Chapter 70

1979 Words
Third Person’s POV   “The eclipse is already happening, my Lord. The ladies are all laid on the oblatory room...” The servant announced while his head is bowed. The man in black cloak nodded and motioned his hands. The servant immediately walks away and the man is left all alone in the room.   He looks at the window pane where everything is visible. He could see his slaves carrying food and man and then piling them up on the field. There is a wide circle gap at the center wherein there are twelve little circles to where the girls will be put at.   He raised his head and look at the eclipse happening right now. The sun and the moon is already touching half of their heavenly bodies. It is only a span of a few minutes and the ritual will now began.   He signaled to the man below who is directly looking at him. In just a snap, a loud trumpet echoes in the air. The ladies who are now dressed in thick, victorian clothing were now being carried by multiple servants and placed them one by one to the circles on the center. The men on the other hand were just scattered around them and there is a visible line made of fire to prevent them from running away when they work up during the ceremony.   They tied both of their hands and feet to the ground as a crowd wearing all black clothes tinted with blue and red starts going to the center and lining themselves up.   The wind starts blowing hard as and sways their cloaks while they continue chanting their prayers and sing songs that will surely make everyone who heard the song shiver in fear.   The music grew loud followed by beats of the drum. The loud sounds and the beating woke most of the people up, including the squad that is not familiar at everyone.   Carina slowly opened her eyes only to see her twin Maria staring directly at her while crying. She looks so helpless while dried blood is still evident on her face. She weakly smiled at Carina and tried reaching out to her only to be stopped by the chains that is on their hands.   “I’m sorry...” Maria weakly said that made Carina burst into tears. She could already see the Maria she used to be with before. The calm and serene Maria that she missed so much from the past few months.   She tried holding her but the chains kept them locked up as the people starts screaming when they see where they were.   Mica opened her eyes when she hears sobbing across the place. She tried looking at her side only to be frozen when she saw who is beside her.   “Maria...” She called. The latter didn’t move and her breathing is already ragged and heavy. She could see Carina on the other side who is crying but what matters the most to her is the big open wound on Maria’s back of the head. Blood is still flowing with a little amount only. That thing scares the s**t out of Mica as that simply means Maria is already losing a lot of blood and having a trauma or injury on the head is another tale to tell.   Only one thing came out of her mouth and that is her loud sobs for she knows something bad is about to happen if they didn’t get out of here as soon as possible.   Meanwhile, Remus tried to cover his body due to the cold that is running through his body. His organs are shivering but his brows furrowed when he felt metal stopping him from hugging his body and therefore adding to the cold he is feeling right now. He opened his eyes and his blood literally went cold when he saw where he was.   “What the—“   “Hell?! Who the f**k chained me into this stupid thing?!” Gene’s loud voice echoed into the air and wake up the rest of the laying man and women all over them. The people wearing cloaks stops chanting as they look into his direction.   A man with a gray beard motioned them to continue and they did with a louder voice. That man walks into their spot and kicks them on the abdomen. Gene wails in pain and spit on the bearded man. He was about to stomp on him again when the man wearing a cloak comes down from the long stairs.   “Stop what you are doing and go back to your place.” His cold voice sent shiver to everyone who is around him. They all stopped what they were doing to bow and give respect to the man in front of them.   The man wearing a black cloak looks up in the sky as he watches the sun and the moon already colliding to each other. He then looks into the big clock tower and smiles as he saw the time.   “We’re almost there...” he muttered and the ritual began. -- “At your command, Luke...” a man said while holding his weapon. They have bring sharp blades and prepared a canon to stop the ritual and make their way through.   “I don’t like your idea to bomb the center... My friends are in there and many civilians will be affected.” Nathan stepped in to stop them as they were aiming the canon at the center of the field. Luke looked at their direction and nodded. His villagers were a bit disappointed because they really want to kill them all in a snap but thinking about the innocent who will be affected, they step back and aim the canon at other direction.   “He is right. We don’t know if one of your family members are held captive and if there are none, there are still innocent lives out there that will be lost if you bomb their location.” Everyone nodded at what Luke said and wait until their leader finalizes the plan.   ‘We will lose when we just go there so... We need a plan to catch them unprepared. That is the only way I know we could win this war...’ Luke said at the back of his mind and stared at the people he’s been serving with for the last few decades. He met them when they were all young and now that they age, they want to bring the joy back to their faces and roam freely without the fear that the Black Organization will kill them mercilessly.   He closed his eyes for a moment as memories of the past comes flashing back to him.   “Father, what is the problem? Why are they fighting this time?” The young Loki asked. Mino who is a master that time taps his son on the back and led him to his room without answering his questions.   “You’ll understand everything when you grow up...” He gently said before closing the door and left.   The young Loki who is always curious about everything ran through the hallways and hide every time he passed by guards and servants. Luckily, he managed to sneak into the big laundry basket that is now getting carried by the servant to the wash area where he saw his father and his uncle argue with each other.   “Come on, Mario! The gods didn’t want us to be like this. They want us to keep serving them and maintain the balance, peace and order. Why are you doing this now?” Mino blurted out to the man in front of him. He can’t believe that his brother is suggesting him to use the powers of the moon and the sun to make the entire Dimetiri Welt into their hands.   Mino is an advocate of balance that the heavenly bodies used to always teach and it is already stated on their holy book. Just like the sun and the moon, the one won’t shine its way up until the other one goes down.   However, Mario is getting eaten by greed. Seeing all the power he could get when they take over the entire Dimetiri Welt and probably expand their powers to take over the land of the humans. He always crave for power and being reprimanded and unsupported by his only brother who always gets everything he wants, the greed is fueled with rage and bad thoughts.   “Fine. If that’s what you want, brother. Why don’t we just settle this and drink to calm down?” Mario called his most trusted right hand and ordered him to bring them coffee. The man eventually agreed and went to the pantry to make his request.   The young Loki sneaks out of the laundry basket and hid in the corner where he couldn’t be seen.   “Coffee is ready!” The right hand was about to give them the cup when Loki stumbles and is almost got caught in the hot liquid.   “Watch where you’re going...” Mino said angrily but his expression softens when he saw the eyes of his son that is fully white in color. He is chosen by the moon goddess and granted him the gift that nobody still knows up to now. His powers along with the chosen one of the Sun God will show when the time is right.   “Loki dear... Your cousin Lohr is in the playground. Go on and play with him...” Mario urged. The boy is still hesitant but just nod his head in agreement when Mino stare at him intently. He turns his back and is about to go out when he heard a loud thud coming from behind followed by a loud scream in front of him.   “Father!” Lohr hysterically called out. He dropped the toy car he was playing with and rushed to his father who is now on the ground. Loki on the other hand is astounded with what he saw. His uncle Mario is now bleeding to death as Mino starts calling for help.   The servant froze in place and when Loki turned to him, he immediately pointed at Mino who is confused at what is happening.   “H-He put a poison on your father’s drink. He killed your father!” He said hysterically.   Everything happened so fast that Loki just slump down the ground as he saw his father getting roasted by the fire coming out from Lohr’s eyes. His life crumple in front of him and he didn’t know how he managed to produce a blinding light before everything went black.   “Luke...” Nathan called that made him snap back in reality. He shook his head and tried focusing on the war that will start as soon as they attacked.   ‘Loki... Fight for your right and claim what is rightfully ours...’ He could still hear his father’s last words before he died and turns to ashes.   “We’ll distract them not from the center but directly to the spot where those wearing cloaks are in. Don’t put too much powder in it for I don’t want any innocent people to be affected.” He motioned his hand and helps them to aim the canon as the Black Organization is busy starting their ritual. The sun is almost colliding with the moon and as soon as they become one, he shouted so loud and that started the real war between them.   “Fire!”            
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