Chapter 6

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Dimetiri Welt Caelum Academy Year 2028   Nathaniel’s POV   I smiled to myself as the car slowly travels to the enchanted forest going to the academy. I opened the window on the side and let the breeze flow on my face. I inhaled deeply as the cool, familiar wind gave a calming sensation to my body.   ‘I miss home...’ I said to myself as I slowly closed my eyes while remembering the first time that I step my foot on the academy.   “Salvatore, I think you are now ready to study in the academy. It will help you nourish your splendid psychic skills. I’m sure that you will like it there,” Mom said as she caress my face gently.   I was just 7 years old that time and it is the best time for a psychic like me to study in what they called Caelum Academy. I always heard about it but I don’t want to go...   “But Mom, I’m okay with you and dad and also grandma teaching me in here. I-I don’t need to go there,” I looked away as I said those words.   “I don’t want to hurt others...” I said silently as tears started to slowly fall down my eyes.   “Salvatore...” She called and then exhales loudly. She kept silent for a moment while she kept caressing my hair until the door sprung free open and showed dad who is calm on the outside. I closed my eyes as I started to read what is on his mind.   I tremble in fear and stumble on the ground as I saw from his memory a group of bandits near our house and they are moving aggressively until dad runs up the stairs and saw us in the same moment we had a while ago.   “D-Dad...” I called him and hold my chest as I feel it become gradually heavy because of an eerie feeling.   Psalmantha...” Dad called and slowly walked through our direction. I can now vividly hear noises coming from below that made my body shiver in fear.   “They had found us...”   Dad made his way through me and looked at me directly in the eye. I can’t help but to stare back at his calm blue eyes that made me feel secured. I hugged him tightly while crying in his chest and sobbed hard.                                                      I felt mom’s hands encircle around us and wrap us in a warm, tight hug.   “We love you so much, Salvatore. Promise us that you will behave in your new home in the academy, alright?”   I felt them shaking as the door started to create loud noises as those bandits keep on smashing it.   “We don’t have time... Please promise us, Sal. You’ll get through everything. You won’t be in the royal Gertrude blood line if not.” I closed my eyes as I felt mom’s lips on my forehead.   I stare back at my parents with teary eyes as dad carefully wipes my tears.   “Promise us that you’ll be safe and will do everything to be the better version of you. We love you, Sal.”   “Halt! Move away and gave us the kid!” Someone shouted from behind. I can’t see their faces clearly because dad hides me on his back.   “Hush, Sal. Someone is down there and he will be the one to take you to the academy, okay?” Mom said as she kissed my forehead as we slowly crouch on the open window.   “When I say jump, you jump, okay?” She stares at me with her pale yellow eyes that I inherited from her. I can’t stop myself from sobbing as she continuous to wipe my tears away.   I felt her soft, warm lips on my forehead and she whispers some spell as she pushed me down the window.   I only heard a loud explosion from the room before everything went black. -- “Sal, wake up. We’re nearing the academy.”   I felt a light shake that made me open my eyes widely and stare at the cold, gray eyes of the person I least think to be in the same car.   “Grandpa...”   “Listen, kiddo.” He sighed and stopped the engine of the car. His wrinkles are showing due to old age but his eyes are still cold and strict as ever. The very reason why we don’t get along very well...   I shifted my glance outside the car window and my eyes widen in amazement as I saw the huge gate blocking our way. It is made of gold and silver and shines brightly as the sun shone in it. It has golden and big carvings on the top. I squint my eyes since it’s kind of hard to see with that bright light. My eyes opened wide when I read what it says.   Even before I open my mouth, the large gates opened and grandpa started the engine and drove through the long hallways.   My mouth gaped wide while looking at all the infrastructure around me. Everything is made up of ivory, and diamond, and silver, and gold, and anything that a young mind can comprehend.   The engine stopped and grandpa opened the doors. I did the same as I saw him waiting while looking directly at me. I hurriedly removed the seatbelt and shake slightly as I went near him.   I saw some students staring at us that makes me uncomfortable, only to realize that they were not staring at me but to the man beside me.   I slowly shifted my glance on a statue and widened my eyes in shock as I saw that he is the one that is carved in there.   “Oh, Darth! Finally you’re here now.” The newcomer shifted his glance at me and stares at me while smiling wide.   “He looks a lot like you. I’m sure that he’ll create a new legacy soon.” He said firmly before leading us to the room.   “You must behave well in the academy. Don’t let the Gertrude blood line in shame.” Grandpa whispered in my ear before following him. -- “So, Salvatore Gertrude... What is your psychic ability?”   I froze in track as I balled my hand into fist to stop myself from doing anything bad. Grandpa stares at me intently so I shifted my gaze on the Dean who nods knowingly before giving me a reassuring smile.   “Don’t worry, Mr. Gertrude. Your grandchild will learn EVERYTHING he needs once he is in the academy.”   He kneels one of his feet to level his eyes on me and gently caress my hair. He opened his arms widely as if welcoming me and smiled.   “Welcome to Caelum Academy, Salvatore.”   “Welcome to Caelum Academy, Nathaniel.”   I snapped back to reality when I heard the familiar voice of the exact person who welcomed me before. He is still the same man but with a hint of aging. Even the school is the same except for one thing.   I am not Salvatore in their eyes...   “So, what is your psychic ability?” He asked while browsing from the file that Nathaniel’s mother handed him. I just shrugged my shoulders as I don’t even know how come a guy like this have psychic powers yet he is easily attacked and ALMOST killed by some unknown whoever and for whatever reason there is.   “I’m sorry, Dean Peter. Nathan here still doesn’t accept his gift that’s why he can’t tell you what it is...” Nathan’s mom said while apologizing. I just stared at them and shrugged my shoulders before standing up from the chair.   “I’m here to study as well as develop whatever ability this is. I’m out of here,” I said and marched to the door. Even before I lay my finger on it, Dean Peter said something that made me froze.   “You move exactly like him. You talk exactly like him. If only he is not dropped out recently from the academy, I will think that you are him.” He said firmly while eyeing me. I inhaled some air to gain some courage before facing him back.   “Who?”   “Salvatore.”   I almost stumble from the ground because of shock. I can feel my hands starting to tremble and I’m hardly stopping it from showing.   “Well... Of course you are not him. It’s just that... His loss had a great impact on the entire psychic department, specially the Monster Hunters.”   Monster hunters...   Monster hunters...   Monster hunters...   I don’t know anymore...   Just the mere thought about our group made everything crumble to pieces. I don’t even know what to do with this mission and yet, a damn big revelation is revealed in front of me...   And it’s all about me for God’s sake! I have so many questions lingering on my head and the only way to know is to investigate.   But how?   Without any second thoughts, I grab the schedule from Dean’s hands and stormed out of the room.   There are no students left in the hallways since its class hours. I lift the paper and read whatever section I will belong.   STUDENT’S DATA Name: Jon Nathaniel Rosario Age: 18 years old Last school attended: Seattle Grace High School Psychic Ability: Unknown   I mentally slapped my head since I don’t even know this basic info from this body. I scanned the pages and stop on the text that caught my attention.   Section: Stone Class Schedule: 8:00 – 9:00 AM History of the Psyche 9:00 – 11:00 AM All about Abilities (Lecture) 11:00 – 1:00 PM Course Break 1:00 – 5:00 PM Ability Training   What?! I’m on the lowest section?! And what is this? The first subject is history which means...   I shifted my gaze on the door not too far away with me. The only distinct feature to know where room you would go is based on their structure. The room I was eyeing had a stone door and walls that are designed like a cave.   I slowly walked to that direction and even before I knock, the door sprung open and all of the attention goes to me.   Great, Sal. Such a nice way to surprise people with your sudden appearance on a busy class.   “Excuse me, and you are?” A man in his about early thirties stopped with the discussion and eyed me from head to toe. The ground suddenly moves and pushed me to the room making me almost stumble from the ground.   I heard a stifle laugh from the audience because of what happened. I shook my head and calmly face the professor.   “I’m sorry, I’m late. I’m just a new student here and I just enrolled a while ago so...”   “Oh yes.., I’ve heard about you from the faculty. Okay, let’s start. Just introduce yourself and we’ll get back to the discussion.”   I inhaled deeply before facing everyone in the room. I felt all the stares on me but because of the recent surgery and I forgot where I had put my glasses, I can’t clearly see their faces.   “I’m Nathaniel Rosario, 18 years old. Nice to meet you all.”   “Is that all, Mr. Rosario?” I just nodded my head in agreement and was about to seat when someone shouted from the back.   “Hey, what’s your ability?” A guy with mohawk hair asked that started the murmur from other students. They had follow up questions that I don’t even know the answer. I saw one guy squinting his eyes and holding his finger on his forehead.   Ohh... The classic mind reading,’ I said to myself and smirked as I saw how frustrated he was.   “I can’t read his thoughts. What can you do? How did you manage to block my ability?” He asked and stands up from his chair. He arrogantly walks to my direction and I heard ‘Whoa’ reactions from my other classmates.   I just shook my head and is about to pass by him when he held me firmly on the shoulder.   “I’m talking to you. Are you deaf or something?” Annoyance is visible on his face and the veins are showing from his slightly musculated body.   I eyed his hands waiting for him to take it back but he won’t. I sighed deeply before smirking at him.   He pressed his grip hardly because of my stares but I didn’t budge and didn’t show any reaction aside from sarcasm.   “I guess you’re the one that is deaf here. Did you hear me communicate with the professor? Of course I did. I don’t know about you though...”   The other students started chanting and taunting his name and mine and placing bets on who will win on this pathetic argument. Oh gosh, I didn’t know that freshmen years in this academy or maybe just in this section is a chaos. I never experienced this when I was Salvatore except from Roscoe who always like to taunt me.   And the thing here is... I am not Salvatore on this timeline.   I am Nathaniel Rosario, a transferee who didn’t even know what his abilities are, or maybe he did but just like what her mother said, he did not want to accept his gift.   I wonder why...   “And also... Do you know what does real blockage if ability means?”   With just a simple touch of my finger on his forehead, he suddenly blacked out and I freely sat on an available chair near the window. The students and the professor gather around his direction to help him while others are staring at my direction. I just shrugged my shoulders and shifted my gaze outside and watch the birds freely flying on this university.   ‘How does it feel to fly freely? Will I also be free from this mission’s burden?’   “Professor Kyle won’t be handling us today because of this incidence. He’s still talking to Dean Peter and will try to resolve the issue.”   Murmurs are heard but it is replaced with shouts of joy because there will be no classes for today. Some students are saying thank you to my direction but even before they left the room, the man with thick eye glasses announced something that gained bad reactions.   “Yet, he asked someone to teach us this very special and timely topic about Monster Hunters...”   My gaze immediately shifted to the person who is walking towards our room. She has a serious face that silences the students and made them get back on their seats.   I felt my heart is about to explode as I am seeing the younger version of herself. The younger version that I first had interaction with.   She cleared her throat and stares at us all until her gaze stopped in my direction.   She smirked before introducing herself that made me froze in my place.   “That is none other than the Monster Hunters member herself. I’m Klio Nikolai... Are you ready to see us on the other side?” 
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