Chapter 74: Dead Arielle

1304 Words
Antonov’s POV   Playing: Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton   It's late in the evening; she's wondering what clothes to wear She puts on her make-up and brushes her long blonde hair And then she asks me, "Do I look all right?" And I say, "Yes, you look wonderful tonight"   The cold breeze gently swings her long and wavy hair while walking closer to me. The sounds of the waves echoes on to my ears as they added music to the song that is playing right now.   Her red hair glows brightly as the moon above illuminates every strand of it. She is walking gently down the aisle while holding the flowers I personally picked from the best floral shop in town.   “You look wonderful...” I muttered as she clings at my arm and we walk to the front where a priest is waiting and smiling happily.   We go to a party and everyone turns to see This beautiful lady that's walking around with me And then she asks me, "Do you feel all right?" And I say, "Yes, I feel wonderful tonight"   “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Antonov and Arielle in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore, is not to be entered too lightly but reverently, lovingly, passionately and solemnly. Into this-these two persons present now come to be joined. If there is any person, who can show cause why they should not be joined together-let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”   I turned to the few people we invited and all of them are her friends. I promise to myself I will bring her to Licht where she could meet everyone and I won’t hesitate to tell how proud I am that she is my wife.   We smiled at the priest and he continue with all the wedding ceremony and rituals. I’ve been longing for this wedding for quite long and now it is happening, I don’t understand why there is something within me that wants to stop and think back.   The waves starts getting louder as the memory of the past flashed right back at me.   The sound of the waves splashing on our boat and the smell of sea breeze filled my nostril. We are already halfway through and I can clearly see an unusual whirlpool that is glowing in light blue.   The waves became more aggressive as we are progressing near it. The ride is starting to get bumpy as higher and bigger waves attacks our boat.   “This is one of their ways to keep mere mortals away from the portal. If they’ll survive, then they will manage to get to the other world... Depending on which divisio would they go but hey... Don’t you worry, I know all of you have abilities and I’m sure you’ll get to Caelum in no time.” I said and stand from my seat when the boat stop. We are now in front of the whirlpool and the sea breeze and waves are calmer on this side.   I am guiding my students whom became close to me even for the limited amount of time. I couldn’t help but smile as I fill contentment and satisfaction that I made them through all of these.   “Come on... Jump and let the waters take you to where you really belong,” I motioned them to stand on the edge of the boat and pointed at the pattern the whirlpool is producing. It is moving in circles upwards and the blue glow is brighter on the top side. “Wait... You’re coming with us, right? You’re words seemed off or maybe I’m paranoid but... You’re coming with us, right?” Mica asked, starting to become confuse especially when shook I shook my head and slightly smiled.   “I’ve done my mission to gather all of you and travel back to Caelum safely...” I said softly and held Arielle’s hand and kissed it. She smiled at me and giggled and I can’t help but be happy as I saw her flushing in embarassment.   “It’s now my time to finish my mission to her and that is to marry and have a life with her.” I sweetly said while looking directly at her. We already talked about our future and this is the last time I’m accepting any mission.   I am finally settling down with her by my side...   “B-But... You’re still coming back to the other side, right?” Nathan slowly uttered. I just smiled as a response and helped the rest jump safely as they start moving with the current’s path.   “It’s just you who are left, Nathan. Come now...” I said and taps me lightly at the back.   I could see him having second thoughts and all but he still managed to smile at me.   “Please stay alive...” He softly said before he passed out as his body falls onto the cold body of water.   I snap back into reality and shook my head as those memories of the former squad I handled went through me. I feel my head spinning but I tried to keep calm at took a couple of deep breaths and look at Arielle who is now looking intently at me.   I feel wonderful because I see The love light in your eyes “Is everything okay?” She asked sweetly. I smiled and gave her a kiss on the lips that made her giggled and the priest cleared his throat.   And the wonder of it all Is that you just don't realize how much I love you It's time to go home now and I've got an aching head So I give her the car keys and she helps me to bed   “I now pronounced you, husband and wife...” The priest finally ended his sentence and her friends cheered for us. I took the veil off her face and was about to kissed her when I become frozen on the spot.   I could move a muscle as I watched her beautiful face turns into an ugly one with scales on it. I moved my eyes and looked at the priest who is now getting strangled by her friends who also transformed into a hideous creature.   “W-What is happening? W-Who are you?” I tried speaking but my body becomes more numb especially when she touched me using her fingers.   “Am I still beautiful, Antonov?”    And then I tell her, as I turn out the light I say, "My darling, you were wonderful tonight Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight"   I tried hard to talk but I can’t that made her aggressive. She slapped the hell out of me and drag me to the sand. My heart beats wild as I feel the water on my feet. My eyes went wild when her long legs turned into fish legs and jumped into the water with me.      “I am beautiful Antonov and you are now mine...   Forever...”   I’m starting to lose oxygen due to the amount of water entering my system. Faces of the students I handled starts flashing onto my mind. Their skills even when they were just newbie in solving cases are superb. Nathaniel’s words keeps echoing on my mind as I feel my vision getting blurry.   “Please stay alive...”   “Please save me...” I muttered as we delve deeper into the vast ocean.    

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