Chapter 43

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Nathan’s POV   “So, where can we find these portal to the other world?” Maria asked and we all shushed her to keep quiet as people starts looking at our direction and murmuring words. The look on their eyes screams that they are judging us and thinking that we are a bunch of crazy weirdoes in this train full of normal people.   Yes, a train...   We are already seven in number and the fact that we lost our car to the sea makes it hard for us to find an appropriate vehicle for all of us.   “I already ordered a car and we will be getting it after two more stations. After that, we’ll practice the play lines you kept talking about. It should be exclusive and is in our contract that no lines will be spilled, right?” Antonov said a bit loudly for the people. I smirk as they turn their heads away from us and get back to whatever their doing.   However, there are still a group who’s look is fixed at us. The announcer announced that we arrived at another station and the train doors open. The group of men never leave their eyes at us and one of them smirks as he bumps Gene’s shoulder before completely going out.   “LOL, what’s with them?” Mica asked beside me. I just shrugged my shoulders and rest my back at the chair as the train starts moving again. However, there is a question that pique my attention.   “Do you know them, Gene?” Remus asked. Gene wasn’t answering and when I looked at him, he still looks in daze. Carina lightly tapped her and good thing that I pulled her immediately because Gene started swinging his hand as if fighting someone.   “What the hell, dude?” I said and shook my head in disappointment. He froze for a moment and roam his eyes around, seeing that everyone’s attention is on him. He pulled his hair out of frustration and walk out immediately as soon as the train doors opened.   “It’s the sixth station. Come... There’s someone waiting for us.” I don’t know if it is just me or I really saw a glint of excitement in his eyes. The rest of the team starts walking off as I took a deep breath and sigh loudly before following them. -- “Did you see that? Is that really Antonov?” Mica asked while peeking at Antonov who is laughing hard with a red haired girl. We are on the beach side and the wind blows up the girl’s hair. Their smiles are as bright as the sun shining on their direction.   “They look cute together though, and the girl is hot. Antonov have a good taste in ladies...” Remus said before walking near their location. He waved at them and motioned us to come. We get off our hiding spot and walk on the fine sand as if nothing had happened.   “Everyone, I would like you to meet Arielle...” My body ceased to move as my eyes landed on her. She is staring back at me and her intense green eyes are the most captivating orbs I’ve ever seen. Her long and wavy hair sways gently to the motion of the wind and her bright red hair shines vibrantly as the sun shine on it. Her skin is a perfect tan and her lips formed the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.   “And she’s my fiancé...” I snap back to reality when Antonov said those words. I shook my head and pulled my hair because I know I’ve been lost a while ago.   “Her beauty is so captivating, right?” Antonov said while caressing her hair. I could see the joy in his eyes while they were holding hands.   I tried so hard to prevent looking at her because she has this extreme effect on me. I focused on Antonov who is still talking at the rest of us.   “What are we doing here? Are we now going to the other world you’re saying?” Maria asked and I don’t know if my eyes are kidding me but I think I saw her rolled her eyes and hissed at Arielle.   “Hey, stop asking that. This beautiful lady might know that...” Remus stopped talking when Arielle taps his back and smiles at us.   “Don’t worry, I know all of your secrets...” She turned her head at me when saying those last lines. I took a deep breath and remove all the negative thoughts I’m having on my mind. There is something telling me that this is all wrong but I’m sure it’s not because the girl in front of us is so sweet and gentle and also...   I looked at Antonov whose eyes clearly shows that he is in love with her. This is the first time I saw him show too much emotion and affection just because of a single woman.   “Stop looking hon, their teasing us...” She looks so embarrass while laughing at him. Antonov didn’t stop and continue staring at her as if she means the world to him.   “Let them be... They just don’t know what I feel especially that the woman in my dreams is now in front of me.”   I froze when I heard what he said. Memories of him mentioning something about a dream starts replaying on my mind but something is wrong... My head is getting messed up with information and shows other scenarios I’d never knew I had.   A picture of a girl with long brunette hair and hazel eyes keeps replaying on my mind. Her smiling face is stucked on my mind and her laughs echoed in my ear and that is the most beautiful laugh I ever heard. I closed my eyes tightly and took a couple of deep breath while calming myself. My heart beats fast upon having those thoughts and I don’t even know who that girl is.   I’m sure I never met her before but...   Haven’t I?   The only possible answer will either be she’s just random or I met her before or...   It’s not my memories but the owner of this vessel himself.   “Nathan...” I manage to turn my head on their call even when I’m still in daze.   “I said come on. The portal to Licht divisio is behind that mountain over there.” He pointed a big mountain covered with thick clouds above. The sea is a distance hindering us from getting there easily as the waves are raging hard.   “The boat is waiting for us. Come...” -- The sound of the waves splashing on our boat and the smell of sea breeze filled my nostril. We are already halfway through and I can clearly see an unusual whirlpool that is glowing in light blue.   The waves became more aggressive as we are progressing near it. The ride is starting to get bumpy as higher and bigger waves attacks our boat.   “This is one of their ways to keep mere mortals away from the portal. If they’ll survive, then they will manage to get to the other world... Depending on which divisio would they go but hey... Don’t you worry, I know all of you have abilities and I’m sure you’ll get to Caelum in no time.” Antonov said and stand from his seat when the boat stop. We are now in front of the whirlpool and the sea breeze and waves are calmer on this side.   We passed...   “Come on... Jump and let the waters take you to where you really belong,” he motioned us to stand on the edge of the boat and pointed at the pattern the whirlpool is producing. It is moving in circles upwards and the blue glow is brighter on the top side.   “Wait... You’re coming with us, right? You’re words seemed off or maybe I’m paranoid but... You’re coming with us, right?” Mica asked, starting to become confuse especially when Antonov shook his head and slightly smiled.   “I’ve done my mission to gather all of you and travel back to Caelum safely...” He softly said and held Arielle’s hand and kissed it.   “It’s now my time to finish my mission to her and that is to marry and have a life with her.”   I froze and unbelievably look at him. His eyes speaks with so much passion I never seen before.   “B-But... You’re still coming back to the other side, right?” I slowly uttered. He just smiled as a response and helped the rest jump safely as they start moving with the current’s path.   “It’s just you who are left, Nathan. Come now...” He said and taps me lightly at the back. Our memories together starts flashing back on my mind and before I speak another word, he pushed me. The only memory I have left is him smiling as I got carried away by the waters.  
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