Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Nathaniel’s POV   I can’t get my eyes off her as she fixed the monitor that she will use to provide information about our topic for today about Monster Hunters which of course, means that it is our team that she will be tackling about.   “So, let’s start. I know most of you, if not all are familiar about the monster hunters.”   There are many murmurs from my classmates about it and they kept on talking about who they like most, or who they think has the best psychic ability among all of them.   “As you all know, the monster hunters are one of the prominent psychic groups here in the academy. It primarily consists of five members and to introduce the first one,” she stopped from a moment and clicks the remote she was holding. The monitor opened up and shows her picture with brief details on the side.   I silently laugh on my head as I heard her snort while looking at the picture that our original professor put in his presentation.   “I’m Klio Nikolai Evans. 22 years old and my ability are enhanced senses,” she said and immediately turns to the next slide.   I can’t help but laugh because she is still the same Klio that doesn’t want her info taken out to public. I stood frozen as I felt the stares of my classmates specially her cold, blank stares in my direction. I immediately sit right and faked a cough before smiling awkwardly at her.   She just shook her head and turns her attention back to the monitor.   “The next one is one of the most quiet and serious in the hunters, Cashmere Torricelli. He seldom talks but he is a good guy though. His power is to foresee the near future and it is indeed helpful to know what will be the consequences of our actions or what our client’s future will be.” She showed the photo of Cashmere looking seriously on the camera. His deep brown eyes seems like it is staring and reading through your soul. I can feel as if he really is staring right back at me that made me feel uneasy and look away.   “Another one is our blonde chic named Sheritan Ashley Millano. She has two personalities and it is up to you which one could you handle or meet. Well, I just hope that you won’t meet Itan first...” She whispered the last lines to herself. I just managed to read it through her lips and laughed mentally because I do know what will happen if you managed to meet her loud side first.   She clicked the remote and the slide shifted to another which shows the man that made my girl classmates screamed while murmuring on how hot or how good he is. Klio snorted upon seeing his face that looks like he prepared for it because he is modeling on the picture. She rolled her eyes and continues introducing the next member of the group.   “The next will be one of the most famous because he is a jerk and a bully that wanders on other levels yet doesn’t want to stick his ass on our designated floor,” she said that made the whole class laugh. I grabbed my eyeglasses from the bag and wore it. I’m still not used to wearing glasses but oh well... As if I have a choice.   “Roscoe Levi Freud. The Mr. Speedy jerk of the hunters. His exceptional speed made it possible for us to easily catch culprit whenever we are sent to mission outside the academy. He is also our runner whenever we forgot something and –“   “I am not, you black haired...”   We felt the harsh gush of wind that made all the papers from the table to fly. The girls in the class started cheering as they saw their crush on the door while arrogantly looking at Klio’s direction.   “Black haired what? I can hear whatever you said even if your 10 miles away so don’t you dare test me, Roscoe. Unless...”   “Come on, I’m just about to say the black haired goddess. Keep calm, Klio.” He said and arrogantly walks in the room.   Klio just rolled her eyes and throw the remote at him that he easily caught. He winked at her before turning his gaze on us. He eyed every single one in the room that makes most of the girls and soft boys flustered until his attention went straight to mine.   I didn’t bother looking away and eyed him with the same intensity he is giving me. A smirk formed in my lips as he withdraws from our staring competition and shook his head. He took the remote from his hand and aims it at the monitor.   The wind blew hard from the window that made me lose my attention on the front and look on it. Nothing seems wrong except for the fact that the wind was blowing so hard even if we have a nice weather.   I mentally calm myself and turn to the front where I immediately froze upon seeing the picture being presented in the monitor and it is none other than...   “Salvatore Gertrude. The founder and the leader of the monster hunters. If you admired our abilities, what more if you met the one who has it all?”   Everyone in the room except me looks so shocked while their eyes are full of admiration. They kept talking to their seatmates how cool it is to have every psychic power to ever existed and how they badly wished they were the same as him.   ‘If they only knew...’   “Excuse me, Mr. Freud but... I have been hearing rumors about him being dropped out or something. Is that the reason why he is no longer with you guys? Or like, could you please confirm if the information was right?” Someone from the crowd asked and it was no other than the president himself.   Silence fills the air as the students wait for the answer. Our eyes show curiosity and anticipating what will they say regarding that. I kept my eyes focused on the front even if the wind is already bothersome because of its harsh sounds that kept pumping from the windows.   Even before Roscoe opened his mouth, the door sprung open as a student who looked terrified appears behind it. She was catching her breath while her mouth is still gaping wide. Her body is continuously shaking and ushers were starting to question what she was doing here.   Roscoe went to her direction and pat her to the back to ease her breathing. She calmed down a bit but what she said left us all frozen in our place.   “S-Sheritan...”   Her mere name screams everything that I opt to ignore a while ago. Everything has reason and the wind that is forcefully banging on the window finally got in and made the glasses shattered.   I used my hands as a barrier to protect my face from the shards of glass. I felt the stinging pain as it pierces my skin like a knife. Instead of crying, I bravely shrug it off and run to the door. Roscoe is prepared to leave that’s why I jumped and leap on his back as everything becomes blurry because of his fast movement that transported us to the place where the chaos is happening.   I almost lost my balance, good thing that Roscoe held my hand to keep me from my feet. I turn my back on him and almost stumble on the ground as I saw a huge tornado swirling in the wide field. I felt Roscoe’s body stiffened at the sight of numerous items being caught up in the harsh winds.   I squint my eyes on the middle of the tornado and that is where I saw her...   The girl who made this chaos and disrupting classes all by herself. The girl with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes filled with fury and hatred that fuels up the tornado she has created.   The girl who has incredible wind powers that is now taken over by her loud, strong and dangerous personality and she is no other than...   Sheritan Millano.
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