Chapter 4

2000 Words
Chapter 4 Dimetiri Welt Blackport Police Department Year 2035 The once sturdy buildings had fallen down. The earth has cracks wide enough to swallow anything on its path. It will not take a minute for the entire place to collapse into nothing. “Save the world, travel back through time,” the child repeatedly chanted. Salvatore tightly closed his eyes as he firmly holds the child in place. “Find her, save us,” he continued. Salvatore scans the place and cry internally at the scenario he is facing right now. The building that Sheri tried holding to keep in place had totally collapsed and smash their bodies to the ground. He cried more while seeing Ros hugging her even on the last minute of their life. He slowly shift his glance to where Klio is and he saw her lying on the ground as Cashmere’s lifeless body is next to her. Everyone has died except him and the child. His comrades had died saving him... Urging and trusting in him to travel back through time and save everyone. Travel back through time where he didn’t even know what, where or when it will be. “Why do you even let me live? What’s the purpose of being the strongest if I can’t even save my friends or everyone?” He shouted as tears started streaming down his face. If anyone will see him in that state, no one will ever think that he is the famous and admired Salvatore Carson, the most powerful psychic of his generation. He is the only psychic who possesses numerous supernatural powers that many people envy and wished to have. He is the only heir of the super rare blood line of time-travellers that made him the best and only person to travel back through time and lastly, he is the reason why everyone sacrificed just so he could do this mission alone and without the companions he loved the most. He could already see the hurricane coming right through his direction and the wild wind that strengthens its capability to destroy everything in one second. Everything is falling around him and he knows that nothing can survive the questionable wrath that is taking place today. He sighed as he took another glance at the lifeless bodies that lies before him. The monster hunters and their commander are gone already, even the other staff of Blackport PD. The child glows harshly that hurt his eyes and a portal like circle starts opening in his body. He can feel the gush of wind and hear the swirling of elements in the He took a deep breath as he let himself be engulfed by the portal and then everything went black. -- “It’s such a shame that someone like you is chosen by Aubrea than me. Like seriously, what the hell did she see in you?” Pheabo said as he continuously shook his head out of disbelief. He slowly shifted his glance at his broken glasses on the grass and made a cringed face out of nowhere. “I can’t believe she chose you over me when the only thing that’s noticeable on you is your thick glasses and pile of books.” He angrily kicked the broken glass and it landed on the spot he marked an X with. He smirked evilly as he remember what he is about to do to dispose his stupid body. Pheabo carelessly dropped Nathan’s body and it created a loud thud breaking the silence in the atmosphere. He arrogantly grabs the shovel they prepared a while ago and started digging a grave to dispose him completely. Wind blows hard while sweat starts dripping off his face. It took him around fifteen minutes to dig a grave for the lifeless Nathan beside him. An evil smirk formed on his lips as he pushed Nathan’s body to the pit. He eyed him suspiciously and kicked him hard on his chest. The body did not bulge or complained which made his smirk grew larger. “You’re such an easy target, Nathan. Here,” he got something off his pocket and threw a rosary on the pit. Pheabo looked up as he hears the thunder roaring and the skies lit up with a lightning. Soon enough, the rain starts to fall and soaked everything on its path. Pheabo immediately grabs the shovel and starts putting back the soil in its original position. Nathaniel’s body is already halfway through the ground. Half of his body is now covered with mud and rain water that directly pours on his face. Pheabo shook his head and pushed all the soil back in one swift move. He is about to flatten it when he saw flashlights coming near their location. “Is anybody here?” Someone shouted from nearby. Pheabo stopped breathing and immediately throws the shovel on the ground. He could hear footsteps approaching his place and if they ever saw what he did, he’ll be dead as meat and be suffering in jail for a long period of time. He turns his back and is about to run when he stopped midway to took a glance at the body which is not fully covered and whispered to the air. “You’re lucky, for now... Make sure that you’re dead already because if not... I won’t hesitate to come back and kill you with my bare hands.” -- “Are you sure that we’re going the right way? Graduation is done already and also... It’s almost night time. Nobody could be around here getting soaked in the hard rain,” a woman in a guard uniform told her comrades while walking. There are three of them and they are assigned to check within the school perimeter before it closes down for a long time due to summer break. “Well there is...” A man interrupted that made them stop from their tracks. “What?” “That better be good, Bryan.” The lady guard said while rolling her eyes. “The people getting soaked in this area are no other than... Us!” He shouted then laughed hysterically. The lady guard and a man beside her just glance at him while waiting for him to stop laughing. “What? You think it’s not funny Rielle and Adam? Come on! You don’t have a good sense of humor,” Bryan said dramatically and turns his back on them. The two just shrugged their shoulder and continue walking. “That’s the last spot, the secluded area in this school. Should we go check it out? It’s getting late already,” Rielle said then looked at her wristwatch. It is around six in the evening already and her tummy is rumbling. After this round then they will be able to get home. “I guess we shouldn’t check that out. It’s a secluded area and students are strictly prohibited to go there. Besides, who the hell would go in a place like that? There’s nothing to do in there anyway,” Bryan shrugged his shoulder and is about to turn his back when a lightning struck through the electric post in the secluded area. Their eyes widened as it exploded followed by the loud roar of a thunder. The electricity in the entire school has been cut that cause the vicinity to black out. They immediately dock to the ground to prevent debris from falling to their direction. Their umbrellas got caught by the wind and blew them away from them. Their bodies are now soaking wet and the rain starts pouring harder than it is a while ago. “Damn! Call someone from the office! The post is down!” Adam shouted and starts running to the secluded area. Rielle shook her head and gets her radio on the side and started paging someone from the other line. “Hello, this is Rielle. Electricity has been cut out by the post in the secluded area. It has been struck by a lightning and Bryan is on his way to check on it now. Also –“ Her words suddenly stopped midair when someone shouted on the top of his lung. “Call 911! There’s a body in here!” -- Salvatore felt his head spinning as millions of memories comes rushing to him. It’s not his memories but random things in other people’s point of view that he did not understand. His body is moving in a celestial orbit that he can clearly saw the starts and meteors passing through him. “Save the world, travel back through time,” a voice continues to echo. Not on his head but in the entire trance. “Stop! Why do I need to save the world when I couldn’t even save my present?” Sal shouted and covered his ears. No matter how hard he tried, the voice kept persisting on his mind that makes it painful in his head. “Find her, save us.” The voice started fading slowly as it continuously chanted the last words. His words ring into Salvatore’s ear as he closed his eyes and feel himself getting spit up from the portal. His head starts throbbing harshly that he can’ stop his hands from touching it. His eyes went wide as his jaw drape down because of what he just realized. He starts to move his hands to his body and saw it passed through it. He tried touching a tree but it too passed through. “I-I’m...” Sal can’t continue his words as his body started trembling with unknown fear. “Find him, save us.” Sal’s brows furrow in confusion. He can vividly remember that the boy states to find a girl to save the world but now... “Find him, save us.” “Damn, I really wish he’s gone or else I’ll be dead.” A man wearing a cap and hoodie has been walking right at Sal’s direction. He is murmuring things to himself as he passes through him. He suddenly stop and turn his back but then shook his head and leave the area. Meanwhile, Sal is confused about his actions a while ago and the words he heard from him. He started walking right to the opposite direction where the man came from and be left dumbfounded when he saw a body drowning in rain waiter while the mud had covered almost his entire body. He felt his body shiver as he slowly glance at the man’s face. He is about to touch it when he felt an extreme strength pulling him down to the body. He tried resisting but the force is too harsh on him that he stumbles on the ground and immediately be one with man. -- “Damn! I-Is that...” Rielle stammers while pointing on the misplaced land in the center. She slowly shifted her glance to the shovel lying near it and then back to the bulgy land. “Hell, yes! It’s a fcking body beneath it so fcking call the cops and an ambulance and let’s start digging this up!” Bryan shouted and grabs the shovel from the ground. He started digging and removing the soil that cover’s the body. The rain pours harder and there are continuous lightning followed by thunder in the sky. The winds blew hard and the ground starts to soften due to extreme rain water. Rielle used her hands to help and gape her mouth in shock when she saw a skin showing from beneath. “Here he is! Help me out!” She shouted. Adam helped her to pull the body as Bryan continued removing the soil to help them up. The man’s face is already showing that’s why they tried pulling harder. Even before they could pull him out, the unexpected happened. As the moon illuminates the dark place, Nathan’s eyes suddenly opened. He gasps loudly and whispers to the air. “I found him...”
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