Chapter 68

1757 Words
Third Person’s POV “Can you feel that?” A men in his long, gray beard asked the man in the black cloak. The smell of blood in the air combined with their screams of anguish are bringing joy to their hearts. They can’t help but smile as dusts from different parts of the land are being carried by the wind in front of them. The dusts suddenly combines again and shows body of unconscious people they gathered for the night.   “We’re almost there...” The man in the black cloak said while walking his way to the bodies. His attention turned to the new dusts coming and saw four people with different clothes than them.   “Ooh, we’ve got newcomers...” He said and walk his way to their direction. He stood there and examine them one by one. Fascinated by the muscles of the men and beauty of the two ladies laying in there. He motioned one of the slaves and pointed at the two woman in front of them.   “Bring them to the room. You know what to do...” His voice is stern and has sent shiver to everyone who hears it. Four slaves hurriedly went to the girls and carried them away from the site and go to the room where women like them are brought. Other slaves grabs the body of women all over the place and followed them while the men all remain lying on the ground.   “What shall we do with them, Lord?” A slave asked while he bow. The man wearing a black cloak which is called Lord just flinched with his question and pushed him. The man already has weak knees due to intense starving that he immediately fall into the group of unconscious man on the ground.   “The usual... Prepare the ladies and kill these men, including you.” The slave tried to resist but he was injected a drug that made him collapsed and faint immediately. Lord smiled at the sight when they become distracted by the shout from the side.   “Lord, look here...” Commotion is beginning to be built at the new dust coming from outside. It starts to compress and change in form that made them all shock.   “Is that...”   They all paved way for the Lord to see what is happening. A dead, white mean is in front of them. He has white beard that is now tainted with blood as his body starts turning cyanotic. The healers from the area tried listening to his pulse but he shook his head and slowly draw away as the gray-bearded man comes forward.   “N-No...”   “Who did this to you!” His words echoed all over the place and all the watchers bow their heads while watching one of the high members of their organization mad and crying for the loss of his brother.   Lord roams his eyes around and stops at the two young men that is their new victims. There is no trace of blood from them and they were sleeping peacefully due to the drug induced to them.   “There is someone...” He muttered and all of the attention turned to him. He roams his eyes on the new dusts that are falling on the floor and shifting back to their original appearance but none of them caught his attention.   He went back to the windows and stare blankly at the curse land in front of him. He then turned his head to one of his trusted guard and said in full of authority.   “Prepare the guards and the security. We are going to welcome more people in our land...” He said while smirking as he watches a foreign car entering their vicinity. -- “Where the hell could they be?” Ethan asked in a low voice while roaming his eyes far and wide to every land they went.   Nathan opened the car doors and went out. Maria did the same and Ethan has no other choice but to park his vehicle somewhere hidden to prevent it from getting stolen by unknown creatures lurking in this land.   “Why do we need to walk when we can fly and search for them?” Ethan asked. Nathan slowly turn his head to look at him intently.   “We are not from this land, and a damn floating vehicle in the middle of this place will just create more suspicion and brings more enemy to us.” He said in a stern voice. Ethan scratched the back of his head and grabs the weapons he made and gave to the both of them.   “For emergency purposes...” He said and gave them a mechanical gun he created himself.   “I only made three of those so... You’re lucky to bear the other two,” he said with full of pride and continued walking beside Nathan.   Maria on the other hand, is walking behind them. Her eyes are piercing through their backs as multiple ideas come and take over her head. She shook her head and tried calming down those thoughts by inhaling and exhaling slowly. When Nathan looks back, she just smiled at them and urged them to go on while she is organizing her thoughts.   She stops walking for a while and stare at the big bright moon just above them. It shines brightly that everyone will be fascinated to see... But not just for them who experienced this tragedy under its bright light.   ‘I just want my sister to save me and know the truth but...   Now I’m ready to let go and hide the truth just to save her...’ -- “They are now approaching near our camp, my Lord...” A servant announced while bowing his head. The man on the cloak just signaled his hand and motions him to move away as he watched three people approaching closer to them.   A smirk formed on his lips as they are now accompanied by one of his trusted person. He raised his head and watch the big bright moon above them and stifle a laugh.   “New souls will be offered tonight...” -- “According to what I know about Tarnen, there are different parts or dimensions of it just like in the Licht... I have problems in explaining but I heard that the land we go to depends on the classification of our ability. There are like dimensions for angels and demons and also for psychic and magicians like us. I really don’t know how they did it to let it run simultaneously like a video game and –“   Ethan stopped talking when he spotted a man weakly walking closer to them. He is just wearing a small rag that covers his s*x but his overall body is covered with blood stain.   “H-Help me...” He pleaded as he falls to the cold ground and on to the broken twigs and fallen leaves.   Nathan, Maria and Ethan hurriedly went to his direction to tend his wounds. Nathan shook his head as he saw how deep the wound goes and it won’t stop bleeding no matter how hard Ethan pressed.   “Come on, Nathan. Help me in putting pressure to this,” Ethan urged him but Nathan just stood in there watching the man getting all pale due to loss of blood.   “You’ve been like that before...” He said that made Ethan stopped. He looked at Nathan with confusion in his eyes but the latter didn’t say a word.   Maria stepped in and helped Ethan do the work while Nathan opened his bag pack and get the first aid kit out of there. He handed it to Maria who just nodded at him and continue stopping him from bleeding and then cleaning him up after.   “Why didn’t you help him? You helped me before on the same situation but why can’t you do that now?” Ethan asked. Fully confused to what is happening right now. Nathan sighed while Maria gently caress his arm to stop him.   “He’ll kill him more if he touched him.” She slowly said and cleans up all the garbage and threw it on the side.   “He didn’t kill me bef—“   “H-Help us... H-Help my f-family...” The man tried speaking while gasping for breath. Nathan went closer to him to hear him better.   “What are you doing in here and who did this to you?” He asked but the man shook his head slowly and continue what he was saying.   “W-We are captives... T-They sacrifice us. More d-dust are c-coming and they...” Maria stepped in and hold the man in his shoulders tighter. She shake his body trying to seek for more answers but Ethan stopped him and let Nathan handle him.   “Dust? Did you mean the dusts that are from the people?” He nodded twice in agreement and pointed at the direction where they can’t see anything but a block of thick wooden trees.   “Come on!” Maria shouts and ran towards that direction. Nathan was late to stop her while Ethan carefully holds the man and lean him onto the big trunk of the tree. He made sure he was okay before running and chasing Maria who is incredibly fast as she approaches the direction the man pointed at.   Meanwhile, Nathan eyed the man carefully. Reading everything about him but his doubts grow when he smirked and looks directly at him.   “Finally...The sacrifice are now complete.”   Nathan didn’t think twice and landed his fist on him. The man’s lips bleed but he still manage to laugh and mock him. Nathan strangled him using his hands and grip his neck tighter.   “What do you mean? What the hell is happening?” He asked full of anger in his eyes. The man is already losing his breath while Nathan sucks the energy out of him.   He focused his attention to the man who is already dying and whispers his last words while Maria’s screaming voice could be heard from the woods.   “The sacrifice is now complete and...   You’re the last one to complete the piece.”
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