Chapter 69

1900 Words
Maria’s POV “According to what I know about Tarnen, there are different parts or dimensions of it just like in the Licht... I have problems in explaining but I heard that the land we go to depends on the classification of our ability. There are like dimensions for angels and demons and also for psychic and magicians like us. I really don’t know how they did it to let it run simultaneously like a video game and –“   Ethan stopped talking that made me look at the direction he was staring at. My eyes widen in shock when I saw a man coming from the woods. He is full of blood and is only wearing a rag that covers his genitalia.   Ethan immediately ran to his direction but he’s too late. The man lost balance and stumbles to the ground.   “H-Help me...” He pleaded as he falls to the cold ground and on to the broken twigs and fallen leaves.   We hurriedly went to him and saw many cuts all over his body. The cuts seemed like they were just new as fresh blood is still dripping from it.   “Come on, Nathan. Help me in putting pressure to this,” Ethan told Nathan while using his palms to stop him from bleeding. If we only have Mica on our side, for sure she will easily heal and closed his wounds but not now... Not now that they were also gone together with my sister.   I shifted my glance at Nathan who is staring intently at the man before he spoke   “You’ve been like that before...” He said that made Ethan stopped. He looked at Nathan with confusion in his eyes but the latter didn’t say a word.   I stepped in and helped him as I know what will happen if Nathan will use his hands to stop the bleeding. It will just lead to his death even though I am sure he trains a lot. What I didn’t know is how far could his power be and his new capacity.   Nathan opened his bag and throw the first aid pack he have as he watched me prep it and apply pressure and cover the man’s wounds.   “Why didn’t you help him? You helped me before on the same situation but why can’t you do that now?” Ethan asked. Fully confused to what is happening right now. Nathan sighed while I went to Ethan’s side and caress his arm to calm him up. “He’ll kill him more if he touched him.” I answered and cleaned up all the gauze and cotton used and threw it on the side.   “He didn’t kill me bef—“   “H-Help us... H-Help my f-family...” The man tried speaking while gasping for breath. Nathan went closer to him to hear him better. I am beside the man so I hear every word he spoke clearly.   “What are you doing in here and who did this to you?” Nathan asked but the man shook his head slowly and continue what he was saying. My eyes widen as my body shakes a little bit when I heard his next words.   “W-We are captives... T-They sacrifice us. More d-dust are c-coming and they...” I didn’t think twice and stepped in and hold the man in his shoulders tighter. I shake his body trying to seek for more answers but Ethan stopped me and let Nathan handle him.   “Dust? Did you mean the dusts that are from the people?” He nodded twice in agreement and pointed at the direction where they can’t see anything but a block of thick wooden trees.   “Come on!” I shouted and ran towards that direction. They are late to stop me and I won’t let them so I ran on full speed even though the twigs are bruising my body. I tried looking around the thick woods he pointed at when Ethan managed to follow me and held my hand.   “Calm down... We are going to find and save them okay?” He said. I shrug his hand off away and glares at him intensely.   “How the f**k am I supposed to calm down when it is my sister who is now in danger?!” I shouted at him. His face turned grim and laughs mockingly that made me stop and faced him back.   “From what I heard and see earlier, you didn’t seem to have a good relationship with her...” He looks at me from head to toe and laughs. I could feel my blood boiling in anger and immediately slap the hell out of him.   A loud slapping sound could be heard across the forest followed by the wings of the birds that are disturbed in their rest. Ethan is facing sideways while holding his side of the face that is now red and swollen.   I keep my head high and keep strong as guilt is starting to creep all over my body. I took a deep breath and faced him with all the courage I have left.   “You don’t know a thing...” I said and turned my back on him. I started walking deeper into the woods, not minding the danger that lies ahead of us.   “Of course I do – Watch out!” Ethan shouted behind my back but it is too late now. I screamed my heart out as the pain at the back of my head starts growing intensely. I could feel it pounding hard as blood starts to gush out from it.   My vision is getting blurry as hell but I still manage to see Ethan fighting off someone with a metal pipe. He is already winning the battle when a man wearing a black cloak went to his back and injects a syringe directly on to his neck.   Visions of what happened to Nathan and the squad earlier flash before my eyes. I don’t know how did that happened but I know it was a memory of the past.   I could clearly saw them walking to the gate and then being attended by a man with a long white beard. The scenes start flashing forward to the part where the squad including my sister took a sip of their coffee while it is raining hard outside.   I see Nathan putting the coffee back but I can’t hear the words they said. The scene starts flashing forward again and all I saw is how our squad faints while Nathan dodges and fights with the bearded man that is holding a big metal pipe. He managed to resist but is then injected the same drug I saw from earlier.   I snap back into reality when I felt cold hands grasping my jaw tight. I tried looking at him but my vision is blurry as hell and all I can see is his dark red orbs that are like a blood especially when the moon shines directly on to it.   I could feel my vision getting dark. I only heard his last words that made me shiver all over before everything turns black.   “We’ve got our final female piece for the sacrifice...”   Nathan’s POV   I pushed the lifeless man down and ran to the direction where I heard the sound. I tried running to their location but stopped when I saw what was happening. Maria is already on the ground and unconscious while Ethan tried fighting off the man with a gray beard.   I was about to step in when a man wearing a white cloak dragged me out there before those men caught me.   “S-Stop!” I manage to shout but he put his finger on my mouth to shut me up.   “Do you want to be like them? All bloody and ready to be sacrificed?” His question made me stopped doubting him and followed him wherever he goes. We passed by trees and a lake until we stop by to a small camp.   People were dressed in both white and red clothing while they have symbols of the sun and the moon tattooed on the different parts of their body.   The man wearing a white cloak removed his hood and showed his true appearance. He was like any normal person but his ears are pointed while his eyes are literally white in color. There is a moon symbol tattooed at the center of his forehead and it shines just like the moon above us.   “The time has come... The meeting of the moon and the sun and the moment we have been waiting for.”   As soon as he said those words, I looked up to the sky and saw the sun rising already. I took a glance at my watch and saw that it is already around five in the morning.   Everyone shouts while staring at the two heavenly bodies getting closer and closer at each other. They raised their hands up in the air while they bow to the ground as if praising them. They start chanting and singing songs that is not familiar to me but their lyrics hit me and struck me the realization I didn’t see.   “We are the real people that is blessed by both the sun and the moon. The ones written in the holy text book to serve and protect everyone. Respect all differences and bring peace to anyone but not everything is according to plan...”   The man in the white cloak said in a loud voice as the people cheer and cried because of the tragedy that happened to them.   “Our ruler wants everything away and torn the friendship of the two loving villages. His greed leads us all to this and exiled all the good ones to prevent us from spreading the true words of wisdom...” He clinched his fist in anger and watched as the sun and the moon are already touching. It became eerily dark in the area that is illuminated by two giant bodies of light.   “Today we will claim what is rightfully ours and stop them from using other people in their bad doings once and for all.” He announced and raised his hand in the air as the people cheered for him. They all gathered their equipment I never seen before and starts lining up on to the entrance. He stood in front of everybody and mutters inaudible words. His eyes starts glowing in white and blue as the wind blows hard and sways every tree around us.   He turned his attention back to everyone and announced the words that made everyone cheered and cried the tears of joy and anguish for all of the years they had been silenced.   “I am Luke and today we will redeem our lost identity and fight back to liars and oppressors. May the power of the sun and the moon be upon us as I declared this day the end of the war with victory in our hands.” s
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