Chapter 5

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Nathaniel’s POV (Salvatore) I hardly gasp for air as soon as my soul went directly to this body. I can feel the relief as my lungs has been inflated with oxygen. I let my mouth open wide while gaping as the rain drops directly shoot on my mouth. My vision is feeling blurry and I can’t even hear a damn thing. The only thing that makes me realize that I am now in another man’s body is the fact that I am feeling an unexplainable and searing pain in my head and other parts of the body.   “His BP is deflating fast! Patch him up! Where the f**k is that ambulance?!”   “Help is coming in a few minutes. Damn! The bleeding is too much! We’re losing him!”   I can hear audible sounds around me but my mind can’t process everything. This pain and blurry vision is making everything too hard for me. I can already feel numb and my breathing is slowly getting ragged. I kept breathing for more oxygen but I don’t understand why it’s so hard for me to do that now.   The only thing I remember is the soft lip that touches mine and breaths through me. I can feel the air running and clearing my airway and the continuous pump in my chest.   “H-He’s not responding! Where the hell are the medics?” Someone shouted and kept on pumping on my chest. I heard from the distance the sound of a vehicle approaching our direction. As my eyesight became more blurry and my head started spinning, I can only remember one thing that I am certain about.   The light from the moon shone on our direction and the one who is above me has glowing bright yellow eyes.   I can feel the sudden burst of light coming inside this body before everything went black. -- “Save the world, travel through the past,” the child repeatedly chanted. Cashmere smiled at Sal and pats him on the back.   “Save the world, Salvatore. Save us all.” Cashmere went to Klio’s body and hugged her for the last time, before helping Ros and Sheri out.   “Go on, Sal. We’re counting on you,” he said before the two of them disappeared.   “Just like what Klio said, I’m lucky to meet you, hunters,” Cashmere exclaimed. He smiled sadly at the crying Sheri and nods at her. Ros is already getting weak, but still managed to smile at them.   “See you on the other side,” were the last words they said before the debris fall and crushed their body.   “Find him, help us.”   “Find her, save us.”   “Save the world, Salvatore. Save us all...”   I immediately opened my eyes as the memories from a while ago still linger in me. I am sweating badly even though the room is cold. I heavily closed my eyes and tried to relax while calming myself. I took a deep breath before slowly opening my eyes and gets greeted by a pair of calm green eyes.   “Oh my gosh, y-you’re awake, Nathan!” A woman beside me exclaimed as tears started falling down her eyes. She rubbed her eyes a bit more and touches my face gently as she continued sobbing.   “I thought we’re going to l-lose you...” She exclaimed and enveloped me in a tight hug.   She is crying so bad that her shoulders are harshly moving. I can feel my chest getting wet because of her tears and to be honest, I don’t know what to do. I just stare at her for a moment until someone came from the door.   Our attention automatically went to doctor who is smiling at me and nods at the woman beside me. The nurse from behind her follows her every move and nods at us.   “Good evening! I’m glad that Mr. Rosario is awake. Nurse, can you assist her as she signs those documents? I just need to have a word with the patient.” She said to the nurse beside her who gladly obliged. The nurse gave the woman beside me the papers that blank mindedly nodded and signed the papers. She moved a little as the doctor makes her way through.   As she gets nearer, her face also becomes clear yet I can’t fully read what is written in her name tag. I squint my eyes and tried reading but my head started to ache that’s why I lay my back on the bed and inhaled deeply.   ‘What the hell is wrong with this body’s eye sight?’ I asked and shook my head in annoyance.   It looks like the doctor understands what I’ve been going through because she sprayed alcohol on her palm and smiled at me.   “By the way, I’m Dr. Nicole Francisco, but you can call me Dr. Nics.” She said while smiling and offers her hand for a handshake. I smiled back at her and took it but my smile suddenly faded when I heard her next words.   “I’m your attending doctor for the past few weeks and it’s been good news that you finally wake now.”   “Few weeks?” I asked while silently hoping that I’m just hearing it wrong. But I’m not.   “Yes... You had been confined here for about...” She paused for a while as she takes a look at the chart the nurse gave her. After a few seconds she immediately turns to me and smiled before continuing. “About 3 weeks. That surgery is indeed a high risk but good thing that you’re a fighter and you had managed to survive after that brain surgery. As you can observe, you’re retina has been affected but no worries, your clear vision will be back in no time. For now, just use the prescribed medical glasses that our ophthalmologist gave to your mother.”   Soon enough, the woman beside me grab something from her bag and handed it to us. Dr. Nics thanked her as she carefully opened the case containing the glasses that they are talking about. She cleaned it using a soft and thin cloth before slowly putting it in my eyes.   I closed my eyes while waiting for her to finish what she is doing. Once I felt that she is already out of my face, I slowly opened my eyes and smiled as my vision starts to become clear.   I roam my eyes to the surroundings and saw that Dr. Francisco is glancing at her wrist watch. She smiled apologetically and grabs the stethoscope on her neck.   “I’m going to check on your vital signs now, okay? This is quite cold for a little while, so please brace yourself.” I nodded as silently flinched as I felt the cold metal of the stethoscope on my skin. I inhaled and exhaled as she examines my breathing pattern. After checking my temperature and putting a device on my forefinger, she grabs the sphygmomanometer on her side and placed the cuff on my arm. She readied her stethoscope and slowly pumps air to the bag.   “Patient is stable for now. His vital signs are already in the normal range. We’ll just run a few tests before we can discharge your son. Please excuse me...” She said after doing the check-up. The nurse just stayed for a bit to arrange my IV fluid before politely getting out of the room.   Silence occupies the room as soon as the nurse gets out. I kept staring at the white walls, completely ignoring the stares from the woman beside me. I closed my eyes shut as I tried to remember the name that the people around me kept telling but my head still keeps spinning as I tried to remember things. I sighed in desperation and looked at her hopefully.   I cleared my throat and shyly looked away until I saw the chart that the doctor is holding a while ago. An idea flashed to my mind and I tried so hard to hide the smile that is slowly creeping up my lips.   “C-Can I get my chart? I just want to check my health details,” I politely asked and she gave it immediately.   ‘Whoa, that was fast,’ I said at the back of my mind and shook it off before checking on the letters imprinted on this.   Pt Name: Nathaniel Rosario Parent/Guardian’s Name: Nathalie Rosario   Objective Data VS T – 36.5 degree Celsius PR – 78 bpm RR – 17 bpm BP – 120/80   All stats are normal. Need further test to check for possible complications from surgery.   I closed my eyes as I don’t understand what this thing is saying anymore. My mind is still clouded by memories of the future and the present and the current memory of this Nathaniel Rosario is still a blur. I don’t even know why he is buried on the ground and who the person that I saw before him is. Also, I still don’t know who gave me CPR before. I’m pretty sure that I saw his or her eyes turned yellow and I felt the familiar sensation that only healers can do and one thing is sure for now...   He or she is also from my world.   “Don’t you remember anything, son?” The lady asked out of nowhere. Sadness is evident on her voice as she stares at me with teary eyes.   Did she already know that I don’t have any memory of her anymore?   “I’m sorry, I –“   My words are cut off in mid-air as I heard her next words.   “Y-Your soul came to visit me and you kept on saying and pleading to save you. W-Why...” She stopped on her tracks and gently looked at me.   “Why do you pretend that you did not remember it clearly? Don’t you really want to accept your gift as a psychic?”   I felt like cold water has been splashed on me as I heard those familiar words.   Psychic   “I-I’m a psychic?” I unbelievably asked. She stopped crying and stares at me intently that made me uncomfortable. I think that she is slowly starting to have suspicions on me and I don’t want my secret to be revealed now.   Not yet...   I’m just starting to explore what does this Nathaniel Rosario has that made it suitable for me to use it and fulfill my mission that I don’t even know where to start.   I exhaled sharply and stares back at her with sad eyes. I make it convincing as possible and it looks like she’s getting affected by it.   “I’m sorry, mom. It’s just that... It’s still hard for me to accept that I have that gift,” I said apologetically. She smiled sadly and starts to caress my face gently with her soft hands.   “I’m so glad to hear you calling me mom again...” She said with a soft voice. I thought I’m going to be caught again until she speaks again.   “I don’t know what happened to you, but I am glad because you changed completely, for the better. I just have one last request for you...”   She inhales deeply as those calm green eyes stares at mine as she is tightly holding my hands. She smiled sadly and told her request that made my mind clear to what path I will first take for this mission.   “Please accept your psychic abilities fully and...   Allow me to take you to Caelum Academy where you truly belong.”            
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