Chapter 71

2981 Words
Third Person’s POV   “Fire!”   A canon has been sent flying directly to the spot where the people wearing cloak were. Lohr sensed it and used his powers to split the canon in half. However, the half of it still affects the chanters and wipe out some of them. He urged them to continue as the sun and the moon is now totally together. He could feel the increase of his powers but he knows one thing is for sure...   His main rival is also strong and their people are now attacking everyone who stands in the way.   “Lohr...” True enough, the man he was just thinking a while ago is now in front of him. His long white cloak is being blown by the wind and the cold breeze runs over through their body. He motioned the gray-bearded man to manage and continue the ritual while the guards defended themselves and attack the intruders on their camp.   “Loki...” He called out and scans him from head to toe. His facial features and body has matured during the years. The only thing that is the same to him is his full white orbs that is like the color of the moon that is above them.   Lohr slowly get off his hood and show his face. His face that has a big scar on his left cheek because of what happened years before.   “Everything is calm. I like it...” The young Lohr said to himself while swinging himself on the playground. Mario heard those words and hit him on the back that made him wince in pain.   “F-Father... W-What’s wrong?” He weakly asked and get off the swing, afraid that he might hit him again. Mario shook his head in disbelief and pointed his fingers on his son.   “You shouldn’t be contented with this kind of set-up. Dream big my child!” He shake the young body of Lohr and stare at him directly in the eye.   “You can have more than this. You can have everything!” He emphasized every word he said and moves closer to his son who is now frozen on his seat.   “If we only get hold of all the powers of the sun and the moon... Then we’ll be the strongest and most powerful people ever existed.” Mario moves away and raised his hand out of frustration.   “We can be Gods and people will be serving whatever you need! Everyone will be proud of you! I will be proud of you if we did that! If only that damn Mino accepted my proposition...” He muttered inaudible words while leaving his son alone on the playground and went inside to meet his brother.   “Hay...” Young Lohr sighed and think about what he said. All his life he is yearning to be loved by his father. He always wished he would be proud of his accomplishments but every time he tells his achievements, his father is not there to listen and if he’s there, he doesn’t even care.   He stood there and played for a couple more minute before going inside, only to be horrified by what he saw next. His father falling down the ground as his mouth starts to bubble and then excrete blood.   “Father!” Lohr hysterically called out. He dropped the toy car he was playing with and rushed to his father who is now on the ground. Loki on the other hand is astounded with what he saw. His father Mario is now bleeding to death as Mino starts calling for help.   The servant froze in place and when Loki turned to him, he immediately pointed at Mino who is confused at what is happening.   “H-He put a poison on your father’s drink. He killed your father!” He said hysterically. Lohr felt his blood boil in anger and didn’t hesitate to use his new found power on his uncle. He concentrated all of the heat energy coming from his eyes and aims it directly at him. He has laser eyes that is as hot as the sun that can roast everything in just a snap.   Everything happened so fast that Loki just slump down the ground as he saw his father getting roasted by the fire coming out from Lohr’s eyes. His life crumple in front of him and he didn’t know how he managed to produce a blinding light before everything went black.   The light attacked everyone including Lohr that leave a big a deep scar on his cheeks before he passed out.   “Loki...”   “Lohr...”   They called their name in unison without breaking eye contact. They start to float from the ground and went higher to the clouds where they started fighting like there is no tomorrow.   Nathan fights with the villager and kill anyone who goes out of the way. He roams his eyes and look for his friends and he didn’t fail because he saw all of them on the center. He picks up a blade from the ground and ran to the center but stopped when he realized there is a trap in the corners.   His eyes wander around to look for possible sources and make it stop as soon as possible. Based on what he seen earlier, one or two of his friends could probably be in real danger right now.   The chaos is on-going but they managed to push through the ritual. The people at the center starts screaming in pain as the weaker ones starts to dissolve from too much heat they get as the sun directly shines at their direction.   Nathan grabbed the mechanical weapon he got from Ethan and aim at the bearded guy who chants loudly and seems like the leader who starts the ritual. He stumble to the ground as he fires the bullet that turns out to be a little form of missile.   In just a snap, the bearded guy bursts into pieces that made the ritual stopped. The time starts ticking again on the big clock and the sun and the moon starts moving away from each other.   “Do you really think you’ll win against me?” A cold voice asked behind him. He was about to turn back but a fast and solid fist landed directly onto his face. The gun dropped to the ground as he winced in pain while Lohr continuously beat the hell out of him.   “I waited and prepared for years to let this ritual happen and then you’re just going to break in and stop me from doing so?” Anger is evident on his voice as he uses his fist to punch on his stomach. Nathan coughed blood and is now having trouble breathing. He tried looking for his squad but seeing them in an awful state makes him so weak and angry at himself.   ‘I’m sorry for dragging you into this...’ He said at the back of his mind as memories of them how they all met. “Guys, we have a new student. Behave or else...” Sir Ichigo said strictly that made everyone quiet. I’m the new transferee from the other section and I just got promoted to Diamond because of the ability I have.   “Introduce yourself briefly and we’ll start our next subject,” he commanded. I hurriedly went to the center to do as he say before he go berserk over lost time.   “I’m Nathaniel Rosario, 18 years old.” I was about to sit down when I heard one student raised his hand and stand up from his chair. The same scenario that happened to the previous class I was in.   I hope this would end well...’ I said to myself before faking a smile.   “What’s his psychic ability and why does he wear gloves? Winter is still a few weeks away though...” He asked in a polite way. Good thing that this class is unlike the Stone section where someone would block me or anything. I don’t want to have another student being sent to the infirmary because of me.   I took a deep breath before facing them all and answer their questions.   “I need this to protect all of you from my ability because...   I can drain you all.”   Everyone becomes silent as I walked my way to the back of the room, still next to a window with a great view of the special training ground for hunters.   “That will be it. Everyone keep silent, we’re going to start now,” Sir Ichigo said that made the whole class quiet and directed his attention to him.   Almost all of the entire class is busy taking notes from whatever Sir Ichigo is saying. Almost, except for me and the one guy that I felt his stares piercing at my back.   I sighed before slowly turning my back to face him, only to be wondering as to why he is staring at me like this.   His eyes are open wide as his mouth gapes while staring at me. He looks like he had seen a ghost or something. I snapped my finger at him that startled him a bit before staring at me with those cold, menacing red eyes.   “You two at the back, do you have any problem?” Sir Ichigo shouted that made me startled for a bit. I took a deep breath to calm myself before facing the front and smiled at him.   “Nothing sir, I guess he’s just amazed that I have a rare ability,” I simply said while smirking at the back of my head as I felt his stares digging on to my back.   “Stop messing with me. You two, talk to each other as you will be group mates for the rest of the school year,” he said that made us frozen in our seats.   I slowly turned my head and stare at him who also had the same reaction as me. Even before we said a word, someone softly knocked on the door that grabs everyone’s attention.   A familiar girl smiled and waved before walking into the room. He handed Sir Ichigo a letter that is from the healers as a proof that she went there and didn’t ditch the class.   She roams her eyes around and stopped as she saw me at the back. Her smiling lip went down and pouts before taking the seat at the second row.   “Does everyone have their own group? That will serve as your permanent groupings for the rest of the school year or who knows... For the rest of your lives?” His words have other meaning for me that stirs the emotion I have inside. I can’t help but smile as I remember this exact scenario happening to us before, the hunters.   Who would have thought that a random stranger will have a big impact at your life?   “Sir, I’m sorry but I don’t have any group mates yet. Does anyone here have a free space on your group?”   Many of our classmates raised their hands and insist her to be a part of their group. Seeing their reaction made me realize that this Micaelle is not just beauty and talent but maybe a brainy one. Top tier I must say.   Our classmates already grouped themselves into six and seeing that there are only two of us in the group, Sir Ichigo interrupted everyone and points his finger at us.   “Micaelle will be going to be grouped with those two boys at the back.” I heard sighs and silent complaints from the rest of the class but they can’t voice it out as Sir Ichigo still has this strict face that everyone feared.   “But Sir...” One guy from the class bravely rises up from his seat and stares back at our professor who is looking coldly at him. I saw him shiver a bit but keep himself to say what he has to say as Mica looks at her with pleading eyes.   “There will only be three people on that group and almost all of us have six. Maybe you could just separate the three into one of every group to be fair with them and everyone?”   “I appreciate your ‘concern’ but I know my instructions carefully. Only six members per group so what do you think will the group with the latest members do?”   I slowly opened my eyes and fixed my posture. I also see the guy beside me straighten up before looking at me and at Sir Ichigo who has a wide smirk plastered on his lips.   “That means...”   “Yes class... The three of them will be sent back to the mortal world to find their missing members. See you on the other side, kids.” -- “So, let me first introduce myself... I am Micaelle but you can simply call me Mica. I have this psychic ability wherein I could heal wounds and stop bleeding at a fair rate. I’m still working on it to be able to heal without using too much of my mana but hey, we’ll get there eventually.”   Gene drank from the bottle and starts to speak for himself.   “I’m Gene and my ability is to wield fire. Does anyone want some hot barbeque tonight?” He asked and then laughs after. Nathan shook his head and took a sip of the drink he ordered and smiled at us.   “I’m Nathaniel Rosario, you can call me Nathan. I have two abilities, both rare but I seldom use it for safety purposes. Slightly controlling time and draining energy from anyone who touched me. Doesn’t seem cool, right?” He shook his head uncontrollably and drank another shot directly from the bottle.    “Stop drinking Nathan and Gene. I hope you still remember what you had done back in Los Paradise,” Antonov reminded and took a deep breath.   “I’m Antonov, has the power to manipulate the mind and replicate anything you handed to me. I’m also the guardian of these students who will also be your team mate. I was assigned to look after this group so here I am...”   “Who are you?” He asked. I cover my mouth as a yawn escape my mouth.   “Looks like someone doesn’t get enough sleep at all,” Gene taunted Carina and then laughs again. I rolled my eyes on him and shifted my gaze back to Remus who was waiting for my answer.   “I’m Carina and I have psychometric ability. Which means...” She took a deep breath and rubbed her eyes as she felt sleepiness taking over. “I can see the future from my dream.” She whispered and drank the last shot of wine. -- “Hey, I’m Remus Sly and I’m 20 years old. I used to work at a circus where my powers are disguised as a form of magic trick. I may be funny at times but I don’t tolerate bullying, especially to my new found team,” he winks at our direction and waved his hand at us. He closed his eyes and focused until all the pens and any furniture on the desk starts floating in mid-air. He smirked as he walks towards us and the things starts falling down as he passed by them.   “And yes...” He turned his head to face the rest of the class and the professor with a smirk on his face.   “My ability is levitation.” All of things fall down. Some groaned in frustration while the others just laugh and admire his ability.    “Nice show, circus boy...” Gene taunted and Remus shook his head and shifts his attention to the woman who is standing in front of the class.   “I’m Maria De Caprio and I can hear and talk to spirits and guess what I just told them?” She laughs sarcastically and whispers something in his ear. We didn’t hear it but the expression of our classmate speaks louder than anything. His eyes went wide as his mouth gape open as tears starts falling from his eyes. He is trembling in fear and his eyes are looking at random direction in a fast pace.   Maria snaps her fingers in front of him and that ends everything. He runs out of the room while continuously shouting indistinct words. The temperature starts warming up again and the twins just walk on our table as if nothing had happened.   Nathan snap back in reality while remembering the times how they all met and all the other adventures he had with them. He could feel his breath slowly fading away as screams from the center and from his friends echoed in the air.   He could only sob silently while waiting for everything to be done already for he didn’t want to hear any of their pain anymore.   ‘I didn’t even save my friends... How will I be capable of saving the world?’ He said at the back of his mind before a blinding light spreads across everywhere and everything went black.
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