expression of his eyes.   “W-Who are you?” He asked. His voice was shaking as he placed his palms over mine and tries to stop the flame. He winced in pain as the fire burned a little spot on his hands, making me smirk when I saw the horror in his eyes.   “Y-You’re real...” He uttered and I nodded in response.   “And so are you, Remus... And so is your ability to levitate including yourself. No tricks needed to be used...” I whispered in his ear and turn my attention back to the audience.   “Do you wanna see another magic trick?” I asked the crowd and motioned one of the performers to come near. It was the girl who jumps through the hoops that are burning. She looks really confused but still went near when the host in front widen his eyes on her.   “Now, do you want to see another level of fire magic?” The crowd did not hesitate to agree and my eyes wander on our spot earlier and saw Nathan going somewhere, probably doing his part on this mission.   “I want all of you to close your eyes. Yes, all of you!” I shouted. They hesitate at first but when the host urged them, they did.   “Watch closely, Superman.” I whispered to Remus’ ear and touched the girl’s shoulders in front of me. I closed my eyes and concentrate on how to give her a shield for what I will do later.   “Now, open your eyes and watch as this girl burns. Music please!” I commanded and the DJ play an old song from the early 20’s.   Now playing: Girl on Fire by Adele   The girl hesitantly move to the glass container I asked for earlier. As usual, she did nothing but nod when the host urged her to do as I told. I climbed to the stairs and pour gas on the container. The girl starts to panic while the audience hold their breath.   “Trust me...” I told her as I used a match and lit it up, throwing it on the center.   Everyone shrieked in horror as the glass container starts to burn and there is no way for the girl to escape. Remus grabbed me from my shirt and punched me hard.   “What the hell are you doing? You don’t have the right to kill anyone!” He angrily snapped and punched me on the face again. I pushed him and punched him back and hold him on the neck while staring intently at him.   “When I say trust me, trust me...” I seriously said. The fire suddenly went out and all that was left was black smoke that covers the entire glass, preventing everyone from seeing what was happening inside.   My mouth formed a smirk as the smoke clears and saw the horrified girl, unbelievably looking at her body that doesn’t have any burned marks from the extreme fire earlier.   The crowd went silent until Antonov clapped for upstairs, followed by everyone who whistled and has different opinions on how amazed they were.   “I told you, just trust me. Now, will you be one of u—“   I stopped from talking when Nathan suddenly went from the side where the performers come and go. Everyone’s attention went to him, especially on his horrified look. He suddenly turns his attention to Remus and swallow the lump on his throat.   What he said next caught Remus’ attention as he ran to go somewhere as fast as he could.   “I don’t know if I’m the one to tell you about this but...   The bulky man is slaughtering all of the circus animals and they will all be dead if we’ll be late to rescue them.”      
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