Chapter 42

1695 Words
Nathan’s POV   Carina’s twin almost falls to the ground after singing their song. Good thing that Remus was there to catch her even before she fell and dragged her near Mica to heal her. My eyes didn’t leave Carina’s body as I watch her slowly open her eyes.   Her eyes that is already void of emotions as a smirk purses to her lips. She started laughing maniacally while checking out her new body and rotating in her place.   “If I only knew this vessel is better, I should have chosen you instead of her. That wench...” She muttered under her breath.   “What shall we do now? Of course we won’t let her take over Carina’s body completely, right?” Remus whispered at my ear while intently watching the woman. I nod in response and closed my eyes as I think of possible ways to stop her.   “If she only told me, I would gladly throw Clarissa out. That stupid selfish bitch...” She continued muttering in a deep, old voice. Her veins starts protruding from her skin and cracks starts to appear from her body.   “The holy whip that killed numerous ghosts. It’s hanging in her side pocket,” I whispered to myself as I watch the whip swaying as she moves.   ‘If we could get it and strangle it to her, Carina have a big chance of surviving to get this Nana off her body. We just need something to distract her...’   Distract...   What are the possible ways we could distract her?   I shifted my glance to the side and saw Antonov looking intently at me. He nods his head as if we’re having the same thoughts. And we really do when he starts talking to get her attention.   “Oh, the poor Nana. How long have you been waiting to get to her vessel? 18 years? 19?” He acts and sounded so sad as if he’s really sympathizing with her. Nana’s attention turned to her and look directly into his eyes. Antonov secretly signaled me to do my job as he tries doing his.   “20 years... If only I knew earlier about this then...”   “Oh, of course you won’t know about it. The Other Mother hid it from you for her own benefit...” Antonov cut her off. I saw the glint of rage in Nana’s eyes as he mentioned the Other Mother we encountered before. Her fist forms into a ball as she screams hard, making the wooden debris fly away to the open side.   “She tricked me! She knew Danna’s powers all along!” She is shouting furiously and we can feel the power inside growing as time passes by. She is floating about two inch from the ground while facing Antonov with rage in her eyes. I tiptoed my way up to her back as Antonov tries to distract her more.   “Of course she tricked you. Do you even know that she keeps Carina all by herself and prevents her from visiting you?” He continued as he directly stares into her eyes. I was about to grab the whip when she turned her head and smiles creepily at me.   “No, you can’t do anything with me!” She laughs hard as she strangles me with her hands. Good thing that Carina cut her fingernails short a while ago so it does not hurt a lot. I tried resisting but her force is too strong as she held me up in the air with her.   “I won’t let anyone get this body away from me...” She threatened as she grips me harder. Instead of resisting, I smirked at her while secretly and grabbing the whip in her side.   “Catch!” I shouted and even before she noticed, I already threw the whip to Antonov and held it tight. With the help of Remus’, he got enough strength to jump into our direction and grabbed her by the neck with the whip. I cough and took a deep breath as soon as her grip slipped, letting me down the ground.   She shouted in pain as we got her and pinned her to the ground. With the help of Remus’ levitation, he controlled the pressure to prevent her from floating again. Gene also formed a fire encircling her as Antonov tries resisting her force.   “Mica...” I called her but I was quite shocked when she went here with someone.   “Maria...” Her eyes are still void of emotion but I’m sure she’s already on her own body. She is carrying a bottle of holy water and salt in her hands as she continues to stare intently at Nana who is mumbling words while pinned to the ground.   “No! You won’t get me off this body!” She continuously shouted and her voice starts to become hoarse as blood starts dripping from his mouth.   ““In the name of Jesus Christ I bind the strong man of Abandonment and I command all unclean or root spirits underneath Abandonement or any other associated Demon to come out of now in the name of Jesus...” She chanted without breaking eye contact with her. She raised the holy water and splash drops of it to Nana’s side.    “Now and in the name of Jesus I command you to Come Out…. Now!!!”   Nana’s body shakes as smoke starts to arise from the body. She continuously shouted and wince in pain every time a salt or a holy water touches her skin.   “Clara...” She mumbles and Carina’s body stopped shaking with her eyes widened in horror.   “Clara, the woman who sold herself to the devil for a little bit of power you never had...” She continued as her voice starts to sound angrier than ever.   “Clara, the mother who let her the parents of her grandchildren dies just because she cannot possess their powers...” Her voice grew louder as she shakes in too much emotion.   “Clara, the grandmother who uses and wish to take a hold of her granddaughter’s vessel in order to get their powers...” She slowly walked to her direction as the fire Gene created starts to fade in a side and make way for her.   “You never deserve to live anymore, Clara... Never in our watch.” She took her necklace off which has cross as a pendant and slowly put it in Carina’s forehead. She started emitting more smoke and cries in anguish as Maria continuously chanted a prayer in Latin.   “With the power bestowed upon me, I condemn you back to hell!” She shouted and the room was filled with eerie noises coming out from Carina’s mouth. I could see the soul of Nana materializing out from her body and lay next to her while panting and catching her breath.   “No! You can’t do this to m—Ah!”   A black hole opened up from the ground below her and engulfed her fully. Hands from below grabs and touches her old skin as they pull her from below.   She continuously mumbles inaudible words until she is completely gone in our sight and the hole closed as if nothing happened.   “I tiredly lay on the ground because of too much exhaustion. I closed my eyes trying to relax as I heard their footsteps and voices heading towards Carina’s body and healing her.   “M-Maria...” Carina uttered with tears in her eyes while caressing her twin’s face. Antonov dragged me out of the room to give them privacy as they starts crying over each other’s shoulders.   “We’re just outside. We’ll wait for you two...” He gently said before we all leave the room.   -- “This is exhausting...” Gene exclaimed while drinking a bottle of cold water he bought outside. I nod in response and lay at the wooden sofa when I suddenly hear footsteps coming downstairs. We all turned our heads and there... We saw the two identical twins, all bloody while holding each other’s hands with a smile on their faces.   “Thank you all so much for saving her... For saving me... For saving us...” They said in unison and laughed. I smiled as I can feel the joy emitting from their bright faces.   “Carina told me stories about you guys and if this is not too much to ask...” She held Carina’s hands tighter as she looks intently at us.   “C-Can I please join your group? I also have a channeling ability like my twin and...”   It looks like she still doesn’t want to tell us more so we just smiled at her as I offered her my hand. She gladly took it but suddenly stops and released it that made us all curious. She has this unusual look that seems like she is thinking about something but she shook her head and turn her attention to Antonov who was also looking at us.   Antonov cleared his throat and shrug his shoulders before offering her hands and smiling widely at her.   “Of course, we will accept you and you are now part of the team. But aside from that... I would also like to thank you...”   I can feel my heart beating hard on my chest when I heard his last words that made us all shout in joy.   “I’d like to thank you that because of you... We can now go back to Caelum Academy and resume our life in Licht Divisio.   Thank you, Maria... For we can now all go back to our home...”      
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