Chapter 31

2039 Words
Carina’s POV   “So, are we good now? What’s your name again?” I asked after this girl opened the car doors and went in beside me.   “Yes. I dropped off Lola in the hotel and told her I’ll be back with Kuya...” There’s a long pose after that before she smiled shyly and offered her hand at me.   “I’m Thea, sorry for being rude a while ago...” She sincerely apologized. I nod at her and accept her hand while shaking it lightly.   “I’m Carina. Let’s just hope for the best...” I look at the driver seat and nod at the taxi driver and then hand him the piece of paper I was keeping all the time. He grabbed it and the moment his eyes laid on it, he started shouting and pushing us out of the car.   “Get the hell out of here! I don’t want to be near that damn casino!” He shouted and opened his car doors and run to our side. He was about to pull us when this girl punched him hard and immediately jumped into the driver’s seat and hit the accelerator.   My back fell on the soft cushion as she drive fast, racing through the other cars until she abruptly stop. I almost stumble on the front if it is not from the seatbelt I was wearing. She smirked at me and tap at the passenger seat beside her.   “Are you trying to kill me?” I blurted out after shifting to the front. She just laughed at me before driving again, but this time in a normal pace.   “So, where are we going?” She asked. She grabbed a piece of gum from the storage room and threw me one before opening hers. I rolled my eyes and chew the gum she gave before handing her the paper I was holding.   “Let me see if Siri could help us... Hey, Siri.”   “Yes, what can I do for you?” An automated voice answer. Thea handed me the paper and motion me to read it out loud since she was driving. I shook my head and read the address stated in there.   “Siri, can you give us directions on where to find Los Paradise in Las Vegas?” I asked. She made some finding sound until she replied.   “Los Paradise located. Turn left...”   We both smiled and I rest my back as she continued driving to wherever this will lead us. -- “Welcome to Los Paradise w-where –“ The engine automatically shuts down including the signal to contact Siri. Thea smash the stirring wheel with frustration and mumble inaudible words. I did not give her attention and slowly shifted my glaze outside, where an odd looking building is located.   The walls are too dirty as if it was abandoned long ago. There are also black stains indicating that it has been burned before. Everything is dark and no light has illuminated the area. The windows are all broken making the wind able to pass through it.   “Is this really Los Paradise?” I asked in confusion because I can’t see any paradise looking or something similar to what I had dreamed of before.   “Oh my gosh... This is a paradise!” Thea yelled as she looks at the building admiringly that made my brows furrowed.   “What can you see? Can you describe it for me?” She eyed me suspiciously and was about to complain when I widen my eyes at her. She rolled her eyes and does as I told.   “Okay so uhm, the walls are colorful and the lights are glistening here outside. The signage Los Paradise is hanging here so I’m sure we are in the right place, everything seems normal but...” She stopped for a while and becomes more serious than ever.   “There are no staffs welcoming people and the weirdest thing is... Is that a smoke coming out from the broken windows?”   Smoke...   Broken window...   Same as my dream...   There will be no smoke if there is no fire.   Fire...   “Damn! The building is on fire!” I shouted and hurriedly get out of the car. As we get nearer, I can get a clearer view of what she sees a while ago. The fake visuals they use to lure people into the place. If I didn’t have the ability to see right through every paranormal s**t, I might also be lured by this magnificent beauty.   But no...   I can clearly see the ugliness in here. The true color of Los Paradise that is not a  real paradise at all.   “Call for help, I’ll go inside!” I shouted at Thea and run near the vicinity. I could feel the heat coming from the inside, confirming my thought a while ago.   “The place is burning to the ground and if I walk through the door, how sure am I that I’ll survive without burning out?” I took a deep breath and close my eyes as I let my ability works for me.   Broken windows, burning building...   Silent shouts and cries for help of every soul that are trapped hopelessly, smoke arises but not too much due to the broken windows that helps the smoke escape. But that won’t be enough for too long for the smoke will rise greatly than ever and suffocate everyone inside, including Antonov and the gang she met...   I immediately opened my eyes and gasp as I saw them breathing heavily and dying hopelessly...   I will be late...   “T-Tell me, which way should I go to help them?” I concentrated once more to see where it leads me and I almost die to what I see.   A steep ladder at the back, an open window directly at the center, a piece of rope used by people who tried to escape but did not succeed. Swinging back and forth to the highest floor where Nathan and the rest of the gang are almost dead.   I roam my eyes to where my premonition  leads me and hurriedly run at the back of the building. It is quite wide but the adrenaline in me doesn’t care at all until I saw the ladder my mind shows.   I took a deep breath and climb on it, one step at a time as it was slippery. I also saw the corpse of a man lying on the roof part and grabbed the rope from his side. I pity his outcome but I must go on in order to save other’s lives.   I saw the open window directly at the center and from here; I can clearly saw the blazing fire from below. I’m pretty sure it’s because of that fire guy but I still don’t know the reason why. I tied the end of the thick rope on to my waist and hooked the other side to the dead man lying beside me. Corpse or dead people are usually heavy so this might do the trick.   I balanced my body as I’m slowly going down through the window. The highest floor is almost level with me and gives me shiver just by looking at it. I slowly swing back and forth while trying to land on that place when I heard a noise from above.   I lost my balance as the corpse I hooked the end earlier rolls over to the window and made me drop a few inches from the original one. The corpse is quite big to fit the hole but if I don’t act fast, he will slip and I will be also dead as hell.   I started swinging slowly at first, trying to regain the pace and calculating the power I need to get to the distance of the floor I was aiming for.   The man is slowly slipping downwards and I had no choice but to swing harder and jump, cutting the rope using the knife from my pocket exactly the time where the corpse totally slip down to the burning ground.   He’s double dead and I’m sorry for that.   I took a deep breath and scan the place. I’m at the second to the top floor due to the miscalculations a while ago. I hurriedly run to the stairs but stops abruptly as I saw the girl, Mica if I’m not mistaken, lying on the bed. I was about to go to her when I heard a loud thud coming from upstairs.   I shook my head and slowly step back and went straight as the original plan.   The power is getting intense as moment passes by. The oxygen is depleting slowly as I went nearer the said floor. When I reached the final step, everything changes into a black abyss and I could only see a door in front of me.   I kicked the door with all my might and saw the exact same scenario my premonition shows before.   “YOU UGLY PIECE OF s**t! I CAN SEE YOU AND I’LL MAKE SURE THIS WILL BE THE LAST TIME YOUR HIDEOUS FACE WILL BE HERE ON EARTH!”   I shouted that made everyone stopped in their tracks.  I saw Antonov on the side, smiling slightly and mumbling something which I read as ‘I knew it...’   I grabbed the knife from my pocket and hold it tightly as this ugly creature is looking angrily at me. His face is deformed and grows bubble like in his whole body. I can clearly see the green fluid inside and I almost puked when I saw his very tiny p***s hanging on its place, almost covered by the fat in his body.   “I will get your soul first!” He angrily shouted and charged at me. His big body made him a bit slower so I could still dodge his attack. I slide from various sides to prevent him and kicked him hard when I got the chance.   “Tell us where he is,” Gene said while in a fighting stance, looking around. Antonov also recovered a bit and is now pulling the fainted Nathan back to the side.   “In your front!” I shouted. Gene’s reflexes are good that he successfully landed a punch on the monster’s face without even noticing it.   The monster shouted in pain and angrily grab Gene from the neck. He is slowly being up in the air while clutching hard for his breath.   Antonov went to my direction and held the knife I was holding. He closed his eyes and the amount of knife doubles as time passes by. He weakly nods at me and motioned me to look at Gene who is not bluish in color.   I took a deep breath and threw most of the knife on the monster’s back.   He angrily threw Gene away and run angrily at my direction. I only have a knife left and placed it on the front, waiting for him to charge at me.   I wish this works...   I threw the last knife with all my might and it struck directly at the biggest bubble in his body. He stops abruptly as gas starts to leak from his body.   Gas...   Holy shit...   My eyes widen in shock as I saw Gene tries flickering fire from his hand. His eyes are full of anger and I could feel the room heating up.   “Antonov, stop Gene or we will all explode!” I shout in disbelief but I was too late...   Gene already threw the fireball to the monster’s direction and the gas leaking from his body reacted with fire.   A loud explosion happened and threw us at every sides of the room. I can only see the room burning hastily before everything went black.          
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