Chapter 37

1350 Words
Remus’ POV   I could feel my blood boiling in anger as I saw how bloody the barn I’m resting at a while ago is. Some of the caged animals are now stabbed to death by the bloody axe he was holding. I  could see the bloodshot in his eyes, but nothing can match the rage I’ve been feeling and keeping inside for so long.   “Y-You killed them...” My entire body is shaking in anger due to the intensity of what he had done. I could hear the faint voices of animals in my head as they cry while waiting for their end. Their voices pleaded and begs me to set them free, away from pain from this hell and away from the demon they are facing right now.   His expression remained stoic until a smirk formed across his face.   “What can you do to stop me, superman? Fly till you reach the sky?” He snickered and played with the axe he was holding. The blood from it splattered to the ground and reach the bloody fur of the dead animals beside him.   “H-Help us to be free for the last time, please...” A familiar voice echoed in my head. I roam my eyes everywhere and stood frozen when I saw the cage of the monkey I was talking to a while ago weakly holding the cage bars. His fur is covered in blood and some parts of his body are chopped and I can even see the meat inside it.   My blood boil in too much anger as the memories of the past where he bullies me and makes fun of me every time he had the chance came rushing back to me. I clinched my fist tighter and gritted my teeth in anger as I watch him mocked me.   I tried hard to control the power that is wanting to release from my palms before I destroyed the entire place like I did to our house.   “P-Please promise me to k-keep me in a safe place when I d-die... Do y-your promise to us.” His weak voice entered my mind once again until I no longer heard anything from him. I immediately looked at his direction and saw his little arms release his hold from the bar and lay on the cold metal bars, lifeless.   That’s the last straw. I did not hesitate and let the power within my self be released to all sides of the room. Everything floats and they swirl in the air, making him shocked.   “You killed them... Now be prepared because I will kill you!” I shouted on the top of my lungs and the things from above starts swirling in random direction.   “H-How – aah!” He winced in pain as a stack of heavy hay charged through his direction, making him stumble on the ground while holding his stomach.   “You know what Jones...” I walk to his direction and punch him hard on the face and continuously threw attacks all over his body. The rage in my body didn’t subside and still increased as more and more things including the hard metal cages float in the air.   “I should have killed you back then, you good for nothing and insecure son of a b***h!” I shouted and strangled him on the neck. He tried resisting but I smacked him hard and push his head to the side of the barn multiple times until blood starts dripping off from his face.   “That is not enough for you to pay for all the lives you ruin and killed!” I intensely stared at him and watch him as he floats into the air.   “G-Get me down here, you freak!” He shouts and tried to resist the force that’s keeping him above. I smirked at him and smashed him anywhere he can hit. His cries of agony and pain are like a music to my ears as his blood starts dripping off at a continuous rate.   “Stop it now, Remus...” Someone said from behind and when I looked back, I saw an open window where four people from the group I’m checking earlier including the fire guy is looking intently at me and to the chaos I had created.   “Why would I stop? He deserves to die.” I turn my attention back to Jones who was bleeding heavily but still tries to tell something.   “Y-You will never be greater than m-me, F-FREAK!”   I stopped the force that keeps him in the air and sarcastically laughed as he falls 5 feet from the ground. The noise coming from his breaking bones are like a music to my ears as he shouts louder in pain.   “They are going to this place... Stop and escape with us now before they knew the capacity of your true ability...” A girl told me, trying to convince me to stop what I’m doing. I shook my head in return and went near Jones’ location. His bone are now misaligned that made me smirk and kicked him hard in the face.   “Stop it, Remus.” A deep voice said behind and before I knew it, he already placed his finger on my forehead. I almost stumble to the ground as I felt sudden weakness and pain in the joint. The power from my body decreases and the things that are floating starts to fall one by one.   The man behind me grabbed me and helps me to avoid the falling debris and controls it in order to not hurt the animals more.   “Let’s leave now...” He whispered to my ear as he tries to pull me out. I weakly shook my head and look at all the animals that are now weak. They are silent but I can hear their voices in my head. Random thoughts but one thing is for sure...   They are asking for freedom from this hell that the humans bring them into.   “P-Please...” I pleaded that made the man stopped from dragging me.   “Free them and let me take the dead ones and bury them in a s-safe place...” I uttered and closed my eyes as I remember the final wish of the monkey before he died.   The man behind me nods and motion his team to help in destroying all the locks while a girl is assisting me from behind, placing her palm in my chest as I feel the refreshing energy coming inside my body.   “They’re free now...” One of them exclaimed as all the locks had been torn apart. I smiled at all the animals who are facing in a similar direction.   “Thank you for letting us free. Let us just do one last thing before we run back to the wild...” A tiger said as he slowly walks to the body of Jones who can’t even move an inch.   “Could you please close the door and let us do our final wish?” He pleaded and I can only smile at his request and looks at Jones who is also staring intently at me with horror in his eyes.   “Adios!” I waved my hand and the moment I closed the barn doors, Jones’ cry of despair and angry howl of animals echoed in the air that put a smile to my lips.   I raised my head and look into the sky where the stars are shining brightly.   “I did what I promised... I freed them and...” I shifted my gaze to the group of people who are laughing and chitchatting about what happened earlier. The smile in their mouth and the happiness on their face emits the aura I always dreamed to experience even before.   Genuine happiness and real companions.   “Thank God that I am now free...”      
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