Chapter 30

1924 Words
 Carina’s POV   “I know what you can do and how long can you resist our offer...” Antonov whispered at the back of my ear as a smirk form across his lips.   “I’ll be waiting for that day.” He continued and left the restaurant we were eating at. I weakly sat down the chair contemplating on what he had said.  My arms are a bit shaky so I took a deep breath to alleviate the pressure I was feeling right now.   ‘How can I ever escape this curse?’ -- Everything is dark, so dark...   I slowly stood up from the ground I was lying and closed my eyes tightly, wishing to end this bad dream I was having.   ‘It’s not a bad dream, Carina...’ A soft voice said from behind. I immediately turned and saw no one.   ‘I know...’   I took a deep breath and starts walking into the unknown. Waiting to see any glimpse of light or anything that will be the start of this nightmare.   “Your soul will be mine...” Someone shouted from a distance. I hurriedly ran to that direction until a blinding light followed by an upbeat music filled the air.   I blinked my eyes multiple times until I saw what was in the future this time.   Yes... The future... The future that I could see very well and it’s always the bad ones.   I slowly walked and blend in with everyone in this place. Some were dancing and having the time of their lives, some are also playing billiard and a game where chips are placed as a bet. Most of all, the most distinguished part of this place is the servers serving a cake or something that I haven’t seen before.   I tried grabbing a piece when someone grabbed it from the plate and laughs. I tilted my head and froze when I saw who that guy is. The guy with a bad temper and almost burned me to death. He was laughing with the servers and other girls near him that made me roll eyes at him.   “Do you know why you’re here?” Someone asked from behind. I don’t have to look back because I knew it will be HIM that I’ll be seeing. The same man that always appears in my dreams...   I closed my eyes tightly hoping to wake up but I didn’t.   This dream of the future tells me one thing, I must know what it is before I will be let to get out of here.   But, what is it?   Think Carina...   “Welcome to Los Paradise, where you’ll want to stay and be lost, forever...”   “Los Paradise?” I muttered under my breath and slowly tilt my head up only to see the big signage on the top.   Los Paradise...   What shall I do with this Los Paradise?   The ground starts shaking and my vision is getting hazy. I grunted and let myself fall wherever because I knew the scene was changing fast.   I slowly opened my eyes and shiver as I feel this eerie feeling this dark room holds. It is full of smoke dancing with the wind when suddenly, a warm light illuminates the center and there, I saw him...   Nathan...   He was looking intently at me and reaching out his hand to me. I was about to hold it when a hideous monster grabbed him from behind, into the dark as the light starts flickering and fading fast.   “Nathan!” I shouted but no one replied. I tried running but I felt my feet stock in its place, unable to move. The ground shakes again and the scene changes into a room filled with fire and smoke. I cough hard and cover my nose to prevent smoke from suffocating me. My vision is starting to get blurry but one thing is for sure...   I saw Nathan’s body lying lifeless while burning.   “Nathan!” I immediately rise from my bed and clutch my chest. I took a deep breath and the air filled my lungs with oxygen I’ve been deprived of a while ago.   I grabbed my sketchpad from behind the bed and the pen on the side table.   My hands are doing its best to draw what I had dreamed of and I can’t even stop it from doodling. The drawing is a mess but there are some distinguishable things I could see in there.   The fire, the smoke, the signage of the place, the cake they were serving that made people very happy and lastly... The innocent eyes of Nathan while trying to reach out to me.   “What does this mean?” I asked myself and let my body fell to the bed once more. I knew it was the future but I don’t know when will this be. I took a deep breath and watch the white ceiling in front of me.   “I hope I won’t be late this time...” -- “Do you know where this Los Paradise is?” I asked for the nth time around. The heat is blazing hard that I am sweating profusely. The man I asked just raised his eyebrows on me and scan me from head to toe.   “Are you on drugs? There is no Paradise in here, more like... hell,” he scoffed and starts walking away.   “Damn, this is hard.” I whispered to myself as I rest my back on this metal pole. The sun is shining brightly and my jacket is not helping to alleviate the heat I was feeling right now. I grabbed the water bottle I had and saw that there are only a few drops left. I shook my head and still drink it up even though it does not even reach my throat.   “You’re looking for Los Paradise, right?” I stopped in my tracks when I heard that hoarse voice from behind. I slowly tilt my head and saw a weird looking man wearing a thick cloak that covers his entire body and his face. I could only see his mouth and eyes and nothing else as the cloak is blocking everything away.   He handed me a small piece of paper with a hand written details on it.   “Keep safe and don’t let your soul to be lost...”   I raised my head and just like that, he’s gone... I took a deep breath and read the information written in this paper.   “Los Paradise in Las Vegas.” There is a complete address but what caught my attention are the words I saw after flipping off the paper.   “Welcome to Los Paradise, where everyone stays and wants to be lost, forever...” -- I calmly watch the waves that are smashing to the ferry boat I was riding in. It’s been days since I travelled just to go to Las Vegas and used all of my hard earned money for this trip and for the people I don’t even know that much.   “I’m waiting for you...” Antonov’s voice keeps ringing in my ear. It looks like he really knows that I will look for them no matter how hard I resist them.   Ah, damn this life. I promised myself to hide my ability and live a normal life but this life doesn’t want me to be normal since I am indeed, not a normal person.   Antonov and the rest of his gang are the first people I met with different abilities. The abilities that I knew only a few people have, and I don’t know if I’m lucky or not to have this psychic ability of precognition, or the ability to see the future.   Because even those I don’t want to know, still comes rushing to me and I can’t stop myself from holding back...   The loud sound of the trumpet echoes in the air followed by the announcement of the captain of the boat.   “Few miles from here and we will now set off to Las Vegas, USA. Please prepare your things and thank you for choosing our boat line to serve you.”   I grabbed the only backpack I have and watch as we get nearer to the land. I could see the huge buildings becoming clear as we get closer. Exactly as told, we arrived after a few minutes and the passengers starts riding off.   “We’ll find him, Lola okay. We’ll find Kuya...” I heard a teenage girl comforting an old woman who was holding a photo of what I think is the Kuya they were talking about.   “I hope so, apo... It’s been years and he still hasn’t come back to us. He said he’ll just go to Los Paradise but now...” The old woman starts crying again and a staff gently moved them sideways because they are blocking the way.   I froze in place when I heard the place they are talking about. With no further ado, I went to their place and the teenage girl looks at me suspiciously.   “What do you need?” She asked and rolled her eyes at me. The old woman slaps her slightly in her arms and widen her eyes.   “Hi hija, what do you need?” She calmly asked, wiping her tears away and smiled at me.   My gaze shifted to the picture he was holding and there, I saw the familiar face of the man in the picture. He is the one in my dream...   One of those who is playing billiard while happily eating the cake the servers serve them.   “When was the last time you had contact with him?” I asked. The teenage girl was about to said something when the old woman stopped her and sadly looked at the photo.   “It’s been years... Around 5 years since I last saw my apo. He said that they will just have fun in Los Paradise but then...” Tears started streaming down her face again and the teenage girl wipes it for her while glaring at her.   “My brother is lost for so long, are you happy now? Can you please leave us or else I will –“   “I know where Los Paradise is...” I cut her off and both of them looks at me with wide eyes.   “Really? Take me to that place...” The old woman pleaded and hold tightly to my arms. The teenage girl however is grabbing her away from me while clinching her fist.   “Get out of our lives!” She shouted. People starts looking at our direction and whispers something. I just shook my head and was about to walk away when someone held me from behind. When I turned back, I saw the teenage girl holding me tightly with mixed emotions from her eyes.   She took a deep breath and looks directly at my eyes while saying the words that made me smile. At least I won’t be alone anymore.   “I’m coming with you...”      
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