Chapter 33: Super Remus, the Flying Circus Man

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Nathan’s POV   “So, how did we survive the explosion you’ve been saying?” I asked while looking at them from the side mirror. Carina just shrugged her shoulders and looks outside the window. Mica is sleeping soundly on the side and it is only Gene in the middle who is still playing games from his phone.   “What is it?” He irritatedly asked when I kept staring at him. He removes his headphones and puts them down on his neck. I just shook my head and rest my back at the soft seat.   “He’s asking how did we survive the explosion. I don’t know if you’re not listening or just plain stupid.” Carina scoffed and instantly grabbed the headphone cord and shows the end to me. “He’s not even listening to anything and his phone is also dead. I wonder why this guy is part of your team,” she continued and threw the cord back at him.   “Simply because I am strong and my fire wielding ability is –“   “Your ability is destructing enough to almost kill us, stupid.” She cut him off and pushed him to the side. Mica who was sleeping peacefully suddenly opened her eyes and glared at the two for disturbing her sleep.   “Do you want me to throw you both away? It’s too crowded in here and you even manage to push each other?” She retorted and slowly shifted her glance at me. Her eyes are piercing up to my bones while her teeth is gritting in anger.   “Of course you won’t understand what I’m feeling. You have all the space in the front that makes you comfortable all the time while we suffer being crowded here at the back.”   Carina second the motion and Gene rolled his eyes at him and pushed her to the side.   “If it wasn’t for you, Mica and I would have all the space here...”   “Well, maybe the reason why we are too crowded here is because you are too big like a double sized pig!” Carina answered and pushed him back. The car is now filled with noises and bumps from both sides. Their mouth can’t stop complaining and I’m even getting dragged into their mess. Everything is a riot until Antonov shouts that stopped us all.   “Y’all gotta leave this car or shut the f**k up.” His firm voice echoed in the air. His grip on the stirring wheel is tight and continuously pushes the horn due to the traffic in the front.   The sun is blazing hard and the atmosphere in this traffic is not helping at all. I don’t even know what country are we in now.   “Hey you motherfcker, can’t you see it’s traffic? Why do you always blow your horn huh?!” The man riding the car in front of us shouted and slam the hood.   “Oh no...” I silently muttered and slowly shifted my glance at Antonov who was clinching his fist tightly.   “Antonov, don’t give him a damn. Let’s just leave here.” I calmly suggested. The man in front looks more aggressive as he smash the hood multiple times.   “Get out of my way, let me show this son of a b***h a lesson,” Gene angrily said and tries pushing the two girls out of his way but the two stood firm and looks directly at me. I took a deep breath and was about to get off the car when Antonov stopped the engine and removed his seatbelt.   “No one will go out here and stop me. Let me teach this asshole whom he’s messing with.”   He slammed the car door upon exiting and faced the man smashing the hood.   “Who do you think will win? This is the first time I saw him that mad,” Mica uttered while watching the two talking. Carina shrugs her shoulders and relax her head on the seat while Gene is intently watching the two.   I sighed and crossed my fingers, hoping for the man to be alive after this.   When I was still on my timeline, Antonov is quiet just like me and this is the second time I saw him this angry to fight with someone. The first one is when someone bullied us and went way too hard, he snapped and left the bully on stroke, almost brain dead and that was when the officials realized his ability.   Controlling minds will never be easy... Either you successfully did it or... let your subject die due to the intense alteration to his brain.   “Who cares if I’m smashing your hood? Do you want my fist to land on that face of yours?!” The man arrogantly said and placed his elbows on the hood of or car. Antonov kept quiet and continuously stares at him until the man grabbed him from the collar.   “What? Are you gay or something? Are you mesmerized by these muscles of –“   “Holy sht!” “Damn, I didn’t know Antonov can hit that hard. Go bro!”   “Should we stop him or what?”   Antonov effortlessly twist the man’s hands and pushed his body to the hood. Sound of bones crackling and his cry of anguish echoes in the air. We whistled in the car as the man’s face smashed to the windshield. He has tears on his eyes while wincing in pain as Antonov tries to twist harder.   “S-Stop... I q-quit, man!” He surrendered whilst trying to resist his force. I just shook my head when he was sent flying back to his car in just a swift move. He stood there on the ground near his car, fainted. We are now starting to attract attention and numerous drivers starts getting off their cars. I could also hear the sound of police siren from nearby coming to our direction.   I hurriedly opened the door on his side and pull him as hard as I could. He even bumped his head and the team at the back tried hard not to stifle a laugh, especially when Antonov glared at them through the mirror.   “Come on, Antonov. I don’t want to get caught by those police,” I pointed at the direction of the police cars coming our way. They are making their way through the traffic and if we did not move now, we’re definitely caught.   Antonov turned the keys and the machine is brought to life. I was about to be calm when he just sit there and wait for the police officers to reach our position.   “What the hell, Antonov?!” I complaint especially when the police gets off their car and starts walking to our direction. A police officer knocks on my window as I heaved a deep sigh. I almost lowered it down into half when Antonov pressed the accelerator and we go flying to the road.   The cars in the front stopped and caused ruckus just to let us pass through while the police officers get back to their cars and turned on their siren.   “Let the chase begin...”   “Fasten your seatbelts!” I advised as the car goes faster especially when the police cars are tailing our back. I curse Antonov many times on my mind for dragging us into this situation. Instead of relaxing while on the road, here we are... chased by the officers and will soon be drag to the station if we ever get caught.   “I didn’t know you could be a bad ass, Antonov...” Carina said while her back is turned to us. She is watching from behind wherein the police cars are getting agitated just to catch us. She turned to us and smirk before sitting calmly on her chair.   “I like it... At least I know this team is not just a bunch of boring people like I used to think before.”   Gene scoffed but Mica held his arms and gave him a glare. The police officer opened the window and looked at us while holding his megaphone.   “Black Audi car with plate number SDX 888D, turn off the engine and walk out before we do this in a harsh way.” He announced. I glared at Antonov who just kept driving and didn’t care even if the police officer tried aiming a gun at our direction.   “Gene,” he called. He nods his head and a smirk form on Gene’s face when he realized something.   “My pleasure...” He closed his eyes and held the roof of the car while concentrating hard. The aircon stopped working and is suddenly replaced with heat. I squint my eyes to see the direction of the police car and saw that an officer is about to fire a bullet on us.   “Now!” I shouted and an inch before the bullet penetrates on us, the car burns all throughout and made the police cars halt.   I roam my eyes on the road and saw that we are in the bridge. My eyes widen in horror when I realized what Antonov was planning to do all the time.   “Remove your seatbelts and be ready to crash land!” He announced as if we are in a plane. Excitement can be heard from his voice especially when we are nearing the end of the bridge.   “Now!” He shouted and the burning car flies to the air. We simultaneously opened the door and jumped, not minding where we will land.    “I’m going to curse you to death, Antonov!” I shouted while my eyes are closed. I could feel the air resisting our pressure as we go down to I don’t even know where.   The explosion from the car above echoes on the entire area, disrupting the birds and everyone who caught a sight of the tragedy.   “This is the best!”   “Ha! You should’ve seen your faces!”   I slowly opened my eyes as I hear camera stutters and the flash right before my eyes. It was Mica who was laughing hard with Carina while browsing through the photos they had captured. I roam my eyes and saw that I am in this soft air bed cushion while the ferry boat is honking its loud horn.   “W-What the hell?” I gasped when someone rise from below making me almost lose my balance. It was Gene who has red eyes while stretching his arms.   “You’re too heavy,” he complained and mumbles random inaudible things. I rolled my eyes and wander at the car debris floating in the sea. The car is too burned to the point that the parts easily collapsed. I weave a deep sigh and tried looking for Antonov, and I didn’t fail for he is on the top of the boat while watching the waves from below.   His gaze slowly turned to me and he smiled slightly before motioning me to come over there. Without any second thoughts, I walked to his direction and climb up the stairs leading to him.   The cold sea breeze welcomes me as I enter the top deck. My hair is getting blown by the harsh wind but I didn’t mind and went to Antonov’s side. He is silently watching the waves as it smashes to the boat. We are getting kind of far away from the bridge a while ago so it’s now safe to show ourselves here.   “Why did you do that?” I asked without looking at him. Based on what I knew about him, he is not like that. He is never the careless type that would let everyone’s lives at risk. He is always the calm type that stops the fight even before it stops and has huge respect to every law.   I tried reading his mind but I can’t. This vessel doesn’t have the ability to intrude to other’s mind and this is one of the downside of this. If I were still in my real body, everything should be easy. Not like this that I don’t even know what path I should take or move I should do in order to stop the big one from destroying our future.   “It seems fun.” I froze in position as I heard his answer. Just for fun? This is not the Antonov I know...   “By the way...” He lifts the crumpled poster he was holding a while ago and handed it to me. I grabbed it from him and my brows furrowed when I saw the title on it.   “Super Remus, the flying circus man. – What the hell?” I scoffed when someone took it from behind and read it. It was Gene and beside him were the two girls who are also curious about what is inside it.   “Flying man your ass. He probably have those invisible rope to hold him in place,” Gene retorted and handed the poster to the two girls. I just shook my head and grab it from them to fully examine the picture.   It was a photo of a man wearing white, shiny suit and a cape. His underwear is on the front and his style indeed resemble superman, only in a funny way.   He is flying to the air while raising one of his hands that made my brows furrowed. I squint my eyes more to see if there are any visible rope but the distance doesn’t help at all in identifying whether there is or not.   I sighed and handed the poster back to Antonov who is staring intently at us. He has this emotion in his eyes that made me think twice as to why he handed this to us.   “What’s the catch?” I asked seriously and waited for his answer. Everyone went silent as his mouth formed a smirk while stating the words that made our mouth gape wide open.   “Super Remus, the flying circus man... I wonder if he is really super to be qualified to join our team and there is only one way to find out... What do you think?”   .      
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