Chapter 34

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Remus POV   “Are you ready for later, super underwear boy?” Jones snickered while preparing his cool costume. I did not waste my time on him and was about to leave when he grabbed me forcefully by the arm. His muscles are protruding from his tight muscle tee as he lifts me up in the air.   “You’re just a star for now because no one can’t see the trick you used, but eventually I will so you’ll get back to your old work as a janitor here, now...” He threw me on the sack of hay from the side and removes the shirt he was wearing. It was drenching in sweat and I could smell the foul scent from it.   “Wash that up before I’ll beat your ass,” he threatened before leaving. The other circus staff avoided my gaze when I looked at them even though I could feel their stares when I’m not looking around.   I hate it. It’s always like this...   When will I ever get out of this damn hell?   “Why do you even get in here?” A small voice inside my head says. I took a deep breath and wanders at the circus animals here in the barn. They were all in a cage and their eyes screams that they also want to get out of here. I tried looking for the one that suits the small voice I’m hearing and stop when I saw who it was.   A little monkey eating banana in his cage. He was directly staring at me with those bored eyes.   “What are you looking at? Come here...” He motioned his fingers and signaled me to come to his direction. Good thing that it is already afternoon so the other circus men and staff in here are now out for lunch.   I went to his direction and rest my back on his cage and sat beside me.   “Why are you here in the first place, human?” He asked while swinging his foot. I weave a sigh and closed my eyes shut while the memories of my younger years flooded through my mind.   “Look, Mom! Magic!” I happily announced while showing my mother her floating vase in the air. She was busy cooking in the kitchen where she worked for another family and barely has time for playing with me. When she looked at what I’m pointing at, she shrieked causing me to panic and drop the vase, breaking it to pieces.   “What the hell was happenin—Oh my! Is that my antique vase from Spain?!” A loud voice echoed in the room. My mom grabbed me and hid me on her back while facing Madame who is the owner of this house.   I shriek when she slapped mom, almost causing her to stumble to the ground.   “That vase is worth more than your life, you low living peasants!” She shouted and pointed her finger at my mother’s forehead.   “Better clean that up and go find other jobs to pay me that because even if you work here all your life, you can never repay that!” She spit on the cold ground before marching off the kitchen and leave us alone.   “M-Mom...”   She wipe her tears before sitting down, trying to level at me. She wipes the tears that are falling down my eyes and hugged me tight.   “We will get through this, Remus... Show Mama what you wanted to show later okay?” She said and gently pushed me to the back door.   “Go home and play, I will cook your favorite meal later,” she urged me and wave goodbye before closing the door. -- “What are you doing here? Didn’t I tell you to go to your mom and ask for money? I’m hungry!” Dad’s loud, angry voice echoed at the forest. I am still a mile away and that’s the first thing he said whilst drinking his beer.   He has this usual big belly due to drinking daily and hairy face because he didn’t shave. He is also staying at home waiting for mom to get home to give him money to buy drink and waits for her to serve him.   “Didn’t you hear what I said? Give me some money!” He said and threw the empty beer bottle away, creating a breaking sound as it rolls into the hard rock.   “P-Pa, t-there is no money I –“   “Stupid boy!” He said and pushed me down to the ground. He grabs his machete that is stuck in the tree and leave the place. I took a deep sigh because I knew he would go to the small village and threat people to give him money for his bad habits.   “Hays, I must picked this up before mom sees this,” I told myself and went to the direction where the broken bottle was. I was about to pick it up when I idea crossed my mind.   “Can I?” I placed my palm on top of the broken pieces of glass and closed my eyes to concentrate. My eyes widen in shock when I felt a tingling sensation in my hand followed by the pricking of the broken glass. I slowly raise my palms and saw that the shards followed my every move and then to the trash bin where I motioned them to go.   “Wow...” I happily exclaimed while looking at my hands.   “I have powers, yay!” I shouted in joy and went to our house jumping.   The happiness I felt eventually subsided when I saw how messy our small house is. From the rags that serve as our bed wherein dad doesn’t even fold his blankets, to the messy kitchen and sink that is full of unwashed coffee mugs and plates.   I opened the lid of the pot only to see that there is no rice left for me to eat. I sighed and scratched my head and was about to clean when I feel the surge of sensation from my hands. I curiously looked at it and saw a bluish dot forming at the center.   “What is this f—Aah!”   I shouted in fear as the things in our house starts to float. The uncleaned dishes and other furniture swirl in the air. My eyes widen in horror when it starts spinning harshly and drops at random directions.   “Stop!” I shout and tried resisting the power that is surging out from me. My body is starting to shake and be drenched in sweat as the power becomes uncontrollable, especially when the house starts floating too!   “I’m home, Rem—“   “Ma!”   Everything dropped to the ground, especially my heart when I saw mom lying on the ground, full of blood while shards of broken glass pierce to her body. -- “Pa, please don’t sign me here,” I cried hard while begging for my father to take me back. When my mom dies, everything went miserable than ever. My drunkard sold every scrap left from our house and bought cases of beer. When all the money ran out, here we are...   He took me to this underground fighting arena where children my age are fighting like c***s and then getting bet upon who will be the strongest.   I saw children and teens dying whilst fighting for their lives while this big, grown men cheer them up to fight harder.   “Shut up, i***t. You better kill those or else I’ll kill you,” he said and pushed me to the small arena in the center. The crowd cheered when my opponent went in, a big, bulky teenage boy with lots of bandage on his body, smirking at me as he punched his palms, thinking it was my face where it will land.   “On the right, our undefeated champion, weighing 55 kg and 5’5 tall, Jones Clint!” He flexed his muscles and everyone cheered for him. The bet collector happily grabs the money of people who are all rooting for him.   “On the left, the newbie, Remus Sly!” The crowd went silent for a while and then starts booing. Some even threw their left over food at my direction and I can’t do anything but block them. I shifted my glaze at dad who has no emotion while staring at me. When the bet collector went to his direction, he gave his penny and bet not on me but to my opponent who is showered by praise and cheer by everyone.   “Start!”   I hear my heart pounding hard on my chest as Jones starts walking to my direction. His fists are covering his body so I tried copying it but he just laughs and smack me in the head.   “A poor, weak boy like you doesn’t deserve any of my strength, now... DIE!”   Everything happened so fast I only see his fist coming after my face and felt it’s hard force before everything went black. -- “What do you mean he sold me?” I angrily lashed at the man in front of me. I was wiping the blood off my face when he delivered such news to me.   “I am not. Your father Rames sold you for some penny. Meaning you’re all ours now.” He smirked and taps my back before leaving the room.   I threw the shirt I was holding to the ground and lay my back on the cold wall. I raise my head and look at the windows where I can see a glimpse of the starless night.   “When will I ever be free from all of this?” I muttered and closed my eyes and drifts to sleep. I was just asleep for a few minutes when I heard shouts from the underground. The shouts are not from the child dying or fighting but something else.   I sneaked into the window to check and my eyes widen in shock when I saw who was below us.   “Cops! Hide!” A man started shouting and ushering us to hide on our rooms. When he got to the front of my door, I harshly opened it and punched him hard on the face.   “I’m going to get out of this hell hole!” I shouted and ran down the stairs. I heard gunshots everywhere that made me stop from running and took a step back. My eyes widen in horror when I realized what was happening.   The cops are not here to save us...   I hurriedly went to the other direction and ran to the forest part when a man held me from behind.   “Where do you think you’re going?” Jones asked with a serious expression on his face. I tried resisting and grabs my hand but he didn’t bulge, instead he grip it harder until I wince in pain.   “I’m leaving this hell. Now get off me!” I shouted and pushed him back. Luckily he took a step back. I was about to leave when we heard another gunshot near our direction that made us run away from it.   “Over there!” I shouted when I saw a white truck with a cover on the back. I heard the gunshot and footsteps nearing us and without any second thought, I jumped to it and bangs my head on the metal cage.   I feel dizzy all over but I’m sure Jones also jumped here before everything went black. -- “The monkeys are here, and even the – What the! Who are you?!”   I slowly opened my eyes and blink when the sunshine passes through my eye. There is a man wearing a white hat in my front, curiously looking at us.   “I-I—“   “Where the hell are we?” I look at the side and saw Jones who just woke up. He has no shirt so his muscles are flexing when he stretched. The man in front of us saw that and smirked.   “Muscle boy, can you lift heavy objects and perform on stage?” He asked while intently looking at him. Jones raised his eyebrows and inspect him from head to toe.   “Are you gay?” He scoffed that made the man laugh. He shook his head and his face become serious as he handed him a card.   “I’m Molly the Magician and I’m looking for entertainers for my newly constructed circus. Will you be my entertainer?”   Jones think for a second before shaking his hands.   “Deal. Now, can you provide some meals for me? I’m kind of hungry...” He touches his growling stomach and the man named Molly laughs and signaled one of his staff to assist him.   “Give him the best foods and cloth. He’ll be our main star.” He happily told them and pushed Jones gently to them. When they were gone, he shifted his gaze at me and the smile on his face instantly fades. He looked at me from head to toe while continuously shaking his head.   “You don’t seem fit for anything. You don’t even look funny enough,” he scoffed. “Leave this place immediately.” He pointed at the open gate and was about to leave when I called him.   “Mr. Molly... Please take me. I’ll do everything just give me this job.” I pleaded. I haven’t eat enough for a while and I don’t know where else will I go to stay and survive.   He stopped for a while to think and then roams his eyes on the surroundings. It is full of dirt and garbage since they just moved in before turning again to me.   “Be on our janitorial staff. Now clean this mess or get out of my face.” He said before walking away.   I took a deep breath and sighed while looking at the clouds.   “I will be free and able to do everything someday...”   “The show is about to start in a few hours. Prepare everything now,” I heard Molly announced from the speakers connected everywhere that made me snap back to reality. I pamper myself and stretched my limbs whilst walking out of the barn.   Before I totally left, I look at all the circus animals in here and smiled at them.   “Don’t worry, time will come and we will all be free and will be able to do everything we want to someday.” -- “Mighty Jones lifting this 6’ pile of things, can you imagine how strong he is?” Molly announced while gathering tips from the audience. I secretly smirked when I saw that the tips he receive is not that much compared to what he has before. People are even shouting for my name even though he is in the front.   Jones drops the things and walks out from the audience. He bumps into my shoulder and glared at me before going out completely.   Molly shook his head and raised the paper he was holding. The content of it is the sequence of who will perform up to the last, which is me.   “And now, for the highlight of this night... Super Remus, the flying circus man!” The crowd cheers wild as I confidently walk through the spotlight. They kept on cheering my name and grew louder as time passes by.   I walk to the center and closed my eyes to concentrate. A few moments later the crowd cheers harder and threw lot of tips as I am floating up from the ground. I float to other direction while raising my hand in the air as if I was really superman. The audience whistled and the kids screamed my name.   I slowly opened my eyes and froze when I saw a group of people intently staring at me. They are not laughing or cheering like everyone else and there is something strange about their looks.   I controlled my weight and slowly went down. My eyes didn’t leave them as their stares get intense as time passes by.   “What a magnificent performance, Super Remus! Now, is there anyone in here who could also be a super hero like him?” People pushed their friends while laughing until everyone stopped when one of the man from the group I was looking at starts walking down the bleachers.   He has this arrogant aura in him and his red eyes screamed something that he shouldn’t be taken lightly. He grabbed the microphone from Molly and then turns to the crowd.   “Hey...” His word is enough to make everyone cheer for him. He raised his hand that silence the entire crowd before speaking.   “I may not be a superhero but I do have something super to show you,” he winked at the crowd and turns to me. His mouth formed a smirk as he raised his palm on the level of my chest.   “Will you join our team when I proved that I am also a superhuman like you?”   My eyes widen in shock as his palms starts glowing red and what happened next make me gape wide as a sprout of flame flashed before my eye.  
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