Chapter 32

1523 Words
Nathan’s POV   “LOL, I saved you all. If you could only see your faces back there.”   “What are you saying? If I’m not mistaken you’re the first one to lay on the ground...”   “Where did you get that? Of course not!”   “Liar!”   I slowly opened my eyes and has been greeted by a warm light coming from the lamp shade. I’m sure I’m not in the hospital but the alcohol scent is all over which means I’m somewhere similar to it.   “Oh, our sleeping boy is now awake.” A familiar voice greeted me. I blink my eyes multiple times to see that I am not imagining things at all. She pinched me hard on the cheeks that made me wince in pain and glared at her.   “What are you doing here, Carina?” I asked in a monotonous voice. I shift to a sitting position on the bed and lay my back on the soft cushion.   She just looked at me seriously before shaking her head and turns to Antonov who was walking at our direction.   “Well, for the record...” He stopped and looks at Carina with a smile on his face before turning his gaze back to me. “She saved you, she saved us...” His words are firm while intently looking at me. I did not back out and stared back at him with the same intensity he’s giving me until someone blocked our way.   “Stop it you too,” Mica said and shook her head in disappointment. She took a deep breath and looked at me intently.   “I’m glad you are okay now and about Carina...” She held her hand and signaled me to shake hands with her.   “I’m one of your team now and you can do nothing about it...” She grabbed my hand and grips it tightly with a smirk on her face.   “And please stop rolling your eyes at me, you should be grateful I saved you in time,” she scoffed and released my hand from her grip. I weaved a deep sigh and looks at everyone around me. Mica is smiling slightly while Antonov is still looking so serious on the side. Meanwhile, Gene is too busy playing games on his phone and wears his headphone so I don’t know if he hears us or not.   “Fine...” I sighed and raised my hand in the air as a sign of defeat. Mica and Carina’s smile widen while Antonov’s lips formed a smirk.   “By the way, how did we survive and why am I the only one lying here on this bed?” I asked suspiciously. They don’t have any visible scars and I’m sure Mica does her job in healing them. It’s just that... something is wrong with me lately.   “Your body is kind of weak and as you already know, Mica can’t heal you fully or she will be the one who’ll lie in that bed,” Antonov replied meaningfully. His first sentence confirmed what I’ve been thinking a while ago.   This is not the first time from the time I used this body that I’ve been sent to hospital or a clinic or fainted whatever... My ability is indeed a hindrance so I must learn how to control it fully. I do know how to control this kind but this body does not permit me too because this vessel is quite weak...   Nathan’s body is weak...   Or maybe there’s something else...   But what could it be?   “Based on what I had read about you before I accept in guiding your team...” We stood quiet while waiting for Antonov’s sentence. He took a deep breath and continued what he was talking about.   “You came from a surgery, between life and death actually and to tell you honestly, that could be the reason why your body or brain is still too weak to use your ability in full force. Besides, it’s just your first time accepting that gift right?”   ‘Probably a curse...’ I said at the back of my mind and just gave them a reassuring smile.   “Dinner is ready. I cooked for you mga anak...” The door opens and reveals an old woman wearing apron and glasses, has white hair and a little bit of soggy skin due to aging. Next to her is a teenage girl who was still holding a spatula on her other hand.   “Who are they?” I blurted out that made all the attention went on me. The teenage girl’s eyes furrowed as she looks at me intently. Meanwhile, the old lady smiles wider and went to the bed side and hugged me tight.   “Goodness gracious hijo, thank you Lord for he is alive...” She suddenly starts shaking while crying at my chest. I awkwardly hugged her while eyeing the people around me and asking questions without voice. No one answered and avoided my gaze. My eye slowly shifted on the teenage girl who is silently shedding tears while walking near our direction. She smiled at me but that doesn’t even reach her eyes. She cleared her throat and gently taps her grandmother at the back.   “Lola, let him go... He just woke up. Come, let’s prepare the foods. I’m sure everyone is hungry already...” She faked a laugh and grabs the old woman gently in front of me. The latter wipes the tears of her eyes and then she’s back into her lively aura a while ago.   “Come down, mga apo... Masarap akong magluto!” She exclaimed and then happily went out of the room. The teenage girl smiled at us and announced.   “She’s a really good cook. I’m sure you will love it,” she said directly at me before also storming out of the room.   “Yes, Lola Myrna is a very good cook. Just thinking about her foods made me hungry,” Gene exclaimed and followed Thea’s tracks. The others get off the room too until it is only Carina and I that was left in the room.   “We’ve been tasting her dishes for a few days now and they’re really good. You should give it  try to regain your energy,” she said and was about to walk away when she stopped and turned her head and smiled at me.   “She thinks you are his grandson who is lost a few years back because of some resemblance perhaps...” She inhaled sharply and turn to the door and continued talking without looking at me.   “Please be kind and patient to her, especially that the grandson she longs to wait is already lost and his soulless body burned in the Casino.” -- “Thank you so much for the wonderful meal every time and to your hospitality and kindness to let us stay here...” Antonov politely told Lola Myrna while holding her arms.   We are now outside the two-storey house her former boss lend her to let them stay for a while. After the meal earlier, Antonov told us to pack for we still have lots to do and also because Lola Myrna is getting more and more attached to me. It’s better to separate earlier than to broke her heart more when she realized the truth.   “Naku! If you ever need a place to stay, just contact my granddaughter. And please...” Her gaze shifted at me and looks at me with those longing eyes. I can feel the love and sadness she holds just by staring back at her. Tears starts to pour down her eyes and she didn’t even bother to wipe them up.   “Please take care. I will always pray for everyone’s safety and also...” She started to sob and Thea gently massaged her back while comforting her. “I will pray for Jay’s lost soul. May he be safe on whatever path he takes as long as God is with him...”   Everyone was silent while watching her and hearing her cries of despair. This is the time where the truth slowly sinks into her mind and tries accepting it instead of denying...   Each one of us hugged her and when it’s my turn, I hugged her so tight and kissed her forehead while whispering comforting words on her.   We waved at them and started walking away from them. Before I enter the car, I looked back at them and whispered in the air...   “I promise to keep you grandson safe in the other side.”  
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