Chapter 72

1933 Words
Third Person’s POV “Emergency! Seven students of Caelum Academy are now approaching within the vicinity!” The intercom repeatedly said that wakes everyone up from their deep sleep. It’s only early in the morning and the school is now on heightened security as five stretchers simultaneously get off their emergency vehicle.   Students who saw the bodies bloody and full of bruises threw up on the hallways and cry when they realize who the newcomers are.   “Paranormal Detectives and a man called Ethan Ames...” Ichigo read the report given to him as he immediately went to the hospital where his former students are bring. Linux upon hearing the news, grabs his brother Ros to give him a fast ride at the hospital only to see his students almost out of breath.   “Where did you assigned him? Why does this happened?” Ichigo asked Linux who is still watching them from the glass pane. He shook his head in disbelief and grab the record that his student gave him just now. He opened it and is about to read it when Ichigo grabs it from him and read it aloud.   “A case of people who went missing on the night and is acting all weird when they went back the next morning. Your group is assigned to check what is happening and put a stop on whatever paranormal activity on that area.”   His brows furrowed and looked at Linux who is now holding another report of what had happened recently.   “Where is their mission located?” Ichigo asked. He could feel his heart beating hard while waiting for his answer.   The Blackport police department he was now in had been handling cases all over Dimetiri Welt and even on Humanus Welt for those really advanced detectives. His first mission was supposed to be on the lands near the border but unfortunately, his pair didn’t come back.   He didn’t know they still have the case and that is now given to these students who doesn’t even have proper training on the outside.   “Based from the reports of the witness, they have been seen near the Lunar village. That’s all he could provide and then he left.” Ichigo’s face soften as he stares at the students who are now fighting for their lives just to be a part of the prestigious department.   He snaps back to reality when his phone rings. He excused himself for a while and answers the call from the commander himself. Ichigo cleared his throat before speaking.   “Good morning, PT Ichigo speaking...” He heard laughter and cheers from the other side of the screen that made his brows furrowed.   “Is there a problem S—“   “Congratulations Ichigo...” He holds his breath after hearing his words. He is still in daze to what is happening but it gets clearer as he continued speaking.   “The members of the black organization has been annihilated and guess who did that?” His mouth gape wide as his eyes landed on to the students who are now on the operating room.   “Yes, you’re former students called the Paranormal Detectives squad did it. A man wearing a torn white cloak went to our division earlier and told about what happened. He also surrendered people who is behind that organization. It’s just sad that their leader named Lohr is already a corpse though...”   He didn’t know what else he have said for his head starts spinning due to the events happening right at this moment.   Carina’s POV “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine... You make me happy when skies are grey.” We happily sing while holding hands together. The sun is shining brightly and it is a nice weather to play on the swing with my twin sister.   “Do I really make you happy, Carina?” She asked and held my hand tighter. I smiled at her and held her hand tighter too while looking directly into her eyes.   “Of course, Maria. You always make me happy and I hope I make you happy too so that we will be happy together!” I exclaimed and happily sing.   “You’ll never know dear, how much I love you...” We stopped from swinging and look directly at everyone’s eye while singing the last part of the song.   “Please don’t take my sunshine away...” The moment we sing this part and suddenly the thunder strikes and starts to rain. I shouted and tried pulling Maria inside the house to take shelter from the rain but she didn’t bulge and continue swinging by herself.   “Maria, let’s go... We’ll get sick if we stay here,” I exclaimed and put my arms on the side. She didn’t even look at me and continue singing under the rain.   “I’ll always love you and make you happy. If you will only say the same...” She stopped from swinging and held my hand tighter.   “Do you promise to love and make me happy, Carina?” Her voice starts to change from a jolly one to a sad depressing tone and I could feel the shiver all over my body as she ask those questions without looking at me.   “O-Of course, I love you and w-will make you happy. Just like in the song... Can you please l-let go now?” I pleaded as her nails starts digging into my skin. She didn’t say anything and continue singing the last part of the song.   “But if you leave me to love another... You’ll regret it all someday.” Her voice changed into a dull one and I shriek in horror as she slowly turned to face me, only to see her eyes bleeding.   “You lied... You let them take me away... You loved another and you’re going to regret it now.”   I tried hard to resist her strength and tried pulling my hands. Blood starts oozing from her nose and mouth while she laughs demonically.   “You’re late, Carina... You’re always late and now, her body will be mine... forever!” Her voice changed into a deep one, into a man I never encountered before. Her eyes bulge into her socket wanting to get out while laughing hysterically.   “No! Get the hell out of my sister!” She tried touching her but she was instantly sent flying on to the wall. She could feel the pain physically but it is nothing compared to the emotional and mental pain she was feeling right now.   “Her body will be mine and you will never save her until you give me what I asked you to do.” I blinked my eyes that is now blurry because of tears and tried looking directly at her. I could see the softness in her eyes as she cries and begs me to help her.   “Please save me...” She said crying until the voice comes back and takes over her body.   “What do you need?” I asked while sobbing real hard. She just laughs at me and looks at me directly in the eye.   “Find him, kill him. Give my body back and I’ll get off your sister... permanently.”   I opened my eyes widely and feel the surroundings. I tried gasping for air but an oxygen mask is getting off the way.   I need air. Real air.   I took it off and threw on the side as I took a couple of deep breaths. No matter how hard I tried to close my eyes and blink it multiple times, I still can’t forget Maria’s face begging for help.   All this time that I’m angry at her, she is not on herself... All this time that I’m ignoring the signs and my premonition, this comes and slap me with the truth that I’m not a good sister for not checking if she is really okay.   -- I slowly opened her eyes only to see her twin Maria staring directly at her while crying. She looks so helpless while dried blood is still evident on her face. She weakly smiled at me and tried reaching out to her only to be stopped by the chains that is on their hands.   “I’m sorry...” Maria weakly said that made me burst into tears. She could already see the Maria she used to be with before. The calm and serene Maria that she missed so much from the past few months.   I couldn’t help but cry while remembering our last moments earlier. She was sorry for everything and here I am, dreaming of her while she begs me to save her.   I wipe my tears up as the door opens and reveals the doctors who are in charge of me. He checked for my pulse and everything and list it down on the chart. He was about to leave when I called him out that made him stop and turn his back on me.   “W-Where is M-Maria?” I weakly asked. I could see the sadness that passed through his eyes. I shook my head and disbelief and grabs him from his coat.   “W-Where is she? T-Tell me where she is!” I shouted and starts being hysterical. He called up a nurse that came is just passing by and injected a sedative into my vein. It only took a few minutes for it to take effect as I feel my eyes drooping down until I totally drifted to sleep. -- “M-Maria...” I tried calling out as soon as I woke up. I saw a female doctor on the room who stopped what she was doing to tend on me. I weakly grabbed the hem of her coat and beg while crying.   “P-Please... Take me to my sister...” I sob non-stop until I felt her hand on my back. She chanted something and I feel the cooling sensation running over through my body. She nodded on me and called out a nurse to provide a wheel chair for me. She do as told and immediately came back with the wheel chair on her hand.   “T-Thank you...” I muttered as they guided me to the chair and pushes me gently out of the room.   “Please be prepared for whatever you may know...” She said in a low voice. I could feel my heart beating so fast as I closed my eyes and prayed hard to give me strength and save my sister.   “We’re here...” I opened my eyes and read the signage in front of the door. I sighed in relief when I didn’t see the word morgue but it eventually fades when realization hit me.   We are in the Intensive Care Unit room and that alone gives unwanted thoughts to my head.   She gently opened the door and my heart fell out when I saw her laying unconsciously. She has bandage all over her head and she is pale than ever.   “Her brain has been severely affected by the blow she takes on her head. According to the data, it is from a metal pipe that is already staining so there is a big possibility of infection.   “W-What...” Before I even finish, she started off with the truth that shatter my heart into pieces.   “I’m sorry to tell you but... Your sister is in deep coma and no one knows if she can still make it or not.”
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