Chapter 73

1329 Words
Nathan’s POV   The rumor about what happened to us spread like wildfire. Almost everyone in this campus knows our name and some even asks for our autographs. No one likes this much recognition especially when Carina broke the news to us about her sister.   Till now, I still feel guilty for bringing them in there. I distanced myself and tried clearing my mind for a couple of days before the day of our second year recognition happened.   It’s been months since that incident and Paranormal Detectives squad has been admired by some and even put our names next to the Monster Hunters. This is their final year and they are now graduating with all the honors and awards they could receive.   “John Nathaniel Rosario...” Sir Linux announced my name. The crowd cheered for me as I walk up to the stage. Gene, Mica, Carina and Remus is sitting on the front where we are placed at and they were smiling as I went to get the award.   “With honors,” Sir Linux continued. I nod my head and shake his hands as a sign of respect and gratitude as I grab the certificate from his hand. He put a medal on my neck and raised my hand in the air as the crowd cheers, especially on our squad name.   “Paranormal Detectives...” Sir Ichigo called. My brows furrowed as well as the others when they were urged to go up the stage. The crowd went silent as Sir Ichigo’s presence is enough to make them tremble to the core.   “As we all know about the case you had been on a few months ago...” I gasp when he started with those words. We never really know what happened or who are the others who won their mission and be a part of Blackport PD as we are in the hospital for months. The effect of the radiation Luke has emitted has damaged us and the only way to heal is to rest on the hospital while they took out the toxin out of our bodies.   “You had helped the police department to solve the most hideous crime in just a single day. It took us months of training and stalking about the Black Organization but you did that and annihilated most of them in just a day...”   I don’t know what to say because based on what I had remembered, I hadn’t done anything. I failed to save my friends, I failed as their leader as I bring them closely to danger. I had their life at stake just because of my desire to win fast and ahead of everyone. I tend to forgot that I am not Salvatore on this timeline who can do anything using my random psychic and magic abilities and save everyone else.   ‘You didn’t even manage to save your friends and the world on your original life...’ A voice said at the back of my head. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to prevent this negative thoughts from eating me alive. I’ve been through the worst and adding more fuel and negative thoughts to the fire will just let me burst into pieces.    “The board of directors of BPD is hereby granting you the privilege to be a part of Blackport P—“   “Sir...” I called him out. Gene, Mica, Carina and Remus nodded at me as if reading what I am thinking. Sir Ichigo stopped talking and looked at my direction. The crowd starts murmuring words as if wondering why I did interrupt him.   “I think we don’t deserve that...” I softly said. The murmurs stars growing louder until Sir Ichigo had to silence them up.   “Quiet!” He shouted. Just like that, everyone remained quiet while he turns his attention back at us.   “Well, you see...” And I started telling him what really happened.   “We... We fleet from the academy during midnight to know what really happens at night,” I started. He urged me to continue and so I did.   “We successfully went to the Lunar village where we met an old man with a white beard. I really thought he was an ally but...” I looked at my squad who are now avoiding my gaze as I continued telling the parts I could clearly recall on my memories.   “He used a drug on us and held them captives.” I pointed at them who are looking down on the ground.   “I tried catching up to them and we went to Tarnen divisio as we chase...” I heard gasps everywhere after hearing the place where we came. Tarnen divisio is a dreaded place not only in Licht but also in the humanus welt for the people who knows about its existence.   “How did you manage to survive?” One of the people from the crowd asked. I nod at him and smiled sadly while looking at Sir Ichigo.   “We were saved. We were saved by Luke... The new leader of those who worships the heavenly bodies. They... They fight while we are getting beaten up and almost sacrificed to the devils...”    The crowd was shock and started throwing hurtful words at us.   “You fake! I used to admire you!”   “I thought you were the one to save them but it’s the other way around.”   “I can’t believe you did that!”   “You never deserve that recognition!”   Several hurtful words were thrown at us but we don’t care anymore. We never wanted fame and popularity this way.   “I hope that Maria won’t survive!” We all stopped when we heard those words. In just a snap, Carina’s eyes starts glowing as she starts floating in the air.   “She will not die, for you will die first because of an accident caused by someone near you!” The girl who said those words suddenly tremble in fear as her eyes also glows. After it faded, she just stumble on the ground and starts running away from everyone.   “What happened?” Remus asked. I shook my head and explained to them what had happened a while ago.   “Her ability matures... She is now able to see other’s future in broad daylight and even let them watch it...” I said in a small voice and watch as Carina came back to us as if nothing had happened.   I heard Sir Ichigo stifle a laugh that turns everyone’s attention to him. I looked at him intently in the eye when he taps my shoulder and talks on the mic.   “I already hear about that story and that is exactly the same the new leader of the Lunar and Solar villagers is.”   New leader? Could it be?   “Master Loki told me all of that except one thing that you didn’t say.” My brows furrowed as well as my squad who are now looking at each other. Sir Ichigo smiled and move away from the microphone for us to only hear what he is about to say.   “He says you are brave enough to meddle and without you, they won’t have the opportunity to attack and would still be under the shadows of the Black Organization. You deserve this, Paranormal Detectives squad.”   He gave us certificates as a proof that we are now accepted and are the new trainees of the most prestigious police department in the Licht divisio, ever.   I smiled and look at the sky above me to mutter my gratitude and marked his words on my mind.   “We deserve this...”
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